Karl Gustaf von Holstein-Gottorp, Prins

Karl Gustaf von Holstein-Gottorp, Prins

Mann 1782 - 1783  (0 år)

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Generasjon: 1

  1. 1.  Karl Gustaf von Holstein-Gottorp, Prins ble født 25 Aug 1782 , Schloss Drottningholm (sønn av Gustav III von Holstein-Gottorp, Kung av Sverige og Sophia Magdalena Oldenburg, Drottning av Sverige); døde 23 Mar 1783, Stockholm, Sverige.


    *[http://thepeerage.com/p11042.htm#i110417 The Peerage]
    *[http://www.geneall.net/W/per_page.php?id=397903 Geneall]
    *[http://www.hansdenyngre.dk/hans_uk/wizg16.htm#325 Johann the Younger #782]

Generasjon: 2

  1. 2.  Gustav III von Holstein-Gottorp, Kung av Sverige ble født 24 Jan 1746 , Riddarholmen (sønn av Adolf Friedrich von Holstein-Gottorp, Kung av Sverige og Lovisa Ulrika Hohenzollern, Drottning av Sverige); døde 29 Mar 1792, Stockholm Slott; ble begravet , Riddarholmskyrkan.


    {geni:occupation} konung av Sverige (12 February 1771 - 29 March 1792), kronprins av Sverige (25 March 1751 - 12 February 1771), prins av Sverige, Rey de Suecia 1771-1792, Svensk kung 1771-1792, Kung i Sverige 1771-92, Kung 1771-, King of Sweden

    {geni:about_me} ==Links:==

    *[http://thepeerage.com/p10350.htm#i103491 The Peerage]
    *[http://www.geneall.net/W/per_page.php?id=14466 Geneall]
    *[http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GScid=1969249&GRid=8509083& Find a Grave]
    *[http://www.historiesajten.se/visainfo.asp?id=68 Historiesajtens] In Swedish
    *'''Wikipedia:''' [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gustav_III_of_Sweden English] [http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gustav_III Svenska]
    *'''King of Sweden''' Reign 12. February 1771 X 29 March 1792, Coronation 29 May 1772
    >'''Predecessor:''' [http://www.geni.com/profile/index/4369404 Adolf Frederick ] '''Successor:''' [http://www.geni.com/profile/index/4107368 Gustav IV Adolf]

    When Gustav succeeded his father, the power of the monarchy had been
    greatly curtailed, and the national assembly, the Riksdag, was torn by
    intense party strife. After failing to reconcile the divided factions,
    Gustav decided to regain complete control of the government for the
    monarchy. With the help of the army he staged a mock revolt in 1772 and
    forced the Riksdag to accept a new constitution that gave him absolute
    power. He then instituted a series of financial and judicial reforms to
    correct corruption in high office, grant freedom of the press and complete
    religious toleration, and enlarge the navy, making it one of the strongest
    in Europe. In 1788 he undertook an inconclusive war with Russia that was
    marked by treason among the nobility at home and mutiny among his troops.
    A Swedish naval victory in 1790, however, destroyed a third of the Russian
    fleet and enabled him to end the war on terms favorable to Sweden. While
    preparing to intervene in the French Revolution in 1792, Gustav was
    assassinated in a plot conceived by hostile nobles. A patron of
    literature, art, and science, he founded the Swedish Academy in 1786.


    Gustav giftet seg med Sophia Magdalena Oldenburg, Drottning av Sverige 1 Okt 1766, Christiansborg. Sophia (datter av Frederik V af Danmark og Norge von Oldenburg, Konge af Danmark og Norge og Louise of Great Britain, Dronning af Danmark og Norge) ble født 3 Jul 1746 , Christiansborg Slot; ble døpt 4 Jul 1746 , Christiansborg Slot, Copenhagen; døde 21 Aug 1813, Ulriksdals slott; ble begravet , Riddarholmskyrkan. [Gruppeskjema] [Familiediagram]

  2. 3.  Sophia Magdalena Oldenburg, Drottning av Sverige ble født 3 Jul 1746 , Christiansborg Slot; ble døpt 4 Jul 1746 , Christiansborg Slot, Copenhagen (datter av Frederik V af Danmark og Norge von Oldenburg, Konge af Danmark og Norge og Louise of Great Britain, Dronning af Danmark og Norge); døde 21 Aug 1813, Ulriksdals slott; ble begravet , Riddarholmskyrkan.


    {geni:occupation} Drottning i Sverige 1772-92, Reina consorte de Gustav III de Suecia 1766-1792, Dansk prinsessa, Svensk drottning 1771-1792

    {geni:about_me} *Sophie Magdalene von Oldenburg, Princess(Prinsesse) of Denmark and Norway
    *Crown Princess of Sweden 1766 - 1772
    *Queen Consort (Drottning) of Sweden 1772 - 1792


    *[http://thepeerage.com/p10368.htm#i103676 The Peerage]
    *[http://www.geneall.net/W/per_page.php?id=10131 Geneall]
    *[http://www.hansdenyngre.dk/hans_uk/wizg16.htm#325 Johann the Younger #628]
    *'''Wikipedia:''' [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sophia_Magdalena_of_Denmark English ] [http://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sofia_Magdalena_af_Danmark Dansk ] [http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sofia_Magdalena_av_Danmark Svenska]

    1. Gustav IV Adolf av Sverige Kung av Sverige, Kung av Sverige ble født 1 Nov 1778 , Stockholm, Sverige; døde 7 Feb 1837, St. Gallien, Suisse; ble begravet , Riddarholmskyrkan.
    2. 1. Karl Gustaf von Holstein-Gottorp, Prins ble født 25 Aug 1782 , Schloss Drottningholm; døde 23 Mar 1783, Stockholm, Sverige.

Generasjon: 3

  1. 4.  Adolf Friedrich von Holstein-Gottorp, Kung av Sverige ble født 14 Mai 1710 , Schloss Gottorp; ble døpt , Holstein - Duke of Holstein Bishop of Lubeck (sønn av Christian August von Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorp, Fürstbischof zu Lübeck og Albertina Frederika Zähringen, Prinzessin von Holstein-Gottorp); døde 12 Feb 1771, Stockholms slott; ble begravet 7 Mar 1771, Riddarholmskyrkan.


    {geni:occupation} Kung i Sverige 1751-71, kronprins av Sverige (23 June 1743 - 25 March 1751), konung av Sverige (25 March 1751 - 12 February 1771), Svensk kung 1751-1771, Konge, Kung i Sverige1751-1771, Svensk kung 1751-

    {geni:about_me} ==Links:==
    *[http://thepeerage.com/p10846.htm#i108454The Peerage]
    *[http://www.geneall.net/W/per_page.php?id=4928 Geneall]
    *[http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GScid=1969249&GRid=8509061& Find a Grave]
    *'''King of Sweden:''' Reign 25 March 1751 X 12 February 1771 Coronation 26 November 1751
    >'''Predecessor:''' [http://www.geni.com/people/Landgrave-Frederick-of-Hesse-Kassel/6000000001368230897 Frederick I] '''Successor:''' [http://www.geni.com/people/Gustav-III-av-Sverige/4107259 Gustav III]
    *'''Wikipedia:''' [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Frederick_of_Sweden English ] [http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Fredrik Svenska ] [http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Friedrich_(Schweden)_ Deutsch]

    Adolf giftet seg med Lovisa Ulrika Hohenzollern, Drottning av Sverige 17 Jul 1744, Berlin, Preussen, Deutschland(HRR). Lovisa ble født 24 Jul 1720 , Berlin, Brandenburg, Deutschland(HRR); ble døpt , Prussia - aka Lovisa Ulrika; døde 16 Jul 1782, Svartsjö Slott; ble begravet 31 Jul 1782. [Gruppeskjema] [Familiediagram]

  2. 5.  Lovisa Ulrika Hohenzollern, Drottning av Sverige ble født 24 Jul 1720 , Berlin, Brandenburg, Deutschland(HRR); ble døpt , Prussia - aka Lovisa Ulrika; døde 16 Jul 1782, Svartsjö Slott; ble begravet 31 Jul 1782.


