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- {geni:occupation} bonde
{geni:about_me} lagrettemann Tolleiv Bjørnson Norheim ble født i 1565 på Norheim, Etne, Hordaland, Norge..1 Han var sønn av Bjørn Oddson Norheim. Han gikk også under navnet som Torleif Bjørnson Norheim. Bonde i Etne.2 Han ble gift før 1606 i Etne, Hordaland, Norge, med Birgitte Nielsdatter Bugge, datter av sokneprest Niels Hansson Bugge og Birgitte Nielsdatter.1,3 Han var nevnt den 13 august 1606 ; Han er blant dem som underskriver sogneprest Nils Pederson Bugges - hans svigerfar - gavebrev på 200 rdl. til Bergen katedralskole. Han har egenhendig underskrevet brevet og satt sitt segl ved siden av.4 Tollef var lagrettesmann og bøndenes utsending til kongehyllingen i 1610 i Oslo, slik som hans far var var i 1591. Fra sin far hadde han arvet jordegods og anseelse. Han øker jordegodset sitt ved kjøp, av flere andre gårder.4 Han var nevnt i 1615 på Norheim, Etne, Hordaland, Norge, ; I 1615 er Tollef blant de største jordeiende odelsbønder og skal holde en soldat. «Hannem er thilneffnt til Knecht Seevordt Olaffsen. Hans alder er 20 Aar. Schal haffue til Løn V (5) dlr. 1 par Støffler och Sedvanlig kleder.».4 Lagrettemann Tolleiv Bjørnson Norheim døde 1637 på Norheim, Etne, Hordaland, Norge.1
16284. Tolleiv* BJØRNSSON Norheim(706) (706)(751) (705) was born about 1565 in Norheim farm #49, Etne, Hordaland, Norway. He died in 1637 in Norheim farm #49, Etne, Hordaland, Norway. Tolleiv took over Norheim from his father in 1603 and operated the farm for the rest of his life. He was an extremely rich landowner and must have been in the upper social strata of Etne since he married the priest's daughter. Tolleiv inherited extensive properties and increased the size of his estate by purchasing additional land. In 1615, he was one of the largest allodial landowners in Etne and was required to support a soldier. Tolleiv served as a lagrettemann and represented Etne at the Royal Coronation in Oslo in 1610. He was also one of the men who witnessed Nils Pedersson Bugge's gift of 200 riksdalar to the Bergen Cathedral school in 1606. In fact, Tolleiv signed his own name on the document, indicating he could probably read and write. In 1624, Tolleiv owned property at Norheim, Ekrheim, Østbø, Bleie, Sekse, Aldensøe (probably Askvol in Sogn) and Brecke. The total value of his estate was about 7 laupar smør and 3 laupar salt. He probably acquired additional property later since his wife's brother was in possession of over 13 laupar smør owned by their deceased father that had not yet been divided among the heirs. He was married to Birgitte* NIELSDATTER Bugge about 1595 in Etne, Hordaland, Norway.(706)
16285. Birgitte* NIELSDATTER Bugge(706) (706)(751) (705) was born about 1580 in Etne, Hordaland, Norway. She died in Norheim farm #49, Etne, Hordaland, Norway. Birgitte witnessed her father's gift of 200 riksdalar to the Bergen Cathedral school on 13 Aug 1606. Children were:
8142 i. Sakarias* TOLLEIVSSON Norheim.
ii. Anna TOLLEIVSDATTER Norheim(706) (705) was born about 1605 in Norheim farm #49, Etne, Hordaland, Norway. She died about 1675 in Ve farm #20, Etne, Hordaland, Norway.
iii. Anna TOLLEIVSDATTER Norheim(706) (705) was born about 1605 in Norheim farm #49, Etne, Hordaland, Norway. She died before 1655 in Høyland farm #48, Etne, Hordaland, Norway.
iv. Jon TOLLEIVSSON Skjold(706) (751)(705) was born about 1615 in Norheim farm #49, Etne, Hordaland, Norway. He died in 1666 in Skjold farm #61, Etne, Hordaland, Norway. Jon Tolleivsson appears to have been a relatively wealthy man. He didn't move to Skjold until sometime in the 1660's, shortly before his death. Jon probably lived at one of the farms owned by the Norheim family and allowed his father-in-law to operate Skjold. Skjold was a farm of 1 laup 6 merker smør. It supported a herd of 1 horse, 12 cattle and 18 sheep and goats. In 1666, Jon owned property at Norheim, Ekrheim, Håland and Rame, besides Skjold where he was living at the time of his death. He was last named in Jan 1667 when he paid his brother 11 riksdalar to settle an old inheritance issue.
