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# | Notater | Linket til |
6951 | {geni:about_me} Blikkenslager Borgerskap 25/4-1855 | Grung, Frantz Diderich (I21552)
6952 | {geni:about_me} Blomdal bruk 3 | Fossmark, Jon Jonsson (I44123)
6953 | {geni:about_me} Bodde i Christiania sammen med Jonas en periode. | Aarhus, Dorthea Hansdatter (I70005)
6954 | {geni:about_me} Bodde i København i 1720. Hun solgte gården Røsnes til en bonde den 17. februar 1721. Kilder: -Slægten Stang, bidrag til Fredrikhalds historie, side 32. -Personalhistorisk Tidsskrift, 4 Rekke, 1 Bind, side 287-288, 291. | Bjørn, Annichen Mathiasdotter (I27278)
6955 | {geni:about_me} Bodde i Welhavensgate 76 ved sin død | Olsen, Jakobine Malene (I22539)
6956 | {geni:about_me} Bodde på Asak i Skedsmo i 1764. Kilder: -Personalhistorisk Tidsskrift, 4 Rekke, 1 Bind, (1898), side 289. | Erichsen, Peder (I96478)
6957 | {geni:about_me} bodde på feøy gård Torvastad kilde karmøy bygdebok , Torvastad side 268. | Feøy, Anna (I92534)
6958 | {geni:about_me} Bodde på Hornes Oppstad sogn, S-Odal, Hedmark, Norge i 1746. | Hornes, Anne Olsdatter (I56584)
6959 | {geni:about_me} Bodde på Jaer i Bærum. Kilder: -Personalhistorisk Tidsskrift, 4 Rekke, 1 Bind, (1898), side 289. | Wold, Svend (I96479)
6960 | {geni:about_me} Bodde på Rendsborg. Kilder: -Personalhistorisk Tidsskrift 2. rekke 1. bind, side 76. | Margrethe, Inger (I36182)
6961 | {geni:about_me} Bodde på Skagen til dei i 1831 flytta til Lokkøya. Her hadde dei Tippmyra, 1/2 våg. i 1848 var dei kårfolk. | Brønlund, Anders Lockert Jensen (I64244)
6962 | {geni:about_me} Bodde på Skansgården i Vinger. | Oustad, Christen Haagensen (I30189)
6963 | {geni:about_me} Bodde sannsynligvis på Aanstad da hun døde (ifølge kirkebok) | Brøndlund, Elen Margrethe Andersdatter (I64233)
6964 | {geni:about_me} Bodde ugift i Kristiania. (kilde8). | Harboe Herzberg, Inger Margrethe Margrethe (I75644)
6965 | {geni:about_me} Bodde ved folketellingen i 1900 i Lurøy. Sees der å være ervervsudyktig på grunn av åndelig sykdom. | Stub, Nils Jacob (I99196)
6966 | {geni:about_me} Bodde visst på Li i Riska. | Øysteinson Vagle, Jon (I63229)
6967 | {geni:about_me} Bodel Johanne5 Thurmann (42) het som gift Holst (42). Hun ble født 16 mai 1798. Hun giftet seg 16 sep 1830 med Jørgen Laurentzius Chr Holst (41), sønn av Christen Jensen Holst (48) og Kirsten Grønhof Hansdatter (167). Hun døde 20 jun 1868 70 år gammel. | Thurmann, Bodil Johanne Vincentzdatter (I91534)
6968 | {geni:about_me} Bodil Griis var først trolovet med Stille Christensen av Stillesen-familien på Bragernes. Bryllupet skulle stå hos hennes faster på prestegården i Bamble, men før vielsen fant sted, kom kaptein Gyntelberg og gjorde bruderov - han bortførste Bodil, og hun ble snart etter gift med kapteinen. Senere skrev amtmann Just Must et skjemtevers om dette, og her heter det: "Mange løbe efter Clenodiet! Men ikkun Een faar det, som os stilles udi Brudgommen, erlig og velagte unge Karls Stille Christensen, Borger og Handelsmand paa Bragernæs... hvis høitidelige Brylup skulle være holdet paa Bamble Præstegaard, om Bruden ikke hafde bleven borttagen af Capteine Gyntelberg, I al Enfodighet fremstilled af den som ønsker enhver maatte faa sin løn!" - Vi ser også at Stille Christensen hadde lovet presten 3000 riksdaler i sølv for "lille Boel Griis". - Og lenger ned leser vi, "Skam dig du Fader, som saa haver solgt dit Barn". Andreas Mørch: (Kilde: Sigdal og Eggedal Bygdehistorie, bd. V (1965) s. 807-8). | Griis, Boel Cathrine (I53239)
6969 | {geni:about_me} Bodil Hansdatter, født 1598 i Sorø - død 31.marts 1627, datter af forstander for Sorø Skole Hans Mikkelsen (ca. 1538 1601) og Elisabeth Munthe (ca. 1560-16..). | Hansdatter, Bodil (I68946)