    {geni:occupation} Drottning i Sverige 1751-71, Svensk drottning 1751-1771, Queen Consort of Sweden

    {geni:about_me} Wikipedia:

    English: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louisa_Ulrika_of_Prussia

    Svenska: http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lovisa_Ulrika

    Deutsch: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luise_Ulrike_von_Preu%C3%9Fen



    Lovisa Ulrika

    Från Wikipedia

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    Änkedrottning Lovisa Ulrika (av Alexander Roslin 1775)

    Lovisa Ulrika, (ty. Luise Ulrike) född 24 juli 1720, död 16 juli 1782, var svensk drottning 1751-1771, dotter till Fredrik Vilhelm I av Preussen och Sophie Dorothea av Hannover och syster till Fredrik II av Preussen. Hon var giftmed kung Adolf Fredrik. I vissa samtida källor kallas hon även Ludvika Ulrika[1].



    * 1 Bakgrund

    * 2 Kronprinsessa

    * 3 Drottning

    * 4 Änkedrottning

    * 5 Barn

    * 6 Anfäder

    * 7 Se även

    * 8 Källor

    * 9 Vidare läsning

    Bakgrund [redigera]

    Lovisa Ulrika var guddotter till drottning Ulrika Eleonora och utväxlade brev med sin gudmor som barn. Vid broderns tronbestigning 1740 utnämndes hon till koadjutris i Quedlinburg. Då det bestämdes att antingen Lovisa Ulrika eller hennes syster Amalie skulle utses till svensk kronprinsessa beskrev hennes bror henne som högdragen, häftig och intrigant och rekommenderade Amalie som mildare och mer lämplig för Sverige. Den reella orsaken var att han trodde att Amalie skulle bli en mer lättpåverkad agent för Preussen.

    Kronprinsessa [redigera]

    Kronprinsessan Lovisa Ulrika av Sverige (av Antoine Pesne c. 1744)

    Hon mottogs med entusiasm då hon anlände till Sverige för att lösa tronföljdsfrågan, och hon revitaliserade snabbt det svenska hovet då hon blev drottning. Lovisa Ulrika ansågs vacker, begåvad, kvick och hon hade omfattande kulturella intressen - Carl Gustaf Tessin kallade henne "Gudavett i änglabild" - men hon beskrivs också som mycket stolt, arrogant och högfärdig.

    Kronprinshovet ägnade sig under hennes ledning åt fransk amatörteater, ibland utomhus, utflykter i naturen och maskerader. Hennes favorithovdam var i början Henrika Juliana von Liewen (anställd 1744-48), Ulrika Strömfelt (anställd 1744), som skulle spela en stor roll i kuppförsöket 1756, och sedan Ulrika Eleonora von Düben, dotter till Joachim von Düben och brorsdotter till Emerentia von Düben, som anställdes 1748, avlöste Ulrika Strömfelt som kammarfru 1756 och betraktades som en typisk representant för lismande och inställsamma hovfunktionärer. Övriga hovdamer var kortvariga. Carl Gustaf Tessin hade eskorterat henne till Sverige och han och hans fru Ulla Tessin utövade ett stortinflytande över Lovisa under hennes första tio år i landet. Adolf Fredrik tyckte inte om Tessin, men Lovisa Ulrika fick honom utnämnd till överstemarsalk 1745.

    Redan som kronprinsessa var hon politisk aktiv. Hennes mål var att avskaffa parlamentet och införa en fullständig monarki, ett envälde. Julen 1744 överlämnade hon utklädd till gudinnan Diana en lykta till Tessin med inskriptionen: "Gjord enkom för att lysa upp dagens politiska system". Medlemmarna i hennes hov var hattpartister, och hon lierade sig i början med hattpartiet i sina rojalistiska strävanden. Hennes metod var att påverka omröstningarna i riksdagen genom att muta ledamöterna, något hon skulle fortsätta med som drottning. 1746 inledde hon även en offensiv för att skaffa sig agenter inom mösspartiet; hon framträdde offentligt på det svenska språket, hon besökte mösspartister och mutade dem, bland annat ledamoten Kalsenius, om vilken hon skrev; "Den störste skurken i världen, men jag reser icke härifrån utan att ha mutat honom. Det är det enda medel man har för att nå det mål man föresatt sig". Honogillade den svenska grundlagen; vid ett tillfälle, då hon misstänkte en intrig mot sig, skrev hon; "Lagen är så egendomlig, att man icke vågar häkta någon på blotta misstanken utan övriga bevis, vilket är mer till förmån för de enskildes säkerhet än till rikets." Hon var emot den svensk-ryska alliansen, och 1747 lyckades hon genom mutor påverka omröstningen för att ingå en allians mellan Sverige, Frankrike och Preussen istället. Tessin sade en gång, att "vår drottning skulle ha varit den mest orubbliga republikan, om hon varit undersåte", men att hon var född i en klass, som försvarade sin makt.

    Drottning [redigera]

    Hon ägnade sig mycket åt sina kulturella intressen; hon uppmuntrade vetenskap, grundade Vitterhetsakademien år 1753 och beskyddade Carl von Linnés karriär, men hon försenade också den svenska teaterutveckligen genom att avskeda den svenska skådespelartruppen i Bollhuset vid Slottsbacken och anställa en fransk trupp. Hon gav Hedvig Charlotta Nordenflycht en pension på 600 koppardaler fram till 1752, då Nordenflycht fick samma belopp i silver som pension avstaten.

    1754 inträffade en brytning med Tessin. Tessin hade blivit förälskad i henne och kunde vid denna tid inte längre kontrollera sin känslor. Gustav III skrev 1769 att Tessin gett henne "förslag fjärran från den aktning man är skyldig sin härskarinna". Lovisa Ulrika kände sin stolthet kränkt av hans närmande och talade om det för maken, som överraskade Tessin på knä framför Ulrika. Adolf Fredrik ska då ha "tagit sinne emot" honom. Tessin och hans fru avskedades då med någon förevändning.

    Hon var intresserad av politik. Hon försökte störta ständerväldet och återinföra reell monarki genom en statskupp 1756. Hon pantsatte kronjuvelerna för att finansiera den, men planen avslöjades efter att den hatt-trogna Ulrika Strömfelt informerat regeringen om att delar av kronjuvelerna saknades. En av de sammansvurna avslöjade planerna efter att ha druckit sig berusad och blivit arresterad. Hon fick en skriftlig erinran framförd av en präst, där det sades att: "hon förgätit (glömt) sin plikt mot Gud, sin gemål och Sveriges rike och att hon bar skulden för de nyligen avlivades blod". De blev också varnade av ständerna: om detta upprepades skulle de bli avsatta.

    Den enda politiska betydelse hon fick, till sin egen besvikelse, var då hon skrev till sin bror, kungen av Preussen, 1763 och lyckades åstadkomma att Sverige fick behålla Pommern efter sjuårskriget. Som erkänsla för detta betalade regeringen hennes skulder, och hon använde då sina pengar till att påverka omröstningarna i riksdagen till förmån för en ändring av konstitutionen. Detta misslyckades genom valet 1766, då hon miste allt inflytande. Under kungastrejken 1768, då kungen vägrade samarbeta med riksdagen, vände sig kuppmakarna till hennes son istället för till henne.

