Notater |
- {geni:occupation} Generalmajor, sjef for det Bergenhusiske infanteriregiment, Oberst
{geni:about_me} Deltok i Wismars beleiring, stormen på Christianstad og i slaget ved Lund, ble regimensjef og oberst, avskjed i 1712
Notes for Georg Friderich Von Krogh:
Georg's portrait is said to be found in Haagenvik and the Stavanger museum. From 1670 to 75 he was in voluntary imperial service under the Electoral Prince of Pfalzland the Duke of Lothringen. He was called home in 1675 to becomea Lance-Corporal in the Brockenhus Regiment, where he took part in the siege of Wismar, in the battle by Lund. In 1677 he was promoted to regiment quartermaster, and was present during the siege of Christianstad. In 1678 he was promoted to Captain of the Trondheim Regiment, from 1680-96 he was Commanding Officer of the Outer Sogn Company of Bergenhus Infantry Regiment, in 1896 he was promoted to the rank of Major, in 1704 to Lieutenant Colonel, and in 1710 to full Colonel and Head of the regiment. He left the military service in 1712, and died October 2, 1721 in Bergen. He was buried, October 30, in Nykirken (New Church) in Trondheim. He married three times and sired sixteen children. A guarantee that the von Krogh name would exist for centuries in Norway..His 1st marriage, 1681 was to Birgitte Christoffersdtr Munthe (Morgenstierne) born July 13, 1662 in Flahammer, and died there on October 2, 1696 . His 2nd marriage was to Marie Thomasdtr Montagne in 1699 she died in 1709; his third marriage in 1713 was to Marie Elisabeth Jorgendtr Thormohlen, who died in 1742 (her first marriage was to a Councilman Laurids Weiner in Bergen).
Georg's portrait is said to be found in Haagenvik and the Stavanger museum. From 1670 to 75 he was in voluntary imperial service under the Electoral Prince of Pfalzland the Duke of Lothringen. He was called home in 1675 to becomea Lance-Corporal in the Brockenhus Regiment, where he took part in the siege of Wismar, in the battle by Lund. In 1677 he was promoted to regiment quartermaster, and was present during the siege of Christianstad. In 1678 he was promoted to Captain of the Trondheim Regiment, from 1680-96 he was Commanding Officer of the Outer Sogn Company of Bergenhus Infantry Regiment, in 1896 he was promoted to the rank of Major, in 1704 to Lieutenant Colonel, and in 1710 to full Colonel and Head of the regiment. He left the military service in 1712, and died October 2, 1721 in Bergen. He was buried, October 30, in Nykirken (New Church) in Trondheim. He married three times and sired sixteen children. A guarantee that the von Krogh name would exist for centuries in Norway..His 1st marriage, 1681 was to Birgitte Christoffersdtr Munthe (Morgenstierne) born July 13, 1662 in Flahammer, and died there on October 2, 1696 . His 2nd marriage was to Marie Thomasdtr Montagne in 1699 she died in 1709; his third marriage in 1713 was to Marie Elisabeth Jorgendtr Thormohlen, who died in 1742 (her first marriage was to a Councilman Laurids Weiner in Bergen).
1 gang gift med Birgitte Munthe.
2 gang gift med Marie Montagne.
3 gang gift med Marie Thormöhlen,
i følge slektstreet av den norske gren av von Krogh-familien
523. von Krogh, Georg Friederich, f. 1653 i Trondhjem, d. 2/10 1721 i Bergen, Oberst og chef f. Bergenhusiske Regiment.
Søn af Bernt von Krogh, f. i Lübeck, d. 1676 i T.hjem, 1662 Stadskaptein og 13/4 1663 Stadsmajor i Trondhjem og 2den Hustru Alida v. Bolten, d. 9/8 1688 i T.hjem. Oberst von Krogh deltog i den skaanske Krig som Corporal og Løitnant, blev 1678 Kaptein og 1679 Chef for 6te Kompani af Trondhjemske Regiment, 1680 forflyttet til Bergenhuiske Regiment, 1696 Sekondmajor. 1700 Premiermajor, 1704 Oberstløitnant, 1710 Oberst og Chef for Bergenhuiske Regiment, Afsked 1714. Fra ham nedstammer alle af Navnet von Krogh.
OM., Brystbill. i fuld Størr.; Kopi, malet af Fru Magnus, f. Beyer, efter Orginalen p. Haagenvik i Søndhordland (tilh. Komponist Wash. Magnus.) * Boghandler Beyer, Bergen.
* [ Flahamar vert offisersgard]