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- {geni:about_me} 16284. Tolleiv* BJØRNSSON Norheim(706) (706)(751) (705) was born about 1565 in Norheim farm #49, Etne, Hordaland, Norway. He died in 1637 in Norheim farm #49, Etne, Hordaland, Norway. Tolleiv took over Norheim from his father in 1603 and operated the farm for the rest of his life. He was an extremely rich landowner and must have been in the upper social strata of Etne since he married the priest's daughter. Tolleiv inherited extensive properties and increased the size of his estate by purchasing additional land. In 1615, he was one of the largest allodial landowners in Etne and was required to support a soldier. Tolleiv served as a lagrettemann and represented Etneat the Royal Coronation in Oslo in 1610. He was also one of the men who witnessed Nils Pedersson Bugge's gift of 200 riksdalar to the Bergen Cathedral school in 1606. In fact, Tolleiv signed his own name on the document, indicating he could probably read and write. In 1624, Tolleiv owned property at Norheim, Ekrheim, Østbø, Bleie, Sekse, Aldensøe (probably Askvol in Sogn) and Brecke. The total value of his estate was about 7 laupar smør and 3 laupar salt.He probably acquired additional property later since his wife's brother was in possession of over 13 laupar smør owned by their deceased father that had not yet been divided among the heirs. He was married to Birgitte* NIELSDATTER Bugge about 1595 in Etne, Hordaland, Norway.(706)
16285. Birgitte* NIELSDATTER Bugge(706) (706)(751) (705) was born about 1580 in Etne, Hordaland, Norway. She died in Norheim farm #49, Etne, Hordaland, Norway. Birgitte witnessed her father's gift of 200 riksdalar to the Bergen Cathedral school on 13 Aug 1606. Children were:
8142 i. Sakarias* TOLLEIVSSON Norheim.
ii. Anna TOLLEIVSDATTER Norheim(706) (705) was born about 1605 in Norheim farm #49, Etne, Hordaland, Norway. She died about 1675 in Ve farm #20, Etne, Hordaland, Norway.
iii. Anna TOLLEIVSDATTER Norheim(706) (705) was born about 1605 in Norheim farm #49, Etne, Hordaland, Norway. She died before 1655 in Høyland farm #48, Etne, Hordaland, Norway.
iv. Jon TOLLEIVSSON Skjold(706) (751)(705) was born about 1615 in Norheim farm #49, Etne, Hordaland, Norway. He died in 1666 in Skjold farm #61, Etne, Hordaland, Norway. Jon Tolleivsson appears to have been a relatively wealthy man. He didn't move to Skjold until sometime in the 1660's, shortly before his death. Jon probably lived at one of the farms owned by the Norheim family and allowed his father-in-law to operate Skjold. Skjold was a farm of 1 laup 6 merker smør. It supported a herd of 1 horse, 12 cattle and 18 sheep and goats. In 1666, Jon owned property at Norheim, Ekrheim, Håland and Rame, besides Skjold where he was living at the time of his death. He was last named in Jan 1667 when he paid his brother 11 riksdalar to settle an old inheritance issue.
v. Johannes TOLLEIVSSON Erøy(706) (712)(705) was born in 1626 in Norheim farm #49, Etne, Hordaland, Norway. He died in Erøy farm, Erfjord, Rogaland, Norway. Johannes Tolleivsson is mentioned in the 1661 and 1666 tax lists as thefarmer of 3 laupar smør at Erøy. He probably came to Erøy around 1654 after his father-in-law, who owned the farm, moved to Imsland. Johannes is also mentioned in a document of 1667 in which his brother paid him 11 dalar because he had received too little of the inheritance after their father.
vi. Lisbet TOLLEIVSDATTER Norheim(706) (715)(705) was born about 1600 in Norheim farm #49, Etne, Hordaland, Norway. She died after 1645 in Ekrheim farm #71, Etne, Hordaland, Norway.
- Yngve Nedrebø: 'NaXr Lampe og andre hevder at Niels Bugge var gift med
Berg itte Nielsdatter, er det utelukkende bygd paX gavebrevet fr a 1606.
Og der har Bergitte Nielsdatter ganske riktig under tegnet, men ikke noe
tyder paX at denne Bergitte Nielsdatte r var gift med Niels Bugge. AltsaX
ganske sikkert en feilslu tning. Derimot maX Bergitte Nielsdatter ha
undertegnet som datter a v Niels Bugge. Siden hun undertegnet egenhendig
regner je g med at hun var ugift. Og dersom hun undertegnet, og var g
ift, hvorfor skulle da hennes ektemann undertegne? Og naXr T ollef
Bjørnsen undertegnet maX det ha vært paX vegne av sin h ustru, som altsaX
IKKE kan være den Bergitte som allerede ha dde undertegnet. Den eneste
muligheten jeg ser for at Tollef Bjørnsen kan væ re gift med en Bergitte
Nielsdatter Bugge, er at Niels Bugg e hadde to døtre med samme navn! Og
som nevnt ovenfor skull e en eventuell oppkalling snarere antyde at
Tollefs kone he t Elisabeth, og det dukket vel ikke opp noen Bergitte
blan t barnebarna til Tollef?'