    Änkedrottning [redigera]

    Lovisa Ulrika som änkedrottning (av Lorens Pasch d.y.)

    År 1772 reste hon till Berlin i sällskap med sin dotter. Medan hon var där utbröt statskuppen i Sverige. Hon var förtjust över statskuppen, och då Svenska Pommern avlade trohetseden till den nya konstitutionen var hon närvarande.Hon tänkte sig att vara makten bakom tronen under sin sons regeringstid, men sonen gjorde klart att han ville regera själv. Hon blev bitter som änkedrottning. 1772 förhindrade Gustav att Karl giftes bort med hennes kandidat Philippine av Brandenburg-Schwedt. 1774 betalade Gustav hennes skulder mot att hon flyttade ut och fick ett eget hov vid Fredrikshov.

    1777 talade sönerna Karl och Fredrik Adolf om för henne att alla kvinnor vid hovet hade en älskare, utom hon; hon invände, att de måste undanta även drottningen. De talade då om för henne skvallret att Adolf Fredrik Munck var Sofia Magdalenas älskare. Hon sade till Karl att han måste handla, eftersom en "oäkting" skulle gå ut över hans arvsrätt som tronarvinge. Karl förhörde Munck, Munck talade med Gustav, Gustav med Karl, som sade att Lovisa Ulrika låg bakom ryktet.

    1778 tvingades hon avge en offentlig ursäkt och förneka de rykten hon spritt om att Gustav inte var far till sina barn. Dokumentet undertecknades av alla medlemmar i kungafamiljen utom kungaparet samt sex riksråd. Hon levde sedanensam till sin död. De båda försonades dock på hennes dödsbädd.

    Ett märkligt minnesmärke efter hennes hovliv är Kina slott i Drottningholmsparken. Denna byggnad var ursprungligen en gåva från hennes make Adolf Fredrik (1753) men blev senare utvidgad och permanentad.

    Barn [redigera]

    1. Barn av okänt kön och namn (dödfött 1745)

    2. Gustav III (1746-1792), kung av Sverige 1771-1792

    3. Karl XIII (1748-1818), kung av Sverige 1809-1818

    4. Fredrik Adolf (1750-1803)

    5. Sofia Albertina (1753-1829)

    Anfäder [redigera]

    Kurfurst Friedrich Wilhelm "den store" av Brandenburg
    Kung Friedrich I av Preussen
    Grevinnan Luise Henriette av Nassau
    Kung Friedrich Wilhelm I av Preussen
    Kurfurst Ernst August av Hannover
    Prinsessan Sophie Charlotte av Hannover
    Prinsessan Sophie av Pfalz
    Drottning Lovisa Ulrika av Sverige
    Kurfurst Ernst August av Hannover
    Kung George I av Storbritannien-Irland och Hannover
    Prinsessan Sophie av Pfalz
    Prinsessan Sophie Dorothea av Storbritannien-Irland och Hannover
    Hertig Georg Wilhelm av Braunschweig-Celle
    Hertiginnan Sophie Dorothea av Braunschweig-Celle
    Eleonore Desmier d'Olbreuse
    Se även [redigera]

    * Lista över Sveriges regenter

    Källor [redigera]

    1. ^ Carl A:son Sege i Ludvika kyrka Ludvika kyrkoråd 1952 s. 14

    * Herman Lindqvist (2006). Historien om alla Sveriges drottningar. Norstedts Förlag. ISBN 9113015249.

    * Olof Jägerskiöld: Lovisa Ulrika, drottning av Sverige (1945)

    * Valborg Lindgårde, Elisabeth Mansén, Ljuva möten och ömma samtal Atlantis (1999)

    * Sveriges regenter - Lars O. Lagerqvist

    * Kungliga släktband - Ulf Sundberg

    Vidare läsning [redigera]

    * Blom, Tomas (2009). "Frustrerad drottning". Populär historia (nr. 8): s. 40-44. ISSN 1102-0822 ISSN 1102-0822.


    Ulrika Eleonora Drottning av Sverige (ej regent)

    1751X1771 Efterträdare:

    Sofia Magdalena av Danmark

    Sidan ändrades senast den 10 maj 2010 kl. 08.57


    Louisa Ulrika of Prussia

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Louisa Ulrika of Prussia (Swedish: Lovisa Ulrika; German: Luise Ulrike) (Berlin, 24 July 1720 - Svartsjö, 16 July 1782) was a Swedish Queen, Queen consort of Sweden between 1751 and 1771 as wife of King Adolf Frederick of Sweden,and queen mother of King Gustav III of Sweden and King Charles XIII of Sweden


    Louisa Ulrika was the daughter of Frederick William I of Prussia and his wife Sophia Dorothea of Hanover, and was thus a younger sister of both Wilhelmine of Bayreuth and Frederick the Great. She was given the Swedish name Ulrikabecause Queen Ulrika Eleonora of Sweden had been her god mother; she exchanged letters with her godmother, and it was thought that she would marry a future son by Ulrika Eleonora, as Ulrika Eleonora herself had once been considered as a consort for her father. However, Ulrika Eleonora remained childless. Other matches were considered, such as the Prince of Wales. Upon the accession of her brother to the throne in 1740, she was appointed koadjutris of Quedlinburg Abbey with the prospect of being Princess-Abbess.

    [edit]Crown Princess

    In Drottningholm on 18 August/29 August 1744, Ulrika married Adolf Friedrich von Holstein-Gottorp, who had been elected crown prince of Sweden in 1743 and after his succession to the throne in 1751 reigned as King Adolf Frederickof Sweden. She was recommended as a bride by Empress Elizabeth of Russia, just as her spouse was recommended as an heir to the throne by Russia. At first, however, it was her sister Princess Anna Amalia of Prussia who was considered, as her brother warned that Louisa Ulrika was perhaps too ambitious to be a good queen in a monarchy without power, as Sweden was during the Age of Liberty. Her brother king Frederick said that Louisa Ulrika was "arrogant, temperamental and an intriguer", and that they should not let themselves be fooled by her friendliness towards them, while Amalia was mild and "more suitable"; it has been suggested, that Fredrick's judgment was given because he believed that Amalia would be easier to control as a Prussian agent than the more dominant Louisa Ulrika. But the Swedish representatives preferred Louisa Ulrika.

    Louisa Ulrika was received with great enthusiasm in Sweden when she arrived in 1744 as a hope of solving the country's succession problems, and gained popularity with her beauty and by the birth of her children; no children had been born in the Swedish royal house in over fifty years at the birth of her first child.

    At her arrival, she was given Drottningholm Palace as a gift, where she resided with her young court. She was described as beautiful, cultivated - entirely according to the French tradition - and interested in science and culture. Count Carl Gustaf Tessin called her: "A mind of a god in the Image of an angel", but also as extremely proud and arrogant, which made her less and less liked outside of the aristocracy over the years.

    The court of the crown prince couple, called "The young court", amused themselwes with picnics, masquerades and French amateur theatre. Her first favorite among her ladies-in-waiting was Henrika Juliana von Liewen, who was an eager follower of the Hat's Party, another well known lady-in-waiting were Cathérine Charlotte De la Gardie. The young court was also strongly affected by count Tessin. Count Carl Tessin had escorted Louisa Ulrika to Sweden, and he and his wife had a strong influence on her the first years. Prince Adolf Frederick never cared much for Tessin, but in 1745, Count Tessin was appointed royal court marshal and later governor of their son, and Countess Ulla Tessin as first lady-in-waiting. Tessin was behind many happy surprises and arrangements for amusements in the young court; some said he was only too eager to please her in any way possible.