6970 | {geni:about_me} Bodil Laugesdatter (ca. 1640 X ca. 1703) Aage Nielsen Finne hadde 3 barn som ble voksne, alle med sin første hustru, Bodil Laugesdatter. Hun var datter av Lauge Nielsen og Karen. Tidligere har en gått ut fra at Bodil døde i 1705 og ble gravlagt samme sted som faren, nemlig i Molde kirke. Denne teorien baserte seg på opplysningen om at det ble betalt til Molde kirke "for det bedste Ligklæde til Aage Drønens Kjæreste 1 ort 8 sk". I 1704 blei det betalt 4 rd for å gravlegge ho under midtgolvet i Vatne kirke. Tilsynelatende to motstridende opplysninger. Men leiter i regnskapet for Molde kirke finner en ikke innført betaling for å gravlegge henne. Derimot kan Bjørn Jonson Dale opplyse at en i Vatne kirke ikke hadde noe "ligklede" på den tiden og en måtte leie fra andre steder, og Molde kirke hadde flere "ligklede" til disposisjon. I regnskapet for Molde kirke 1705, står bare nevnt Aage Drønens kjæreste. Det må være på denne tiden Aages andre hustru døde, kjæresten som det refereres til er da trolig Sofie Elisabeth Bæverlous. Det er ut fra Bjørn Jonson Dales nye opplysninger funnet i" justisprotokoll nr 8 for Sunnmøre, folio 63A (1705), der søskena hennar, Alexander og Emerentze, stadfesta at ho døde i Drynesund, hos deira ''kiere suoger'' Aage Nilssen. Dette har vore ukjent til no". | Laugesdatter, Bodel (Bodil) (I47680)
6971 | {geni:about_me} Bodil var iflg. Dansk Adels Aarbog 1907 d. af Svend Ottesen (Orning) til Eget og Anne Vognsdatter Vognsen af Stenshede (død 23 Apr 1578, begr. i Tolstrup). Bodil Svendsdatter var enke 1556. Gift med Niels Griis til Slette 1532-45. (DAA1907-). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Despite the DAA source, if one examines the probable birth dates of Bodil and her supposed parents/grandparents, it shows there are difficulties with this construction. Another version of Bodil's ancestry has been attached to Niels' profile. -------------------- An alternative construction of Bodil's ancestry ...................... 1556 anføres Bodil Svendsdattersom i en Rostjenesteliste som Ejer af Slette, og som saadan nævnes 1568 nævnes hun ogsaa i Præsteindberetning 1568, samt ejer af 1 Gaard (Rævdal) og 1 Hus i Gærum S., 1 Bol i Tranum S., 1Gaard, og1 Hus i Ø. Hassing S., 1 Bol. i Karup S., 1 Gaard. i Hørby og 2 Bole. og 10 Huse i Hjortdal S. 1576 levede Bodil Orning i Rævdal i Gærum. Niels Griis og Bodil Orning havde antagelig 5 Børn. Kilde: C. Klitgaard. "Slettegaard i Vester Hanherred". Historisk Årbog for Thisted amt 1954. | Orning, Bodil Svendsdatter (I38210)
6972 | {geni:about_me} Boede 1671 i Ejstrup.. Formodentlig bor han på Ejstrupgården sammen med sin mor. Stamtavle over Familien Friis fra Aarhus ved H. FriisXPetersen Aarhus 1946 side 51 B5. Jens Jørgensen Friis, levede 1671 og boede vist i Ejstrup. (Aarhus Tingbog 14/12 1671 Blad 107-108 og 18/1 1672 Blad 113 b) | Friis, Jens Jørgensen (I47379)
6973 | {geni:about_me} Boede hos kaptein I. M. Buch som var gift med hendes søsterdatter, Fredrikke Nissen. Ugift. | Brodtkorb, Barbara Andrea (I97248)
6974 | {geni:about_me} Boede i Ferslev sogn i Himmerland | Kjærulf, Maren Jørgensdatter (I74984)
6975 | {geni:about_me} Boel Hermansdatter REIMNICH BIRTH: ABT 1585, (Bodil) (Reiminchs) Kolding, Danmark DEATH: 12 Dec 1657, Bragernes, Drammen Father: Herman REIMNICH Mother: Margrethe Wihelmsdatter SCHUMACHER Johan GARMANN MARRIAGE: ABT 1605, Danmark Anneken GARMANN Johan GARMANN Bernt Johansen GARMANN Herman Johanssøn GARMANN Elisabeth GARMANN Willum GARMANN Kilde: | Reiminch, Boel (Bodil) Hermansdatter (I50187)
