Gerhard Christopher von Krogh, Colonel

Gerhard Christopher von Krogh, Colonel

Mann 1839 -

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Generasjon: 1

  1. 1.  Gerhard Christopher von Krogh, Colonel ble født 14 Nov 1839 , Bergen, Hordaland, Norway; ble døpt 19 Jan 1840 , Nykirken (sønn av Bernhardus Arnoldus von Krogh, Captain og Methe Johanna Lembach Faye).


    {geni:about_me} '''Gerhard Christopher von Krogh''', Oberst og Bankbestyrer

    Wife: [ Anna Sybelle Florentnie Nygaard]


    # [ Bernhardus Arnoldus von Krogh] - 1 Dec 1872 - Korskirken, Bergen
    # [ Jorgen Nygaard Faye von Krogh] - 1 Dec 1872 - Korskirken, Bergen

    Wife: [ Thora Regine Klementine Neumann]


    # [ Eva von Krogh] - 27 Feb 1881 - Oslo
    # [ Sverre von Krogh] - 11 Mar 1883 - Oslo
    # Gerda von Krogh b: 1885 d: 1886


    * [ Gerhard Christoph von Krogh]

    * [ Folketelling 1891 for Bergen]

    * [ 1900-telling for 1301 Bergen]

    * Folketelling 1910 for Bergen kjøpstad: [ Gerhard Krogh]

    * Norsk Wikipedia: [ Sverre Krogh]

    ===Parish register===

    * Birth and baptism records men 1840, Bergen county, Nykirken, Parish register (official) nr. A 12 (1821-1844), page 115: [ Gerhard Christopher von Krogh] - 14 Nov 1839 - Bergen

    * Marriage records 1871, Østfold county, Moss, Parish register (official) nr. I 10 (1870-1877) page 201, Entry # 21: [ Gerhard Christopher von Krogh - Anna Sybelle Florentine Nygaard] - 20 Oct 1871 - Moss, Østfold

    * Birth and baptism records men 1873, Bergen county, Korskirken, Parish register (official) nr. B 6 (1871-1878), page 44: [ Bernhardus Arnoldusvon Krogh] - 1 Dec 1872 - Bergen (son)

    * Birth and baptism records men 1873, Bergen county, Korskirken, Parish register (official) nr. B 6 (1871-1878), page 44: [ Jorgen Nygaard Fayevon Krogh] - 1 Dec 1872 - Bergen (son)

    * Marriage records 1880, Oslo county, Trefoldighet, Parish register (official) nr. III 2 (1874-1881), page 173: [ Gerhard Christopher Krogh - Thora Regine Klementine Neumann] - 8 May 1880 - Trefoldighet Kirke, Oslo

    * Birth and baptism records 1881, Oslo county, Trefoldighet, Parish register (official) nr. I 5 (1881-1891), page 13: [ Eva von Krogh] - 27 Feb 1881 - Oslo (daughter)

    * Birth and baptism records 1883, Oslo county, Johannes, Parish register (official) nr. 3 (1882-1896), page 23: [ Sverre von Krogh] - 11 Mar 1883 - Baptism: 8 Jun 1883 - Oslo (son)

    Church of Norway

    Infant Baptism as part of the High Mass or other services.

    Before the service begins, parents and godparents take their place in church, except for the person carrying the child. When the child is brought in, one other person may accompany the one who carries the child. The baptismal party may be led into church by the verger or another representative of the congregation who may carry the baptismal ewer and place it on the font. The baptismal party take their place according to local custom. While the child is brought in, suitable instrumental or vocal music may be performed. The baptismal hymn, may be sung after the child has been brought in. The baptismal head covering is removed before the child is carried to the baptismal font. Duringthe baptism itself, only the first name of the child should be used.
    The priest wears a stole of the seasonal liturgical colour. This order of baptism is also to be used when baptism takes place immediately after the service.

    {P} Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

    {P} This congregation will today receive this child/these children in the House of God. Through baptism God will give him/her/them a share in His salvation and will bring him/her/them into His Christian Church.

    The priest may then give a short address, and may end it with the words of John 3,16, or use this scripture reading on its own.

    {P} For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3,16

    Baptismal hymn

    The command to baptize

    {P} Let us hear the commandment of our Lord Jesus Christ about Holy Baptism: All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the day. Matthew 28,18-20

    Let us hear with what kindness Jesus receives the children and welcomes them into the kingdom of God: And they were bringing children to him, that he might touch them; and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw it, he wasindignant, and said to them, "Let the children come to me, do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it." And he tookthem in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands upon them. Mark 10,13-16 Thus we bring our children with gratitude and faith to the Lord in Holy Baptism. They are born with the sin and guilt of humankind, but through Holy Baptism they become children of God, born again by the Holy Spirit.