    During her time as a crown princess, there were rumors that she had an affair with count Tessin. This was with all certainty not true: her son Gustav III later replied to these rumors, that although Count Tessin had been in love with her, his feelings were one-sided and not anwered by his mother, as a love affair with a noble, was in opposition to the "natural contempt" which Louisa Ulrika herself felt for every subject, noble or not.

    Already as a crown princess, she was politically active. In the Christmas of 1744, she visited Tessin and gave him a lantern in the guise of the goddess Diana with the inscription: "Made only to shed light on the political systemof the day". "Her political ideal was absolute monarchy, and she disliked the Swedish constitution from the moment it was explained for her. She also disliked the legal system; when she at one point thought herself exposed to a plot, she wrote: "The laws are so strange, and one does not dare to arrest someone on mere suspicion without proof, which benefit the individual more than the kingdom." At her own court, she was surrounded by nobles loyal to the Hats (party), and initially she allied herself with them in her ambition to restore the power of the royal throne, but over the years she soon begun to gather followers from all parties to establish a "royal court party". After the birth of her son in 1746 she and the crown prince gathered followers also from the Caps (party). She learned Swedish and visited several of the Cap's most prominent members. At the visit of the Cap's parliamentary Kalsenius, she wrote that he was: "The biggest villain in the world, but I will not leave until I have bribed him. That is the only means by which one can reach the goal one has in mind." She disliked the alliance between Sweden and Russia, and in 1747, she affected the votes in the parliament by bribing. Whether it was because of this or not, the parliament voted for an alliance between Sweden, Prussia and France that year.


    In 1751, she became queen. When she became queen, Louisa Ulrika revitalized the royal court, which had been neglected during the reign of King Frederick I, and founded a theater at Drottningholm Palace. Her interest for theater was, however, entirely French-influenced, and she interrupted the development of a native Swedish national theatre at Bollhuset by replacing it with a French Theatre, the Du Londel Troupe, which was only a benefit for those who could speak French.

    In Sweden, she is mainly remembered for the founding of the Witterhetsakademin (in 1753), an academy which counted Carl von Linné among its members. She was a great patron of science and art, a protector of the work of scientistssuch as Carl von Linné and artists such as the painter Ulrika Pasch and the poet Hedvig Charlotta Nordenflycht. Nordenflycht was given a pension of 600§ until she was given the same pension from the state in 1752. Her "adoption" of Gustav Badin in 1757 was intended as a form of scientific experiment.

    1754 was the year of the alienation of Count Tessin. In 1751, he seemed to have fallen from grace and Tessin wrote that she no longer discussed politics with him and "claimed that she took no part in politics". The year before, he had convinced her to agree on the engagement between her eldest son and a Danish princess, when she herself had preferred another bride. At this point, count Tessin was reported to no longer be in control of his infatuation of her, and it was noted in court that the king had "taken against" Tessin. Crown prince Gustav wrote in 1769, that Tessin had made Louisa Ulrika "suggestions far from the reverence one is expected towards a sovereign"; Louisa Ulrika had told the king, who had surprised Tessin on his knees before the queen, and the count and the countess Tessin had lost their positions- the queen only remarked that she missed countess Tessin. Her favourite was her lady-in-waiting Ulrika von Düben, who replaced Henrika von Liewen in 1748 and was appointed first lady-in-waiting in 1756 after Ulrika Strömfelt. Düben was the niece of Emerentia von Düben, who had been the favorite lady-in-waiting of queen Ulrika Eleonora, and her critics in the court described her as a typical representative of an ingratiating court-noble.

    As soon as she became queen in 1751, she made preparations to overthrow the parliament. The vow to respect the constitution which her husband made upon his accession to the throne was a great sorrow for her. Her attempt of a royalistic revolution was prevented in 1756. The same year, Sweden went to war against her brother, which she opposed. Nevertheless, she remained a dominant figure, with numerous quarrels with the government over the years. In 1763, the government asked her to write to her brother, the King of Prussia, in order to prevent the Swedish province of Pommerania in Germany from being annexed by Prussia after the Seven Years War, which she did after great persuasion.She succeeded in the negotiations, which for her was a form of triumph over the parliament. As a sign of gratitude for this act, the government paid her debts, which made it possible for her to use her money to affect the voting in the parliament through bribes; her plan was now to change the constitution through this method.

    After 1766, her attempts had failed, and her political activity was now over; in 1766-1771, the anti-parliamentaristic opposition looked to her son Crown Prince Gustav instead of her. Her relationship with her son became tense after this. She had wanted Gustav to marry her niece Philippine of Brandenburg-Schwedt, the daughter of her favorite sister, and had to agree to the engagement to Sophia Magdalena of Denmark against her will. She was much displeasedwhen Gustav himself agreed to go through with the marriage in 1766. During the affair of 1768, when the king threatened to abdicate if he was not granted more power, and the country was on the verge of a coup, the royalists, for the first time, turned to her son instead of her.

    Her arrogance, her political views and her conflicts with the parliament made her less and less liked during her husband's reign. Tessin once said about her, that: "Our queen would have been the most staunch republican if she hadbeen born a subject", but she was born within a class which fought to keep their privileges and power.

    [edit]The Failed Royal Revolution of 1756

    Queen Louisa Ulrika strongly dominated her husband and the court, and she would also had been the real ruler during her husband's reign if the Swedish monarchy had not been stripped of its power in 1718 and 1720; at this point, the king was a mere decoration and Sweden was a monarchy only in name. This greatly displeased the queen, herself born in an absolute monarchy. She could not understand nor condone the parliament; for her, it was not acceptable fora royal person to have to receive peasants in the royal salons, as she was forced to do with the peasant's representatives from the parliament. She was further enraged when the parliament forced the king to give up his claims on the throne of Holstein, and arranged the marriage between her son Gustav to Sofia Magdalena of Denmark, when she herself had preferred a German princess. She was enraged when the parliamentaristic C.F.Scheffer was appointed her son's educator. In 1755, the parliament decided that, if the king refused to sign the laws issued by the government, a stamp would be used instead.

    To display her contempt, she humiliated the parliament's representatives by the etiquette of the royal court; she stopped their carriages at the Palace gates, let forced them to wait for hours, while she let those who arrived before them be received and let them sit on small little, low stools before her to make them lose their dignity.

    In the three months following her coronation, Louisa Ulrika removed the diamonds from the crown and replaced them with glass. She gathered followers among the aristocracy to plan a coup d'état to overthrow the government, dissolve the parliament, and reinstate absolute monarchy in Sweden. Her followers where called the hov-partiet (The royal court party), and they were men form the nobility in opposition to the parliament for personal reasons, wanting rewards from the queen after a successful coup. In the court theatre, the French and Italian troupes performed plays hinting that the king should taken control over his kingdom.