6976 | {geni:about_me} Boelbruket har navmn ettter henne. Ho var dotter av presten Jens Hansson Schreuder, som budde på Nybø. gnr 57 bnr. 1 (Nilsbruket) | Nybø, Boel Jensdtr. (I66607)
6977 | {geni:about_me} Bogislaw X Herzog von Pommern-Wolgast (1) M, #114710, b. 3 June 1454, d. 5 October 1523 Last Edited=14 May 2009 Bogislaw X Herzog von Pommern-Wolgast was born on 3 June 1454. He was the son of Eric II Herzog von Pommern-Wolgast. (1) He married, firstly, Margarete Prinzessin von Brandenburg, daughter of Friedrich II Kurfürst von Brandenburg and Katherine von Sachsen, circa 20 February 1477. (1) He married, secondly, Anne Jagellon, daughter of Casimir IV Jagellon, King of Poland and Elisabeth von Habsburg, on 2 February 1491. (1) He died on 5 October 1523 at age 69. Bogislaw X Herzog von Pommern-Wolgast succeeded to the title of Herzog von Pommern in 1478. (2) Child of Bogislaw X Herzog von Pommern-Wolgast and Margarete Prinzessin von Brandenburg -1. Barnim X Herzog von Pommern-Wolgast (1) Children of Bogislaw X Herzog von Pommern-Wolgast and Anne Jagellon -1. Anna Prinzessin von Pommern-Wolgast1 b. 1492, d. 25 Apr 1550 -2. Georg Herzog von Pommern-Stettin+3 b. 11 Apr 1493, d. bt 9 May 1531 - 10 May 1531 -3. Kasimir III Herzog von Pommern-Wolgast1 b. 28 Apr 1494, d. 19 Oct 1518 -4. Elibieta Prinzessin von Pommern-Wolgast1 b. c 1495, d. 27 May 1518 -5. Prinzessin Sophie von Pommern-Wolgast+2 b. c 1498, d. 13 May 1568 -6. Barnim XI Herzog von Pommern-Wolgast1 b. 2 Dec 1501, d. 2 Nov 1573 -7. Otto IV Herzog von Pommern1 b. 1503, d. c 1518 Forrás / Source: ------------------------ Bogislaw X, Duke of Pomerania From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Bogislaw X, the Great, (June 3, 1454 X October 5, 1523) was Duke of Pomerania from 1474 until his death in 1523. Bogislaw was born in Rügenwalde into the House of Pomerania (Griffins). His father was Eric II, Duke of Pomerania-Wolgast, his mother was the duchess Sophia of Pomerania, both distant relatives of the House of Pomerania. Bogislawwas first married to Margareta of Brandenburg and later to Anna Jagiellon, daughter of Casimir IV Jagiellon King of Poland. With his second wife he had eight children, including Sophia of Pomerania, who became queen of Denmark. He inherited all of the previously partitioned Duchy of Pomerania and became her sole ruler in 1478. He was succeeded by his sons George I and Barnim XI. Before Bogislaw's reign, the Duchy of Pomerania had for a long time been divided into several splinter duchies, ruled by relatives of the Griffin house. In 1464, Pomerania-Stettin's duke Otto III died without an heir, Bogislaw's father Eric II and his uncle, Wartislaw X, both ruling different portions of Pomerania-Wolgast, managed to succeed in a conflict about Pomerania-Stettin inheritance with the Margraviate of Brandenburg. In 1474, with his father's death, Bogislaw inherited his splinter duchy, becoming Duke of Pomerania. In 1478 with his uncle's death, he inherited his splinter duchy, too, becoming the first sole ruler in the Duchy of Pomerania since about 200 years. His father, Eric II, had left Pomerania in tense conflicts with Brandenburg and Mecklenburg. Bogislaw managed to resolve these conflicts by both diplomatic and military means. He married his sister, Sophia, to Magnus, Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, and his other sister, Magarete, was married to Magnus' brother Balthasar. Bogislaw himself married Magarete, daughter of Brandenburg's Prince-elector Frederick II. Also, in 1478, Bogislaw regained areas lost to Brandenburg by his father, most notably the town of Gartz and other small towns and castles north of the Brandenburgian Uckermark. He confirmed the 1472 Peace