    The obligation of Baptism

    {P} Will parents and godparents please stand.

    {P} You who bring this/these child/children to Christ today, are to be witnesses that he/she/they are baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Together with this congregation and the whole Church, you share in a holy responsibility: to pray for the child/children, to teach him/her/them to pray, and to help him/her/them to use the word of God and the eucharist, so that he/she/they may remain with Christ when he/she/they grows/grow up, just as he/she/they is/are united with him in Baptism. Parents and godparents remain standing.

    The Renunciation and the Creed

    {P} Let us renounce the devil and confess the faith into which we baptize our children.

    The congregation stands.

    {A} I renounce the devil and all his works and all his being.
    I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.
    I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.
    He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.
    He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.
    He descended to the dead.
    On the third day he rose again.
    He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
    He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
    I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.

    All sit.


    The water is poured into the font.

    {P} at the font: Let us pray.
    Lord Jesus Christ, you have said that no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born anew by water and the Spirit: we thank you that through your word the baptismal water is a well of grace, in which we are united with you, and given a share in the victory you won by your death and resurrection. Now we come at your word, and pray: Lord, may this new birth come through your creative Spirit.

    The child/children (if there are several, each child individually) is brought to the baptismal font. Parents and godparents stand.
    According to custom, parents and godparents may come forward to the baptismal font.

    {P} What is the name of this child?

    The first name is given by the person holding the child.

    {P} Is it your desire that (child's first name) shall be baptized in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and be brought up in the way of Christian renunciation and faith?
    The person holding the child answers: Yes.

    {P} God preserve your going out and your coming in now and for ever. I make upon you the sign of the holy cross, {+} as a testimony that you shall belong to the crucified and resurrected Jesus Christ and believe in Him.
    The sign of the cross is made from the forehead to the breast and from side to side.

    {P} According to the word and commandment of our Lord Jesus Christ, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
    As this is said, the priest pours water three times on the child's head.

    {P} places his hand on the child's head and says:
    Almighty God has now given you His Holy Spirit, made you His child, and received you into His congregation of believers. May He give you strength through His grace, until you come to everlasting life. Peace be with you.

    Praise and prayer

    When all have been baptized, the priest says from the lectern or another place in the chancel:

    Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! By his great mercy we have been born anew to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead! 1 Pet 1,3

    {P} Let us pray the Lord's prayer together.
    {A} Our Father, who art in heaven,
    hallowed be thy name;
    thy kingdom come;
    thy will be done;
    on earth as it is in heaven.
    Give us this day our daily bread.
    And forgive us our trespasses,
    as we forgive those who trespass against us.
    And lead us not into temptation;
    but deliver us from evil.
    For thine is the kingdom,
    the power, and the glory,
    for ever and ever.


    When the Eucharist follows, this will be the hymn before the Eucharist. When there is no Eucharist, this will be the final hymn.

Generasjon: 2

  1. 2.  Bernhardus Arnoldus von Krogh, Captain ble født 3 Jan 1801 , Bergen, Hordaland, Norge (sønn av Gerhard Christopher von Krogh og Ulrika Frederikke Catharina Barth); døde 25 Sep 1852, Bergen, Hordaland, Norge; ble begravet 25 Sep 1852, Bergen, Hordaland, Norway.


    {geni:occupation} Skipskaptein.

    {geni:about_me} Bernhardus Arnoldus von Krogh, Skibsfører

    Bernhardus giftet seg med Methe Johanna Lembach Faye 12 Aug 1836, Bergen, Hordaland, Norway. Methe ble født 15 Jun 1815 , Bergen, Hordaland, Norge; døde 5 Jan 1900, Bergen, Hordaland, Norge. [Gruppeskjema] [Familiediagram]

  2. 3.  Methe Johanna Lembach Faye ble født 15 Jun 1815 , Bergen, Hordaland, Norge; døde 5 Jan 1900, Bergen, Hordaland, Norge.
    1. 1. Gerhard Christopher von Krogh, Colonel ble født 14 Nov 1839 , Bergen, Hordaland, Norway; ble døpt 19 Jan 1840 , Nykirken.
    2. Ulrika Frederika von Krogh ble født 21 Apr 1841 , Nykirken; ble døpt 21 Mai 1841; døde cirka 1920.
    3. Christen Faye von Krogh ble født 1 Okt 1848 , Bergen, Hordaland, Norway; ble døpt 29 Okt 1848 , Bergen Domkirken; døde cirka 1902.