    To finance the coup, the Queen pawned the jewelry she had been given as a wedding gift by the state, as well as some of the crown jewels belonging to the state, among them 44 diamonds she had placed in the Queen's Crown, which she pawned in Berlin to borrow money. The lady-in-waiting of the Queen, Ulrika Strömfelt, informed the government that parts of the crown jewels were missing. For this act, she was later to receive the honorary title "Ständernas dotter" ("Daughter of the Parliament") and a pension of §2000. The government demanded to inspect the crown jewels, as it was the property of the state. The Queen refused, as she did not recognise any right of the government to inspect anything. At the same time, the king was taken ill, and the government retreated to allow him to recover, giving the queen time the get the diamonds back to the inspection. At the same time, weapons and bullets were being made.The plan was to hire criminals to cause chaos on the streets; the royalistic officers would then block the streets, the royalists would be armed and the King would enter the square to "resume control", after which the public would "celebrate him as the saviour from the parliament".

    The plans were often discussed at the pub of the royalistic Ernst Angel. Angel was the illegitimate son of Maximilian of Hesse-Kassel (or Hesse-Cassel), the brother of king Frederick I of Sweden, which he often pointed out. The 21 June 1756, the police heard Angel talk about the plans of a royal revolution while he was drunk. He was arrested and interrogated, and the next day, the arrests of the noblemen begun. When the royal couple entered Stockholm after a stay at from Drottninghom Palace that night the streets where filled with the military. The whole conspiracy against the parliament was discovered. The parliament voted for a death sentence for four of the involved noblemen, who were decapitated on Riddarholmstorget in Stockholm in front of thousands of specators, outside the royal palace, and three days later, Ernst Angel and three more was decapitated. Several others where sentenced to prison, whipping, exile, pilloring and by being banned from seats in the parliament.

    The Queen, who was the instigator behind all this, received a strong note from the parliament communicated by the archbishop, who forced her to write a letter of confession and regret. He afterwards said, that he thought he had seen "tears of rage and sorrow" in her eyes: she herself wrote that she had tried to display: "all the coldness, all the contempt possible to make in a demonstration": she regretted nothing but that her revolution had failed. The king had a statement read to him saying that he would be deposed if she ever attempted something similar again.

    Queen Dowager

    In 1771, the king died and she became a Dowager Queen. Louisa Ulrika was at the death of the king immensely unpopular in Sweden: when the news of the king's death reached her son, the new king, who was then in Paris, he wrote that the Queen Dowager be protected, as "I know how little loved my mother is".

    In 1772, her son the new king succeeded where she had failed in 1756 by overthrowing the democracy and reinstating absolute monarchy, which was a great satisfaction to her. At the time of the coup, she was in Berlin with her daughter. She was present in Swedish Pomerania when the Province gave their allegiance to the new constitution. When her brother told her that the neighboring countries would now attack Sweden, she wrote to him that she would defend the province of Pomerania against him with her own blood.

    However, she could never settle with the position of dowager queen, and her last years were spent in bitterness. She had expected to be the real ruler behind the throne, and when her son made it clear that he would rule independently from her, their relationship worsened. In 1772, he prevented her plans to marry of her second son Charles to Philippine of Brandenburg-Schwedt; in 1774, Charles was married to Hedwig Elizabeth Charlotte of Holstein-Gottorp instead, and Gustav paid her debts with the condition that she established her own separate court at Fredrikshof. In 1777, she was forced to sell Drottningholm Palace to her son Gustav. She did not get along with either of her daughter-in-law's, calling Sophia Magdalena of Denmark "cold and shy" and Hedwig Elizabeth Charlotte of Holstein-Gottorp "flirtatious."

    In 1777-78, the conflict with her ruling son erupted and she was a central figure in the great succession scandal regarding the legitimacy of the crown prince. In 1777, her two younger sons visited her. They claimed all women at court had lovers, and that except their mother, they could not think of even one who did not. Louisa Ulrika suggested that they make another exception; surely the queen must also be an exception? Her sons then laughed and asked her if she had not heard the rumors that Sophia Magdalena had an affair with Fredrik Munck. She became very upset and ordered prince Charles to investigate if this where true, as his inheritance to the throne would be endangered by "the common offspred of a common nobleman". Charles talked to Munck, Munck talked to king Gustav, Gustav talked to Charles who claimed the whole thing was the fault of the queen dowager, and mother and son had a huge argument. When the son of the king was born in 1778, everyone thought he was the son of Munck. Louisa Ulrika accused the king of having another man father his child. A great scandal erupted, during which the king even threathened to exile her to Pomerania. In the following conflict, her youngest children, Sofia Albertina and Frederick, who had always been her favourites, were on her side. She was forced to make a formal statement during which she withdrew her accusation, a repetition of the humiliation of 1756. The statement was signed by the entire adult royal family except the royal couple; two princes, the princess, the Duchess, and six members of parliament. The relationship with Gustav wasnot repaired until her death bed.


    She had the following children:

    (Stillborn) (1745)

    Gustav III of Sweden (1746-1792)

    Charles XIII of Sweden (1748-1818)

    Frederick Adolf (1750-1803)

    Sophia Albertine (1753-1829)

    Louisa Ulrika was also a maternal grandchild of the King George I of Great Britain.

    1. Stillborn Son von Holstein-Gottorp, Prins ble født 18 Feb 1745 , Stockholm, Sverige; døde 18 Feb 1745, Stockholm, Sverige.
    2. 2. Gustav III von Holstein-Gottorp, Kung av Sverige ble født 24 Jan 1746 , Riddarholmen; døde 29 Mar 1792, Stockholm Slott; ble begravet , Riddarholmskyrkan.
    3. Karl XIII II von Holstein-Gottorp, Kung av Sverige og Norge ble født 7 Okt 1748 , Riddarholmen, Stockholm; ble døpt , Sweden - of Augustenburg Family; døde 5 Feb 1818, Stockholm.
    4. Adolf Fredrik von Holstein-Gottorp, Hertug av Østergøtland ble født 18 Jul 1750 , Drottringholm Castle, Stockholm, Sweden; døde 12 Des 1803, Montpellier, France.
    5. Sofia Albertina Albertina Holstein-Gottorp ble født 8 Okt 1753 , Stockholm, Sweden; døde 19 Mar 1829, Stockholm, Sweden.

  3. 6.  Frederik V af Danmark og Norge von Oldenburg, Konge af Danmark og Norge ble født 31 Mar 1723 , Christiansborg Slot; ble døpt 31 Mar 1723 , Copenhagen (sønn av Christian VI af Danmark og Norge von Oldenburg, Konge af Danmark og Norge og Sophie Magdalene Hohenzollern, Dronning af Danmark og Norge); døde 13 Jan 1766, Christiansborg Slot; ble begravet , Roskilde Domkirke.


    {geni:occupation} King of Denmark and Norway 1746-1766, Dansk-Norsk-Isländsk kung 1746-1766, Konge av Danmark og Norge, Kung i Danmark och Norge 1746-1766, King of Denmark and Norway (1746-1766)

    {geni:about_me} ==Links:==

    *[http://www.thepeerage.com/p10100.htm#i100991 The Peerage]
    *[http://www.geneall.net/W/per_page.php?id=5038 Geneall]
    *[http://www.gravsted.dk/person.php?navn=frederik5 Burial] In Danish
    *[http://danmarkshistorien.dk/leksikon-og-kilder/vis/materiale/frederik-5-1723-1766/ Danmarkshistorien] In Danish
    *[http://www.danmarkskonger.dk/king45.htm Kings of Denmark]
    *[http://www.hansdenyngre.dk/hans_uk/wizg12.htm#321 Johnn the Younger #494]
    *'''King of Denmark and Norway:''' Reign 1746X1766
    >'''Predecessor:''' [http://www.geni.com/profile/index/6000000003561796189 Christian VI] '''Successor:''' [http://www.geni.com/profile/index/6000000002014597291 Christian VII]
    *'''Wikipedia:''' [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick_V_of_Denmark English ] [http://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederik_5 Dansk ] [http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederik_V_av_Danmark_og_Norge Norsk ] [http://is.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fri%C3%B0rik_5._Danakonungur Íslenska]

    Little interested in the affairs of state, he left control of the
    government largely to his foreign minister, Count Johann Hartwig Ernst von
    Bernstorff (1712-72), who served Frederick in that capacity from 1751
    until 1770. Frederick was a patron of learning. He founded a military
    academy in Sorø, Denmark, and established schools in Bergen and Trondheim,
    Norway, for the education of Laplanders. In Copenhagen he established
    academies of printing and sculpture. During Frederick's reign, trade in
    Asia and the Americas was stimulated and the national wealth was



    Frederik 5. X Konge af Danmark X Norge fra 1746-1766

    Frederik 5. blev f°dt i 1723 og d°de i 1766. Han var s°n af Christian 6. og Sophie Magdalene af Brandenburg-Kulmbach. I 1743 giftede han sig med Louise af Storbritannien.

