Christiana Amalia von Oldenburg
1723 - 1724 (0 år)-
Navn Christiana Amalia von Oldenburg Fødsel 23 Okt 1723 Kjønn Kvinne Død 7 Jan 1724 Denmark Person ID I48999 Boe Sist endret 16 Sep 2012
Far Frederik IV af Danmark og Norge von Oldenburg, Konge af Danmark og Norge, f. 21 Okt 1671, Københavns slot d. 12 Okt 1730, Odense Slot (Alder 58 år) Mor Anna Sophie Reventlow Dronning af Danmark og Norge, f. 16 Apr 1693, Clausholm Slot d. 7 Jan 1743, Clausholm Slot (Alder 49 år) Ekteskap 4 Apr 1721 København, Danmark - {geni:event_description} Frederin IV and Anna Sofie was only married as said to the left hand, thus he still was married To Queen.
The day after her burial i4. april 1721 Frederik IV married Anne Sofie as his only wife(to the reight).
Famile ID F15666 Gruppeskjema | Familiediagram
- {geni:event_description} Frederin IV and Anna Sofie was only married as said to the left hand, thus he still was married To Queen.