of Prenzlau in 1479, leaving Strasburg with Brandenburg and Bogislaw had to take his possessions as a fief from Brandenburg. In the same year, his wife died before they had children. When Bogislaw married Anna of Poland in 1491, all of Pomerania's neighbors were tied to the House of Pomerania by marriage. Bogislaw made use of these favourable conditions in 1493, and strengthened Pomerania's position towards Brandenburg in the Treaty of Pyritz, which declared Pomerania not a fief of Brandenburg, but a fief of the Holy Roman Emperor. In 1496-98, Bogislaw travelled to Jerusalem as a pilgrim. He died in Stettin. [edit] Children by Anna Jagiellon: -1. Sophie of Pomerania (1498X1568), from 1525 Queen of Denmark, X Frederick I of Denmark -2. Georg I (1493X1531) -3. Anna (* 1492; X 25. April 1550), from 1521 ruling Duchess of Lubin X George I of Brieg -4. Barnim IX (1501X1573) -5. Elisabeth (X before 1518) -6. Barnim (* before 1501, X before 1501) -7. Otto (* before 1503, X before 1518) -8. Kasimir VIII (* 28. April 1494, X 29. Oktober 1518) illegitimate: Christoph, Bishop of Schwerin /Christoph (* um 1480; X unbekannt), unehelicher Sohn, bekleidete geistliche Ämter -from German text/ Forrás / Source:,_Duke_of_Pomerania ------------------------------- F1. Duke Bogislaw X "the Great" of Pomerania-Wolgast (1474-78), Duke of Pomerania (1478-1523), *Stolp 3.7.1454, +Stettin 5.10.1523; 1m: Prenzlau ca 20.9.1477 Marguerite von Brandenburg (+1489); 2m: Stettin 2.2.1491 Anna of Poland(*12.3.1476 +12.8.1503) G1. [1m.] Barnim X, +young G2. [2m.] Duke Georg I of Pomerania-Wolgast (1523-31), *11.4.1493, +9/10.5.1531; 1m: 22.5.1513 Amalia von Wittelsbach (*Heidelberg 25.7.1490 +Alt-Stettin 6.1.1524); 2m: Wolgast 6.1.1530 Margarete von Hohenzollern (*29.9.1511 +1577) H1. [1m.] Bogislav XI, *21.3.1514 H2. [1m.] Duke Philip I of Pomerania-Wolgast (1531-60), *14.5/7.1515, +14.2.1560; m.Torgau 25.2.1536 Maria of Saxony (*Weimar 15.7.1515, +Wolgast 7.1.1583) I1. Georg, *13.2.1540, +16.11.1544 I2. Johann Friedrich I, Duke of Pomerania-Wolgast (1560-1600) and Pomerania-Stettin (1569-1600), *27.8.1542, +9.2.1600; m.Stettin 17.2.1577 Erdmuth von Brandeburg (*26.6.1561 +Stolp 13.11.1623) I3. Bogislav XIII, Duke of Pomerania-Barth (1560-1606), *9.8.1544, +Stettin 7.3.1606; 1m: Franzburg 8.9.1572 Dss Klara von Braunschweig-Lüneburg in Giffhorn (*1.1.1550 +26.1.1598); 2m: 31.5.1601 Dss Anna von Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg (*7.10.1577 +30.1.1616) J1. [1m.] Philip II, Duke of Pomerania-Barth (1606-18), *28.7.1573, +3.2.1618; m.8.3.1607 Dss Sofia of Schleswig-Hosltein-Sonderburg (*30.5.1579 +3.6.1618) J2. [1m.] Franz I, Bp of Kammin (1605-18), Duke of Pomerania-Barth (1618-20), *27.8.1577, +Stettin 27.11.1620; m.Dresda 26.8.1610 Dss Sophia of Saxony (*Dresden 29.4.1587 +Stettin 9.12.1635) J3. [1m.] Bogislav XIV, Duke of Pomerania (1620-37), *31.3.1580, +10.3.1637; m.19.2.1625 Dss Elisabeth of Schleswig-Hosltein-Sonderburg (*24.9.1580 +21.12.1653) J4. [1m.] Georg, *30.1.1582, +27.3.1617 J5. [1m.] Johann Ernst, *24.2.1586, +1.2.1590 J6. [1m.] Ulrich, Bp of Kammin (1618-22), *12.8.1587, +Pribbernow 31.10.1622; m.Wolfenbüttel 7.2.1619 Dss Hedwige von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel (*Wolgast 19.2.1595, +Neustettin 26.6.1650) J7. [1m.] Clara Maria, *Neuenkamp 10.7.1574, +Hitzacker19.2.1623; 1m: Barth 7.10.1593 Duke Sigmund August von Mecklenburg-Schwerin (*Schwerin 11.11.1561 +Strelitz 5.9.1603); 2m: Strelitz 13.12.1607 Duke August I von Braunschweig-Lüneburg in Hitzaker (*Dannenberg 10.4.1579, +Wolfenbuettel 17.9.1666) J8. [1m.] Katharina, *18.6.1575, +2/11.7.1575 J9. [1m.] Erdmuthe, *5.4.1578, +11.7.1583 