    Med dronningen fik han fem b°rn, hvoraf den µldste d°de som toXrig. De °vrige, herimellem den senere konge, Christian 7., blev alle voksne. Det samme antal b°rn fik kongen ogsX med sin yndlingselskerinde, Madam Hansen, og ind imellem blev der ogsX tid til bes°g pX byens vµrtshuse og bordeller.

    Frederik 5.s letsindige omgang med kvinder og alkohol f°rte tidligt til, at hans far, den religi°se og afholdende Christian 6., overvejede at umyndigg°re ham.

    Med Xrene tiltog kongens alkoholproblem i en sXdan grad, at han nµppe var i stand til at styre kongeriget uden hjµlp fra loyale og dygtige embedsmµnd. PX overfladen havde man stadig det enevµldige statsapparat XÇô men den reelle magt lX i hµnderne pX den 11 Xr µldre gehejmerXd, Adam Gottlob Moltke, der allerede ved Frederik 5.s tronbestigelse var blevet udnµvnt til overhofmarskal.

    Molkte havde til tider travlt med at styre bXde riget og monarken. Gang pX gang faldt kongen i. Han kunne i fuldskab og hidsighed finde pX bXde at slX og sparke den formanende Molkte XÇô bagefter bad den angrende Frederik 5. altid Moltke om forladelse og lovede bod og bedring.

    Kongen skriver sXledes i et brev til Moltke:

    Min hjertenskµre Moltke! Jeg beder ham af sjµlens grund om tilgivelse - mit hidsige hovede har igen vµret pX spil. Gud velsigne og bevare ham... Dette °nsker i oprigtighed hans altid trofaste ven og s°n.

    Frederik R
    Gud velsigne og bevare dig, min hjertenskµre ven. XÇô Aldrig g°re det mere.
    Jeg har fejlet, det erkender jeg. Vµr ikke bedr°vet og tilgiv mig det.

    Frederik 5.s regeringsperiode var prµget af fremgang for handelen og en spirende industri. Det var priks Hospital og kunstakademiet i K°benhavn opf°rtes.

    Begyndende krav om landbrugsreformer s°rgede den konservative Moltke for ikke blev til noget. B°nderne mµrkede derfor ikke sµrlig meget til den °konomiske fremgang.

    Drikkeriet og udskejelserne til trods, gav Frederik 5.s venlige og godmodige optrµden ham en stor folkelig popularitet. I modsµtning til den sky og indesluttede Christian 6., var s°nnen bXde folkelig, livlig og talte desuden dansk.

    EfterhXnden kunne kongens levned dog mµrkes pX hans helbred. Kun 42 Xr gammel d°de Frederik 5. i 1766. Han blev begravet i Roskilde Domkirke. Han efterfulgtes af sin s°n Christian 7.

    Frederik giftet seg med Louise of Great Britain, Dronning af Danmark og Norge 11 Des 1743. Louise ble født 7 Des 1724 , Leicester House,Westminster,Middlesex,England; ble døpt 22 Des 1724 , Leicester House, Westminster, Middlesex, ENG; døde 19 Des 1751, Christiansborg Slot; ble begravet , Roskilde Domkirke. [Gruppeskjema] [Familiediagram]

  4. 7.  Louise of Great Britain, Dronning af Danmark og Norge ble født 7 Des 1724 , Leicester House,Westminster,Middlesex,England; ble døpt 22 Des 1724 , Leicester House, Westminster, Middlesex, ENG; døde 19 Des 1751, Christiansborg Slot; ble begravet , Roskilde Domkirke.


    {geni:about_me} *Name/title: Louise Princess of Great Britain
    *By marriage: Queen Consort of Denmark and Norway

    *[http://thepeerage.com/p10098.htm#i100978 The Peerage]
    *[http://www.geneall.net/U/per_page.php?id=5047 Geneall:]
    *'''Wikipedia:''' [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louise_of_Great_Britain English ] [http://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louise_af_Storbritannien Dansk:]

    Louise blev dronning af Danmark i 1746. Hun var datter af den senere kong Georg 2. af Storbritannien og blev gift med kronprins Frederik (5.) i 1743; sammen fik de bl.a. s°nnen Christian (7.). Louises ankomst til Danmark markerede et skift ved det danske hof. Her blev livet nu langt mere muntert, end det havde vµret under den stµrkt pietistiske Christian 6. og hans dronning, Sophie Magdalene. Louise holdt meget af baller, af teater og af at danse, og denlivsglade dronning blev overmXde populµr, ikke mindst i den k°benhavnske befolkning. Hun lagde stor energi i at lµre sig dansk og insisterede pX ogsX at lµre sine b°rn at tale sproget, hvilket bidrog yderligere til hendes popularitet. Louise f°dte fem b°rn af hvilke de fire overlevede, og hun d°de under endnu et svangerskab efter kun 5 Xr som dansk dronning.

    !Louisa through her marriage became Queen of Denmark and Norway

    1. Christian af Danmark og Norge Prins, Prins ble født 7 Jul 1745 , København, Danmark; døde 3 Jun 1747, Frederiksborg.
    2. 3. Sophia Magdalena Oldenburg, Drottning av Sverige ble født 3 Jul 1746 , Christiansborg Slot; ble døpt 4 Jul 1746 , Christiansborg Slot, Copenhagen; døde 21 Aug 1813, Ulriksdals slott; ble begravet , Riddarholmskyrkan.
    3. Wilhelmine Caroline Oldenburg, Kurfürstin zu Hessen ble født 10 Jun 1747 , Christiansborg Slot; ble døpt 10 Jul 1747 , Christiansborg Slot, Copenhagen; døde 14 Jan 1820, Kassel, Hessen, Deutschland(DB); ble begravet 19 Jan 1820, Kassel, Hessen, Deutschland(DB).
    4. Christian VII af Danmark og Norge von Oldenburg, Konge af Danmark og Norge ble født 29 Jan 1749 , Christiansborg Slot; ble døpt 29 Jan 1749 , Christiansborg Castle, Copenhagen; døde 13 Mar 1808, Rendsburg, Holstein, Deutschland; ble begravet cirka 1808, Roskilde Domkirke.
    5. Louise Oldenburg, Landgräfin von Hessen-Kassel ble født 20 Jan 1750 , Christiansborg Palace; ble døpt 30 Jan 1750 , Christiansborg Slot, Copenhagen; døde 12 Jan 1831, Schloss Gottorf; ble begravet 22 Jan 1831, Schleswiger Dom.
    6. Stillborn Son af Danmark og Norge von Oldenburg, Prins ble født 19 Des 1751 , København, Danmark; døde 19 Des 1751, København, Danmark.