Generasjon: 3

  1. 4.  Gerhard Christopher von Krogh ble født 19 Mar 1764 , Hogganvik (sønn av Søren de Fine von Krogh, Generalmajor og Anna Marie de Stockfleth); døde 10 Mai 1844, Bergen, Hordaland, Norway; ble begravet 17 Mai 1844.

    Gerhard giftet seg med Ulrika Frederikke Catharina Barth 21 Nov 1793, Vikedal. Ulrika (datter av Georg Daniel von Barth og Marthe "Maria" Cathrine Weybye) ble født 18 Nov 1769 , Hjelmeland, Rogaland, Norway; døde 21 Okt 1828, Vikedal. [Gruppeskjema] [Familiediagram]

  2. 5.  Ulrika Frederikke Catharina Barth ble født 18 Nov 1769 , Hjelmeland, Rogaland, Norway (datter av Georg Daniel von Barth og Marthe "Maria" Cathrine Weybye); døde 21 Okt 1828, Vikedal.


    {geni:about_me} '''Ulrika Frederikke Catharina von Krogh''' (Barth)

    ===Parish Register===

    * Birth and baptism records 1769, Rogaland county, Hjelmeland, Fister, Årdal in Hjelmeland, Parish register (official) nr. A 1 (1760-1799), page 30-31: [ Ulricha Fridericha Catharina Barth] - Nov 1769 - Hjelmeland

    1. Anna Catharina von Krogh ble født cirka 1795; døde cirka 1796.
    2. Sören Georg Daniel de Fine von Krogh ble født 1 Nov 1796 , Vikedal, Rogaland, Norway; døde 14 Okt 1870, Flekkefjord, Vest-Agder, Norway; ble begravet 21 Okt 1870, Nes.
    3. 2. Bernhardus Arnoldus von Krogh, Captain ble født 3 Jan 1801 , Bergen, Hordaland, Norge; døde 25 Sep 1852, Bergen, Hordaland, Norge; ble begravet 25 Sep 1852, Bergen, Hordaland, Norway.

Generasjon: 4

  1. 8.  Søren de Fine von Krogh, Generalmajor ble født 6 Nov 1725 , Vikedal (sønn av Christopher von Krogh, til Haagenvig og Maria de Fine); døde 11 Feb 1795, Vikedal, Vindafjord, Rogaland, Norway.


    {geni:occupation} Generalmajor

    {geni:about_me} '''Soren de Fine von Krogh''', (1725-1795)

    Søren like his father, was a career military officer holding the rank of Major General in Command of the troops at Stavanger during the "Seven Years War". In 1743 he held the rank of petty officer, In 1745, Ensign at the 2nd Vesterlehn Infantry Regiment, In 1747 he was 1st Lieutenant, and 1751 Captain, In 1752 he held the rank of Company Commander, in 1756 Major. and 1761 1st Major, In 1766 took leave with half pay, Then in 1769 he returned and held the rank of Lieutenant Colonel at the 2nd Bergenhus National Regiment, In 1787 he became Major General. He subsequently was discharged 1789 and died Feb. 11, 1795, He was buried on March 4, of the same year in Vikedal; His 1st marriageto Anna Marie Stockfleth, and his 2nd marriage March 16, 1774 in Vikedal was to Catherina Nikolova Frorup, He sired fourteen children.

    Father: Christopher von Krogh - 1685
    Mother: Maria de Fine - 1698

    ===Wife 1===

    * [ Catharina Nikolava Frørup]

    Married: 16 MAR 1774


    # [ Sören de Fine von Krogh] b: 21 Nov 1773 in Vikedal ('''ok''')
    # [ Hans Christian Frörup von Krogh] b: 11 May 1775 in Vikedal, Norway ('''ok''')
    # Bernhardus Arnoldus von Krogh b: 30 Sep 1776 in Hoggenvik, Vikedal ('''fix''' merge&private)
    # [ Anna Maria Margaretha von Krogh] b: 1778 ('''ok''')
    # [ Christiane Sophia Fasting von Krogh] b: 1780 ('''ok''')
    # [ Birgitte Marie Elizabeth von Krogh] b: 1781 ('''ok''')

    Extra [ child] but wrong mother. Have asked manager to delete it.