J10. [1m.] Sophia Johanna, *12.6.1588, +3.3.1591 J11. [1m.] Anna, *3.10.1590, +7.6/7.1660; m.4.8.1619 Duke Ernst von Croy (+7.10.1620) I4. Ernst Ludwig I, *2.11.1545, +Wolgast 17.6.1592; m.Wolgast 20.10.1577 Sophia Hedwige von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel (*Wolfenbuettel 1.12.1561 +Loitz 30.1.1631) J1. Philip Julius I, Duke of Pomerania-Wolgast (1592-1625), *27.12.1584, +Wolgast 6.2.1625; m.Berlin 25.6.1604 Agnes von Brandeburg (*Berlin 17.7.1584, +Schloss Neuhaus 26.3.1629) J2. Johanna Maria, *19.3.1579, +16.4.1606 J3. Elisabeth Magdalena, *14.6.1580, +23.2.1649; m.14.3.1600 Friedrich I von Kettler, Duke of Courland (*25.11.1569 +17.8.1639) I5. Barnim XII, Duke of Pomerania-Rügenwalde (1560-1603), *15.2.1549, +1.9.1603; m.Berlin 8.1.1582 Anna Maria von Brandeburg (*Schloss Zechlin 3.2.1567, +Wollin 4/14.11.1618) I6. Erich, *22.8.1551, +12/13.12.1551 I7. Kasimir IX, Bp of Kammin (1574-1605), *22.3.1557, +10.5.1605 I8. Amalie, *28.1.1547, +16.9.1580 I9. Margarete, *6.3.1553, +Ratzeburg 7.9.1581; m.Wolgast 26.12.1574 Duke Franz II of Saxony-Lauenburg (*Ratzeburg 10.8.1547 +Lauenburg 2.7.1619) I10. Anna, *18.9.1554, +10.9.1626; m.9.12.1588 Duke Ulrich III von Mecklenburg-Schwerin (*Schwerin 22.4.1528 +Guestrow 14.3.1603) H3. [1m.] Margarete, *V.1518, +Salzderhelden 24.6.1569; m.Wolgast 9.10.1547 Duke Ernst V zu Braunschweig-Lüneburg (*17.12.1518 +2.4.1567) H4. [2m.] Georgia, *28.9/11.1531, +I.1574; m.Ct Stanislav z Labiszyn Latalski (+11.12.1598) G3. [2m.] Kasimir III, *28.4.1494, +19.10.1518 G4. [2m.] Barnim XI, Duke of Pomerania-Stettin (1523-69) abdicated, *2.12.1501, +2.11.1573; m.Stettin 6.11.1523 Anna von Braunschweig-Lüneburg (*6.12.1502 +6.9.1568) H1. Bogislav XII, +after 1541 H2. Alexandra, +young H3. Marie, *2.2.1527, +19.2.1554; m.1544 Gf Otto IV von Schaumburg-Pinneburg (*1517 +21/22.12.1576) H4. Dorotea, *7.2.1528, +4.6.1558; m.1555 Gf Johann von Mansfeld-Hinterort (+3.3.1567) H5. Elisabeta, +ca 1554 H6. Anna, *5.2.1531, +13.10.1592; 1m: Zerbst 16.5.1557 Karl von Anhalt-Zerbst (*Dessau 17.11/12.1534 +Zerbst 4.3/5.1561); 2m: Stettin 1562 Heinrich VI von Plauen, Burggrave of Meissen (*29.12.1536 +22/25.1.1572; 3m: 1574 Gf JobstII von Barby-Mühlingen (*8.5.1544 +9.8.1609) H7. Sibilla, *25.4.1541 +21.9.1564 G5. [2m.] Otto IV, *1503, +ca 1518 G6. [2m.] Anna, *1492, +25.4.1550; m.5.6.1515 Duke Georg I of Brieg (*1481/83, +30.5.1521) G7. [2m.] Elisabeth, +ca 27.5.1518 G8. [2m.] Sophie, *1498, +Kiel 13.5.1568; m.Kiel 9.10.1518 King Frederik I of Denmark (*7.10.1471 +10.4.1533) Forrás / Source: -------------------- Bogislaw X, Duke of Pomerania From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Bogislaw X of Pomerania, the Great, (June 3, 1454 X October 5, 1523) was Duke of Pomerania from 1474 until his death in 1523. Bogislaw was born in Rügenwalde into the House of Pomerania (Griffins). His father was Eric II, Duke of Pomerania-Wolgast, his mother was the duchess Sophia of Pomerania, both distant relatives of the House of Pomerania. Bogislawwas first married to Margareta of Brandenburg and later to Anna Jagiellon, daughter of Casimir IV Jagiellon King of Poland. With his second wife he had eight children, including Sophia of Pomerania, who became queen of Denmark. He inherited all of the previously partitioned Duchy of Pomerania and became her sole ruler in 1478. He was succeeded by his sons George I and Barnim XI. Before Bogislaw's reign, the Duchy of Pomerania had for a long time been divided into several splinter duchies, ruled by relatives of the Griffin house. In 1464, Pomerania-Stettin's duke Otto III died without an heir, Bogislaw's father Eric II and his uncle, Wartislaw X, both