Generasjon: 4

  1. 8.  Christian August von Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorp, Fürstbischof zu Lübeck ble født 11 Jan 1673 , Schloss Gottorp (sønn av Christian Albrecht von Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorp, Herzog og Frederikke Amalie Oldenburg, Prinsesse, Herzogin zu Schleswig-Holstei); døde 24 Apr 1726, Hamburg, Deutschland(HRR); ble begravet , Fürstbischöflichen Grabkapelle, Lübecker Doms.


    {geni:occupation} Furstbiskop i Lübeck-Eutin, hertig av Holstein-Gottorp, Furstbiskop av Lübeck, Hertig i Holstein-Gottorp, Furstbiskop

    {geni:about_me} *Herzog von Schleswig-Holstein-Eutin

    *[http://thepeerage.com/p10933.htm#i109324 The Peerage]
    *[http://www.geneall.net/D/per_page.php?id=4522 Geneall]
    *'''Wikipedia:''' [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_August_of_Holstein-Gottorp,_Prince_of_Eutin English ] [http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_August_von_Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf Deutsch]


    Christian giftet seg med Albertina Frederika Zähringen, Prinzessin von Holstein-Gottorp 3 Sep 1704, Slottet Eutin. Albertina (datter av Freidrich VII Magnus von Baden-Durlach, Markgraf og Auguste Marie Holstein-Gottorp, Markgräfin zu Baden-Durlach) ble født 3 Jul 1682 , Karlsruhe, Baden, Deutschland(HRR); døde 22 Des 1755, Hamburg, Deutschland(HRR). [Gruppeskjema] [Familiediagram]

  2. 9.  Albertina Frederika Zähringen, Prinzessin von Holstein-Gottorp ble født 3 Jul 1682 , Karlsruhe, Baden, Deutschland(HRR) (datter av Freidrich VII Magnus von Baden-Durlach, Markgraf og Auguste Marie Holstein-Gottorp, Markgräfin zu Baden-Durlach); døde 22 Des 1755, Hamburg, Deutschland(HRR).


    {geni:about_me} ==Links:==
    *[http://thepeerage.com/p10207.htm#i102061 The Peerage]
    *[http://www.geneall.net/D/per_page.php?id=4627 Geneall]
    *[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albertina_Frederica_of_Baden-Durlach Wikipedia]

    1. Hedwig Sophie Auguste von Holstein-Gottorp, Äbtissin von Herford ble født 9 Okt 1705 , Schloss Gottorp; døde 13 Okt 1764; ble begravet , Herford, Preußen-Brandenburg, Deutschland(HRR).
    2. Karl August von Holstein-Gottorp, Fürstbischof von Lübeck ble født 26 Nov 1706 , Schloss Gottorp; døde 31 Mai 1727, Sankt Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russia; ble begravet , Fürstbischöflichen Grabkapelle, Lübecker Doms.
    3. Fredrike Amalie Holstein-Gottorp, Oldenburg, Herzogin ble født 12 Jan 1708 , Schloss Gottorp; døde 19 Jan 1732, Quedlinburg, Preussen, Territorium Halberstadt, Deutschland(HRR).
    4. Anne Holstein-Gottorp, Oldenburg, Prinzessin von Sachsen-Gotha-Altenburg ble født 3 Feb 1709 , Schloss Gottorp; døde 2 Feb 1758, Gräfentonna, Sachsen-Gotha-Altenburg, Bundeslandes.
    5. 4. Adolf Friedrich von Holstein-Gottorp, Kung av Sverige ble født 14 Mai 1710 , Schloss Gottorp; ble døpt , Holstein - Duke of Holstein Bishop of Lubeck; døde 12 Feb 1771, Stockholms slott; ble begravet 7 Mar 1771, Riddarholmskyrkan.
    6. Friedrich August von Holstein-Gottorp, Herzog zu Oldenburg ble født 20 Sep 1711 , Schloss Gottorp; døde 6 Jul 1785, Oldenburg, Deutschland(HRR); ble begravet , Lambert Kirche.
    7. Johanna Elisabeth Holstein-Gottorp, Oldenburg, Fürstin zu Anhalt-Zerbst ble født 24 Okt 1712 , Schloss Gottorp; døde 30 Mai 1760, Paris, Île-de-France, France.
    8. Friederike Sophie Holstein-Gottorp, Oldenburg, Prinzessen ble født 2 Jun 1713 , Schloss Gottorp; døde cirka 1713.
    9. Wilhelm Christian August av Holstein-Gottorp ble født 20 Sep 1716 , Hamburg, Tyskland; døde 26 Jun 1719.
    10. Friedrich Konrad von Holstein-Gottorp, Herzog ble født 12 Mar 1718 , Schloss Gottorp; døde cirka 1719.
    11. George Ludwig von Holstein-Gottorp, Herzog ble født 16 Mar 1719 , Tyskland; døde 7 Sep 1763, Tyskland.

  3. 12.  Christian VI af Danmark og Norge von Oldenburg, Konge af Danmark og Norge ble født 10 Des 1699 , København, Danmark; ble døpt 30 Nov 1699 , Copenhagen (sønn av Frederik IV af Danmark og Norge von Oldenburg, Konge af Danmark og Norge og Louise af Mecklenburg-Güstrow Dronning af Danmark og Norge, født som Prinsesse af Gottorp); døde 6 Aug 1746, Hirschholm Slot; ble begravet 4 Okt 1746, Roskilde Domkirke.


    {geni:occupation} Konge av Danmark, Kung i Danmark 1730-46, King of Denmark & Norway (1730-1746)

    {geni:about_me} *Af Guds Nåde Konge af Danmark og Norge, de Venders og Gothers, hertug udi Slesvig, Holsten, Stormarn og Ditmarsken, greve udi Oldenburg og Delmenhorst. (In English: By the grace of God King of Denmark and Norway,the Wends and Goths, Duke of Schleswig, Holstein, Stormarn and Ditmarsken, Count of Oldenburg and Delmenhorst.)

    *[http://www.thepeerage.com/p10227.htm#i102262 The Peerage]
    *[http://www.geneall.net/W/per_page.php?id=4802 Geneall]
    *[http://www.danmarkskonger.dk/king44.htm Kings of Denmark]
    *[http://www.gravsted.dk/person.php?navn=christian6 Burial] In Danish
    *[http://danmarkshistorien.dk/leksikon-og-kilder/vis/materiale/christian-6-1699-1746/_ Danmarkshistorien] In Danish
    *'''Wikipedia:''' [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_VI_of_Denmark English] [http://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_6 Dansk]
    *'''King of Denmark and Norway, Count of Oldenburg(Christian IX), Duke of Schleswig ''' Reign 1730X1746
    >'''Predecessor:''' [http://www.geni.com/profile/index/4105044 Frederick IV] '''Successor:''' [http://www.geni.com/profile/index/4105251 Frederick V]
    *'''Duke of Holstein'''(in condominial rule with Charles Frederick, a son of his father's paternal cousin, (till 1739) and thereafter with the latter's son Charles Peter Ulrich, 1730X1746)
    >'''Predecessor:''' [http://www.geni.com/profile/index/4105044 Frederick IV] and [http://www.geni.com/people/Charles-Frederick/6000000001367997047 Charles Frederick] '''Successor:''' [http://www.geni.com/profile/index/4105251 Frederick V] and [http://www.geni.com/people/Peter/6000000003628136249 Charles Peter Ulrich]

    Christian 6. X Konge af Danmark X Norge fra 1730-1746

    Christian 6. blev f°dt i 1699 og d°de i 1746. Han var s°n af Frederik 4. og Louise af Mecklenburg-GXstrow. I 1721 giftede han sig med Sophie Magdalene af Brandenburg-Kulmbach.