    ===Wife 2===

    * [ Anne Marie Stockfleth] - 15 Nov 1734

    Married: 1758


    # [ Maria de Fine Baade (von Krogh)] b: 30 Mar 1759 ('''ok''')
    # [ Johanne Marie von Barth (von Krogh)] b: 21 Jun 1760 ('''ok''')
    # [ Christopher von Krogh] 1761 ('''ok''')
    # [ Fredrich Stockfleth von Krogh] - Oct 1762 - ('''ok''')
    # [ Gerhard Christoph von Krogh] b: 1764 ('''ok''')
    # [ Anna Catharina von Krogh] b: 1765 ('''ok''')
    # [ George Frederich von Krogh] b: 1766 ('''ok''')
    # [ Anna Catharina von Krogh] b: 31 OCT 1768 ('''ok''')


    * [ Soren de Fine von Krogh] Maj General

    ===Parish Register===

    * Confirmation records 1737-1739, Rogaland county, Vikedal, Parish register (official) nr. A 1 (1737-1778), page 670-671: [ Soren de Fine von Krogh] - 1739 - Vikedal

    Søren giftet seg med Anna Marie de Stockfleth cirka 1758. Anna ble født 15 Nov 1734 , Drammen, Buskerud, Norway; døde 1 Aug 1769, Vikedal, Rogaland, Norway; ble begravet , Vikedal, Rogaland, Norge. [Gruppeskjema] [Familiediagram]

  2. 9.  Anna Marie de Stockfleth ble født 15 Nov 1734 , Drammen, Buskerud, Norway; døde 1 Aug 1769, Vikedal, Rogaland, Norway; ble begravet , Vikedal, Rogaland, Norge.


    {geni:about_me} Daughter of Fredrick de Stockfleth and Anna Catharina Walcker and Wife of Søren de Fine von Krogh

    Children of Anna Marie Stockfleth and Søren De Fine Von Krogh are:

    *Friderich Stockfleth Von Krogh, b. 08 Oct 1762, HAAGENVIG, VIKEDAL, NORWAY, d. 03 Dec 1836.

    *Gerhardt Christoph Von Krogh, b. 19 Mar 1764, Hogganvik, Vikedal, Norway, d. 10 May 1844, Bergen, Norway.

    *Marie De Fine Baade Von Krogh, b. 30 Mar 1759, Hogganvik, Vikedal, Norway, d. 17 Oct 1788, Barselseng.

    *Johanne Maria von Barth Von Krogh, b. 21 Jun 1760, Hogganvik, Vikedal, Norway, d. 1850.

    *Anna Catharina Von Krogh, b. 31 Oct 1768, Hogganvik, Vikedal, Norway, d. 1845.

    *Christoph Von Krogh, b. 09 Jul 1761, Hogganvik, Vikedal, Norway, d. 04 Nov 1785.

    *Georg Frederich Von Krogh, b. 1766, Hogganvik, Vikedal, Norway, d. 1789.

    PDF of the Stockfleth Family Tree

    1. Maria de Fine von Krogh ble født cirka 1759; døde cirka 1788.
    2. Johanne Marie von Krogh ble født cirka 1760; døde cirka 1850.
    3. Christoph von Krogh ble født cirka 1761; døde cirka 1785.
    4. Fredrik Stockfleth de Fine von Krogh ble født 8 Okt 1762 , Hågenvik Gård, Rogaland, Norge; døde 3 Des 1836, Vikedal, Norway; ble begravet , Vikedal.
    5. 4. Gerhard Christopher von Krogh ble født 19 Mar 1764 , Hogganvik; døde 10 Mai 1844, Bergen, Hordaland, Norway; ble begravet 17 Mai 1844.
    6. Anna Catharina von Krogh ble født cirka 1765; døde cirka 1767.
    7. Georg Frederich von Krogh ble født cirka 1766 , Hågnevik; døde cirka 1789.
    8. Anna Catharina von Krogh ble født 31 Okt 1768 , Vikedal; døde cirka 1845.
    9. B. von Krogh

  3. 10.  Georg Daniel von Barth ble født 16 Des 1725 , Oslo, Norway (sønn av Jonas von Barth og Dorthea Hansdatter Aarhus); døde 27 Jul 1782, Hjelmeland, Rogaland, Norway.