ruling different portions of Pomerania-Wolgast, managed to succeed in a conflict about Pomerania-Stettin inheritance with the Margraviate of Brandenburg. In 1474, with his father's death, Bogislaw inherited his splinter duchy, becoming Duke of Pomerania. In 1478 with his uncle's death, he inherited his splinter duchy, too, becoming the first sole ruler in the Duchy of Pomerania since about 200 years. His father, Eric II, had left Pomerania in tense conflicts with Brandenburg and Mecklenburg. Bogislaw managed to resolve these conflicts by both diplomatic and military means. He married his sister, Sophia, to Magnus, Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, and his other sister, Magarete, was married to Magnus' brother Balthasar. Bogislaw himself married Magarete, daughter of Brandenburg's Prince-elector Frederick II. Also, in 1478, Bogislaw regained areas lost to Brandenburg by his father, most notably the town of Gartz and other small towns and castles north of the Brandenburgian Uckermark. He confirmed the 1472 Peace of Prenzlau in 1479, leaving Strasburg with Brandenburg and Bogislaw had to take his possessions as a fief from Brandenburg. In the same year, his wife died before they had children. When Bogislaw married Anna of Poland in 1491, all of Pomerania's neighbors were tied to the House of Pomerania by marriage. Bogislaw made use of these favourable conditions in 1493, and strengthened Pomerania's position towards Brandenburg in the Treaty of Pyritz, which declared Pomerania not a fief of Brandenburg, but a fief of the Holy Roman Emperor. In 1496-98, Bogislaw travelled to Jerusalem as a pilgrim. He died in Stettin. [edit]Children by Anna Jagiellon: Sophie of Pomerania (1498X1568), from 1525 Queen of Denmark, X Frederick I of Denmark Georg I (1493X1531) Anna (* 1492; X 25. April 1550), from 1521 ruling Duchess of Lubin X George I of Brieg Barnim IX (1501X1573) Elisabeth (X before 1518) Barnim (* before 1501, X before 1501) Otto (* before 1503, X before 1518) Kasimir VIII (* 28. April 1494, X 29. Oktober 1518) illegitimate: Christoph, Bishop of Schwerin | von Pommern-Wolgast, Bogislaw X Herzog (I96605)
6978 | {geni:about_me} BogusXaw RadziwiXX (Lithuanian: Boguslovas Radvila; May 3, 1620 X December 31, 1669) was a princely magnate and a member of the PolishXLithuanian szlachta, or nobility. He was of the RadziwiXX (Radvila) noble family. Born of the mightiest and highest resident family of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (as well as a blood descendant of King Casimir IV of Poland, and KXstutis and Vytautas, monarchs of Lithuania),[1] RadziwiXX was the owner of BirXai, Dubingiai, SXuck, and Kopyta, the great Standard-bearer of Lithuania since 1638, the Master of the Stables of Lithuania since 1648, and the Starost barski. RadziwiXX was Governor of the Duchy of Prussia (generalny gubernator Prus KsiXXXcych) since 1657. From 1637 to 1648 RadziwiXX studied abroad, in Germany, Netherlands, England, and France. He was also Imperial Prince of the Holy Roman Empire[1]. For several decades, the interests between the RadziwiXX family and the PolishXLithuanian Commonwealth had begun to drift apart, as RadziwXX were less satisfied with the magnate status of the family and its immense wealth and began craving for more political power. Together with his cousin Janusz RadziwiXX in 1654 during The Deluge, or Swedish invasion of Poland, BogusXaw RadziwiXX began negotiations with King Charles X Gustav of Sweden aimed at breaking the Commonwealth and the PolishXLithuanian union. They signed a treaty according to which the SwedishXLithuanian union was founded and the RadziwiXXs were to rule over two