    I modsµtning til sin rejselystne fader holdt den tungsindige og religi°se Christian 6. sig stort set hjemme. Bortset fra et enkelt bes°g i Norge og hertugd°mmerne holdt han sig for det meste til sit arbejdsbord. Han var en sky ogindesluttet natur, der holdt sig pX afstand af offentligheden, og med tiden stivnede hoflivet da ogsX i kedsommelig ensformighed. Musikken ved hoffet var religi°s, man dansede ikke, og Christian 6. deltog, af bXde helbredsmµssigeog religi°se grunde, kun sjµldent i de traditionelle kongelige jagter.

    Christian 6.s forargelse over over Frederik 4.s kvindeglade og bigamistiske levned f°rte til, at han, som en af sine f°rste regeringshandlinger, omst°dte faderens testamente. Kongen fratog enkedronning Anna Sofie, Frederik 4.s anden hustru, en stor del af den formue hun arvede og forviste hende til Clausholm, hvorfra Frederik 4. i sin tid lod hende bortf°re.

    Kongen blev aldrig sµrlig populµr, pX grund af den pietistiske fromhed han havde fXet gennem sin stµrkt religi°se opdragelse. En fromhed der bl.a. gav sig udslag i forbud mod enhver form for forlystelse om s°ndagen.
    I 1735 udstedte Christian 6. den berygtede helligdagsforordning om tvungen kirkegang, og i 1736 indf°rte han obligatorisk konfirmation.

    For at hµvde enevµldens vµrdighed holdt Christian 6. et dyrt hof og gennemf°rte kostbare slotsbyggerier, som det f°rste Christiansborg, Hirchholm Slot og Eremitagen.

    Disse kostbare slotsbyggerier financieredes af partikulµrkassen, hvis midler hovedsageligt stammede fra Xresundstolden. De store prestigebyggerier, der fandt sted i en tid med °konomisk krise, vakte en del forargelse i befolkningen, og bragte kongehuset ud i °konomiske vanskeligheder.

    Christian 6.s regeringstid var prµget af °konomisk tilbagegang. Landbruget led under misvµkst og kvµgpest, og de dXrlige °konomiske tider medvirkede i 1730 til landmilitsens ophµvelse. SX lµnge b°nderne stod opf°rt i lµgdsrullen til militsen, mXtte de ikke forlade deres gods, sX nu benyttede masser af b°nder den ny frihed til at flygte til byerne eller andre landsdele for, at slippe for det umenneskelige hoveriarbejde under tyranniske herremµnd.

    Under hXrdt pres fra godsejerne, der mistede arbejdskraft, blev stavnsbXndet indf°rt i 1733. StavnsbXndet forhindrede b°ndernes flugt fra det kriseramte landbrug ved at forbyde b°nder mellem 14 og 36 Xr at forlade det gods, de var f°dt pX. Det forhadte og undertrykkende stavsbXnd slap b°nderne f°rst af med 55 Xr senere.

    Den juridiske embedseksamen blev indf°rt i 1736, da Christian 6. °nskede at oprette en dansk embedsmandsstand. Samme Xr oprettedes Kurantbanken - en seddeludstedende bank, der var forl°ber for den nuvµrende Nationalbank.

    Christian 6. var kun 46 Xr gammel, da han d°de den 6. august 1746. Han blev begravet i Roskilde Domkirke og efterfulgtes af sin s°n,Frederik 5.

    Christian giftet seg med Sophie Magdalene Hohenzollern, Dronning af Danmark og Norge 7 Aug 1721. Sophie ble født 28 Nov 1700 , Schloss Schönberg; døde 27 Mai 1770, Christiansborg Slot; ble begravet , Roskilde Domkirke. [Gruppeskjema] [Familiediagram]

  4. 13.  Sophie Magdalene Hohenzollern, Dronning af Danmark og Norge ble født 28 Nov 1700 , Schloss Schönberg; døde 27 Mai 1770, Christiansborg Slot; ble begravet , Roskilde Domkirke.


    {geni:occupation} Queen Consort of Denmark and Norway, Queen, Chr. VI's Dronning

    {geni:about_me} *Sophie Magdalene Markgravine of Brandenburg-Kulmbach-Bayreuth (28. november 1700 - 27. maj 1770)
    *By marriage Queen Consort of Christian VI of Denmark and Norway.

    *[http://www.thepeerage.com/p10227.htm#i102263 The Peerage]
    *[http://www.thepeerage.com/p10227.htm#i102263 Geneall]
    *[http://www.gravsted.dk/person.php?navn=dronningsophiemagdalene Burial] In Danish
    *[http://www.hansdenyngre.dk/hans_uk/wizg09.htm#320 Johann the Younger #314]
    *'''Wikipedia''' [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sophia_Magdalen_of_Brandenburg-Kulmbach English ] [http://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sophie_Magdalene_af_Brandenburg-Kulmbach Dansk ] [http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sophie_Magdalene_von_Brandenburg-Kulmbach Deutsch]

    Sophie Magdalene blev dronning af Danmark i 1730. Hun var datter af markgreve Christian Heinrich af Brandenburg-Kulmbach. I 1721 blev hun gift med den senere Christian 6.; sammen fik de bl.a. Frederik 5. Kongeparrets samliv var harmonisk, men Sophie Magdalene var upopulµr. Hun fik skyld for at skabe lukkethed om hoffet og kongefamilien. Hendes baggrund i et stµrkt religi°st milj°, prµget af pietismen, er en vµsentlig del af forklaringen pX det afdµmpede hofliv. Hun er desuden af eftertiden blevet kritiseret for aldrig at aflµgge sig sin tyskhed, selvom tysk sprog og kultur var fremherskende ved hoffet ogsX f°r hendes tid. Sophie Magdalene stod bag udformningen af en ny dronningekrone, da hun nµgtede at bµre den samme, som den forhadte dronning Anna Sophie havde bXret. Samlingen af kronjuveler blev ogsX grundlagt af hende, idet hun testamenterede en del af sine smykker til dette formXl. Hun lod slottet Hirschholm opf°re; her boede hun, efter at hun i 1746 var blevet enke.


    Dronning Sophie Magdalene, som var gift med Christian den 6. gjorde Vall° til en stiftelse for adelige jomfruer. PX den mXde kunne adelige kvinder, der ikke fik skaffet sig en µgtemand, alligevel leve standsmµssigt.

    I fundatsen fra 1737 kan man se, hvordan Vall°-abbedissens ordensdragt skulle se ud.
    Stiftsjomfruernes var mage til, men uden hermelinsfoer i den blX kappe, og naturligvis uden abbedissestaven, som var i s°lv med guldbelµgning. I dag findes Vall°s arkiv pX Landsarkivet.


    1. 6. Frederik V af Danmark og Norge von Oldenburg, Konge af Danmark og Norge ble født 31 Mar 1723 , Christiansborg Slot; ble døpt 31 Mar 1723 , Copenhagen; døde 13 Jan 1766, Christiansborg Slot; ble begravet , Roskilde Domkirke.
    2. Louise Oldenburg, Herzogin zu Sachsen-Hildburghausen ble født 19 Okt 1726 , København, Danmark; ble døpt 19 Okt 1726 , , Copenhagen; døde 20 Des 1724.