    {geni:occupation} Kanselliråd og Sorenskriver i Ryfylke

    {geni:about_me} '''Georg Daniel Barth''', til Knudsviggaard

    ''Wife 1'': [ Karen Sibylla Rødder]


    # [ Christiane Frideriche Munthe (Barth)]
    # [ Charlotte Marthina Johnsen (Barth)]

    ''Wife 2'': [ Marthe "Maria" Cathrine Weybye]


    # [ Karen Sybilla Abel (Barth)] - 1 September 1768 - Hjelmeland
    # [ Ulrika Frederikke Catharina von Krogh (Barth)] - 18 November 1769 - Hjelmeland
    # [ Anna Marie von Krogh (Barth)] - 11 March 1771 - Hjelmeland
    # [ Thomas Friderich Weybye Barth] - 14 Feb 1772 - Hjelmeland
    # [ Johan Caspar Barth] - 3 April 1773 - Hjelmeland
    # [ Henrich Wilhelm Barth] - 2 Jun 1774 - Hjelmeland
    # [ Georgina Marie Barth] - 11 Jan 1776 - Hjelmeland
    # [ Fridedrikke Margrethe Povisk Barth] - 1777 ? - Hjelmeland
    # [ Ulrik Fredrik Barth] - 28 May 1778 - Hjelmeland
    # [ Catharina Barth] - 20 October 1779 - Hjelmeland
    # [ Georg Daniel Barth] - 21 July 1782 - Hjelmeland

    ===Parish register===

    * Birth and baptism records 1726, Oslo county, Oslo Domkirke / Vår Frelsers menighet, Parish register (official) nr. 2 (1705-1730), page 332: [ Georg Daniel Barth] - 16 Dec 1725 - Oslo

    * Death not found 1782 Hjelmeland

    * Marriage not found for wife 1 and 2 at Hjelmeland.


    * [ Knutsvik farm on Jøsneset]

    * [ Georg Daniel Barth]

    * [ Portraits of Members of the Barth von und zu Harmating und Eurasburg Family]

    * [ Karte Barth]

    Georg giftet seg med Marthe "Maria" Cathrine Weybye 18 Nov 1767. Marthe ble født 28 Aug 1749 , Nedstrand, Rogaland, Norge; døde 30 Jun 1826, Ryfylke, Hjelmeland, Rogaland, Norge. [Gruppeskjema] [Familiediagram]

  4. 11.  Marthe "Maria" Cathrine Weybye ble født 28 Aug 1749 , Nedstrand, Rogaland, Norge; døde 30 Jun 1826, Ryfylke, Hjelmeland, Rogaland, Norge.


    {geni:about_me} Kilde Digitalarkivet
    Folketelling 1801 for Hjelmeland
    Post 55
    Bodde på gården Knudsvig Søre

    Ble også kalt Maria

    1. Karen Sybilla Barth ble født 1 Sep 1768 , Hjelmeland, Rogaland, Norway; døde 25 Jan 1850, Vanse,.
    2. 5. Ulrika Frederikke Catharina Barth ble født 18 Nov 1769 , Hjelmeland, Rogaland, Norway; døde 21 Okt 1828, Vikedal.
    3. Anna Marie von Barth ble født 11 Mar 1771 , Hjelmeland, Rogaland, Norway; døde 9 Des 1858, Vikedal, Vindafjord, Rogaland, Norge; ble begravet , Vikedal, Rogaland, Norway.
    4. Thomas Friderich Weybye Barth ble født 14 Feb 1772 , Knudsviggaard; ble døpt 19 Feb 1772 , Hjelmeland, Rogaland, Norway; døde 7 Feb 1842, Oslo, Norway.
    5. Johan Caspar Barth ble født 3 Apr 1773 , Hjelmeland, Rogaland, Norway; døde cirka 1856.
    6. Henrich Wilhelm Barth ble født 2 Jun 1774 , Hjelmeland, Rogaland, Norway.
    7. Georgina Marie Barth ble født 11 Jan 1776 , Hjelmeland, Rogaland, Norway.
    8. Fridedrikke Margrethe Povisk Barth ble født cirka 1777; døde cirka 1863.
    9. Ulrik Fredrik Barth ble født 28 Mai 1778 , Hjelmeland, Rogaland, Norway; døde 24 Des 1867.
    10. Catharina Barth ble født 20 Okt 1779 , Hjelmeland, Rogaland, Norway; ble døpt 12 Nov 1779 , Hjelmeland, Rogaland, Norway; døde 29 Okt 1857.
    11. Georg Daniel Barth ble født 21 Jul 1782 , Knudsviggaard; ble døpt 27 Jul 1782 , Hjelmeland, Rogaland, Norway; døde 21 Jan 1834.