duchies carved up from the lands of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The Swedish defeat and eventual retreat from the territories of the Commonwealth abruptly ended the plans of Janusz and BogusXaw. The former died at Tykocin castle besieged by forces loyal to the Commonwealth, while BogusXaw retreated with his forces to Prussia, where he supported Frederick William, Elector of Brandenburg, against the Polish king. In the Battle of Prostki on October 8, 1656, BogusXaw's forces were decimated by the Commonwealth forces under Hetman Wincenty Korwin Gosiewski. RadziwiXX himself was captured by the Tatars, who initially enslaved him and wanted to transport him to Crimea. After fierce discussions with the Tatar commanders, he was handed over to Gosiewski. Boguslaw married Anna Maria RadziwiXX, the only daughter of his relative and collaborator, the late prince Janusz. In turn, this couple had only one surviving child, a daughter, Ludwika Karolina RadziwiXX. Both BogusXaw's and Janusz's lines of the RadziwiXX family became extinct by the next generation. In Poland it is believed that BogusXaw's and Janusz's only lasting achievement was to tarnish the RadziwiXX family name for years to come with their treason, eclipsing the deeds of other RadziwiXXs like MichaX Kazimierz RadziwiXX, who fought for the Crown and the Commonwealth against the Swedes. BogusXaw is the archvillain in a novel by Henryk Sienkiewicz, The Deluge, which is mandatory school reading in Poland, and is also the basis for a very popular eponymous film. BogusXaw died in exile in Königsberg. He was the last Calvinist male member of his family. His estates and the task to protect the Polish Reformed Church passed to his only daughter, Princess Ludwika Karolina. | RadziwiXX, BogusXaw (I96166)
6979 | {geni:about_me} Boken om familien Thurman, skrevet av Jørgen Backer Thurman i 1866: | Thurmann, Brede Eriksen (I47394)
6980 | {geni:about_me} Bol (Bothild) Sjursdatter, datter av Sjur Andersen Haukanes, Varaldsøy og Susanne Andersdatter, ble født ca 1665. Bol giftet seg med Sjur Didriksen Dyrland ca 1689. | Sjursdtr, Bothild (I81508)
6981 | {geni:about_me} Bolette var Peter Jalles 3. kone | Angell, Bolette Christine (I93317)
6982 | {geni:about_me} Bonde | Pedersson, Mårten (I97669)
6983 | {geni:about_me} Bonde | Pedersson i Västerskucku, Erik (I97672)
6984 | {geni:about_me} Bonde | Persson, Olov Persson (I97677)
6985 | {geni:about_me} Bonde och Kyrkovärd | Pedersson Skunck, Göran (I97673)
6986 | {geni:about_me} Bonde og garver. Sønn av Ole Steffensen. Kilde: -Ole Nielsens slektsbok fra 1975. -"Slekten Brügger" av professor dr. philos Niels-Henrik Kolderup, 1970 (side 20). | Olsen Håtuft, Ole (I21580)
6987 | {geni:about_me} Bonde på Fenrik X frigard ved livkompaniet i Nordhordland -XFenrikens assignerte gård X ( gård som skulle betale skatten til ein militær X offiser) | Garnes, Sjur Olavson Ådna (I56095)
6988 | {geni:about_me} Bondefolk på Solås, Hyllestad. | Furebotten, Ivar Anfinnson (I3590)
6989 | {geni:about_me} Bondehandler. Døpt den 14. januar 1751, Kinn Kirke. Kilde: -"Slekten Brügger" av professor dr. philos Niels-Henrik Kolderup 1970 (side 12). | Andersen Frøyen, Ole (I15559)
6990 | {geni:about_me} Bondeslægter i Stange, av Chr. N Ringnæs: s.51(Muslie) | Musli, Kristofer Andersen (I27772)
6991 | {geni:about_me} Bondeslægter i Stange, av Chr. N Ringnæs: s49-51(Muslie) | Musli, Else Andersdatter (I37188)
