On http://forum.arkivverket.no/index.php?/topic/156074-70719-cecilie-cathrine-widing-1-1759-m-garmann-2-1713-1780-m-heiberg/page__st__40 , one finds: XI have found a suggestion on Ancestry that the parents of Marie Fuiren were Wilhelm/Willum Fuiren (1603-1664)and Drude Motzfeldt (?-1649). These parents would make sense as parents of Marie given the names of Marie and Johan Clausen Frimann's children as set forth in the link in #39. That is the first girl is named Drude after the maternal grandmother, first son named Claus after paternal grandfather, second son named Wilhelm/Willum after maternal grandfather, etc.Wilhelm Fuiren is supposed to be the son of Henrik Fuiren (1544-1631)(although there were supposed to be two of this name, father and son and I do not know if the dates are for father or son). Wilhelm's mother is likely Mechtild Hermannsdatter.The parents of Drude Motzfeld(t) are Peder Motzfeld(t)and Marie Heimbach. There is another source, however, that lists the wife of Wilhelm Fuiren as Drude C(h)arisius, daughter of Jonas (1571-1619) and Anne C(h)arisius. As this person is also named Drude, it could be possible that she is a mother of Marie Fuiren, but I prefer the Motzfeld(t) idea as the grandmother Marie Heimbach is then a source for Marie Fuiren's christian name.It appears that all of these families were involved in trade in Copenhagen in aprominent way and especially with the Danish trading company.X
Per Nermo responds: XMarie Fuiren's grandfather being one Henrik Fuiren (1544-1631) suggests that she is indeen the same Marie Fuiren that was (?) previously married to Strange (Christophersen) Trøner who lived in Copenhagen in 1665 and had with Maria the children Christopher and Maria.The 'suggestion' is based on (the fact ?) that Strange's sister Else was married to Jacob Fuiren and had a son Henrik, which then would have his grandfather's first name. The siblings Jacob and Maria thus would have been married to the siblings Else and Strange Trøner.For this to 'fit', Strange must have died in 1665, and Maria's daughter in her supposed 2nd marriage with Johan (Fredrik) Clausen Frimann must have been born appr. 1666, not 1664 as one source suggests. Anyway, these are merely a bunch of guesses and assumptions .... X