6992 | {geni:about_me} Bopæl 1529 - 1554 : Grønnegade i Ribe -------------------- Name: Mette Christensdatter Sex: F Death: 15 JUN 1554 in Ribe Father: Christiern Nielsen b: CA. 1470/80 in Ribe? Marriage 1 Lauge\Lave Steffensen Married: in Ribe Children Hans Laugesen b: 1530 in Ribe Marine Laugesdatter b: CA. 1540 Søren Laugesen Steffen Laugesen b: 1546 Jens Laugesen Christen Laugesen Mads Laugesen Kilde: -------------------- Biography for: 10223. Mette Christ Iron Daughter 10223. Mette Christensdatter Born: 00-00-1510 Married: 00-00-1529 ca. with Lauge Steffensen Died: 15-06-1554 in Ribe. Lauge Steffensen Died 1 / 10 1554 in Ribe Married to Mette Christensdatter. He was a councilman in Ribe 1544 - 54 (Source: [Source: The Danish Churches - Ribe Cathedral, Epitafier. Memorial boards. ] See transcripts folder Genealogy Sonja fathers 1a. The couple Lauge Steffensen and Metthe Christensdatter Laugis had 6 sons, of whom the eldest, Hans Laugesen, was appointed Bishop of Ribe same year as parents to grow up, and 3 daughters, of whom only Marine (+ 1600) are known. See also images of paintings by Lauge Steffensen and his wife Metthe folder Slgtsf. Sonja fathers 1a. Mette Christensdatter Died 15 / 6 1554 in Ribe She gave birth to 9 children, "which in the present material may be said to be the norm for civil marriages in Ribe. Married to Lauge Steffensen Her father was Christ Iron Nielsen who are treated as No during Qvistgaard genus. He is so in two ways ancestor Marie (Mitte) Qvistgaard. (Source: Lauge Steffensen (1500) U01.10.1554 Deputy Mayor Married to: Mette Christensdatter U1554 Children: 1.Marine Lauge Daughter (1540) U09-02-1600 Poison 1.gang with Peder Mortensen Hegelund 1527 U1566 v.1593 Laurits' gigius Gjødesen 1531 U1597 2.Hans Laugesen f.03-01-1530 U16-08-1594 v.1561 Dorthe His Daughter 1538 U1601 [source 128, 516 - Ribe town Dansk Anearkiv.] | Varder, Mette Christiernsdatter (I97341)
6993 | {geni:about_me} Bor 1750 i Haug, Hadsel sogn Kilde: | Lockert, Ziselle Maria Abrahamsdatter (I97778)
6994 | {geni:about_me} Bor i København i 1728: | Vagel, Just Jochimssøn (I49156)
6995 | {geni:about_me} Borger og gjestgiver. Sønn av Henrik Lexau og Gye Maria Amalia Pritzier. Kilde: -"Slekten Brügger" av professor dr. philos Niels-Henrik Kolderup 1970 (side 10). | Lexau, Henrich Henrichson Sen. (I15535)
6996 | {geni:about_me} Borger og Handelsmann. Kilder: -Personalhistorisk Tidsskrift 1.rekke 2.bind, side 341. | Rue, Thomas Christianson (I35420)
6997 | {geni:about_me} Borgerbrev som kobberslager den 14. januar 1853. Kilder: -"Slekten Brügger" av professor dr. philos Niels-Henrik Kolderup 1970 (side 18). | Wahlstrøm, Rasmus Georg (I21590)
6998 | {geni:about_me} Borgermester Fredrikstad, 1689-1716. Døpt den 4. juli 1652, Christiania. Kilder: -Norsk Slektshistorisk Tidsskrift 3, side 116. -Kriminalitet og rettsvesen i Kristiania på slutten av 1600-tallet. Bodil Chr. Erichsen. Oslo 1993, Tingbokprosjektet. -Vesterlandets Konge - Christen de Linde. En vestjysk matador og hans slægt, av Graugaard, Esben. Holstebro 2004. Side 210. -Personalhistorisk Tidsskrift 2.rekke 4.bind, side 199. -Norsk Slektshistorisk Tidsskrift XXVII, side 28, 37. | Soelgaard, Jens Nielsen (I35837)
6999 | {geni:about_me} Borgermester i Drammen. | Klingenberg, Reidar (I90738)
7000 | {geni:about_me} Borgermester, kemner, sagbrukseier og handelsmann i Christiania. Borger i Christiania 1656. Ble eier av Hakadal gård 1660. Kilder: -Personalhistorisk Tidsskrift 2.rekke 4.bind, side 179, 181, 199. Gaarde Mantal udi Christiania, taxert og forfattedt den 14. 15. oc 16. Augusti Anno 1661. Ved Bureauchef Alf Collett. -Vesterlandets Konge - Christen de Linde. En vestjysk matador og hans slægt, side 210. -Norsk Slektshistorisk Tidsskrift XXVII, s 13-39. Holstebros Historie gennem Tiderne 1274-1939, side 161, 181. -Epoker i Nittedals historie, bd. II. Kirkeby, Birger. | Solgaard, Niels Christensen (I35834)