v. Johannes TOLLEIVSSON Erøy(706) (712)(705) was born in 1626 in Norheim farm #49, Etne, Hordaland, Norway. He died in Erøy farm, Erfjord, Rogaland, Norway. Johannes Tolleivsson is mentioned in the 1661 and 1666 tax lists as thefarmer of 3 laupar smør at Erøy. He probably came to Erøy around 1654 after his father-in-law, who owned the farm, moved to Imsland. Johannes is also mentioned in a document of 1667 in which his brother paid him 11 dalar because he had received too little of the inheritance after their father.
vi. Lisbet TOLLEIVSDATTER Norheim(706) (715)(705) was born about 1600 in Norheim farm #49, Etne, Hordaland, Norway. She died after 1645 in Ekrheim farm #71, Etne, Hordaland, Norway.
1856. Tollef Bjørensen #8836 født Nordheim i Etne, ref: Su2 335, gift Birgitte Nilsdtr #8837, ref: Su2 335. Tollef nevnt 1610,1624.
1857. Birgitte Nilsdtr #8837 ref: Su2 335.
16284. Tolleiv* BJØRNSSON Norheim(706) (706)(751) (705) was born about 1565 in Norheim farm #49, Etne, Hordaland, Norway. He died in 1637 in Norheim farm #49, Etne, Hordaland, Norway. Tolleiv took over Norheim from his father in 1603 and operated the farm for the rest of his life. He was an extremely rich landowner and must have been in the upper social strata of Etne since he married the priest's daughter. Tolleiv inherited extensive properties and increased the size of his estate by purchasing additional land. In 1615, he was one of the largest allodial landowners in Etne and was required to support a soldier. Tolleiv served as a lagrettemann and represented Etne at the Royal Coronation in Oslo in 1610. He was also one of the men who witnessed Nils Pedersson Bugge's gift of 200 riksdalar to the Bergen Cathedral school in 1606. In fact, Tolleiv signed his own name on the document, indicating he could probably read and write. In 1624, Tolleiv owned property at Norheim, Ekrheim, Østbø, Bleie, Sekse, Aldensøe (probably Askvol in Sogn) and Brecke. The total value of his estate was about 7 laupar smør and 3 laupar salt. He probably acquired additional property later since his wife's brother was in possession of over 13 laupar smør owned by their deceased father that had not yet been divided among the heirs. He was married to Birgitte* NIELSDATTER Bugge about 1595 in Etne, Hordaland, Norway.(706)
16285. Birgitte* NIELSDATTER Bugge(706) (706)(751) (705) was born about 1580 in Etne, Hordaland, Norway. She died in Norheim farm #49, Etne, Hordaland, Norway. Birgitte witnessed her father's gift of 200 riksdalar to the Bergen Cathedral school on 13 Aug 1606. Children were:
8142 i. Sakarias* TOLLEIVSSON Norheim.
ii. Anna TOLLEIVSDATTER Norheim(706) (705) was born about 1605 in Norheim farm #49, Etne, Hordaland, Norway. She died about 1675 in Ve farm #20, Etne, Hordaland, Norway.
iii. Anna TOLLEIVSDATTER Norheim(706) (705) was born about 1605 in Norheim farm #49, Etne, Hordaland, Norway. She died before 1655 in Høyland farm #48, Etne, Hordaland, Norway.
iv. Jon TOLLEIVSSON Skjold(706) (751)(705) was born about 1615 in Norheim farm #49, Etne, Hordaland, Norway. He died in 1666 in Skjold farm #61, Etne, Hordaland, Norway. Jon Tolleivsson appears to have been a relatively wealthy man. He didn't move to Skjold until sometime in the 1660's, shortly before his death. Jon probably lived at one of the farms owned by the Norheim family and allowed his father-in-law to operate Skjold. Skjold was a farm of 1 laup 6 merker smør. It supported a herd of 1 horse, 12 cattle and 18 sheep and goats. In 1666, Jon owned property at Norheim, Ekrheim, Håland and Rame, besides Skjold where he was living at the time of his death. He was last named in Jan 1667 when he paid his brother 11 riksdalar to settle an old inheritance issue.
v. Johannes TOLLEIVSSON Erøy(706) (712)(705) was born in 1626 in Norheim farm #49, Etne, Hordaland, Norway. He died in Erøy farm, Erfjord, Rogaland, Norway. Johannes Tolleivsson is mentioned in the 1661 and 1666 tax lists as thefarmer of 3 laupar smør at Erøy. He probably came to Erøy around 1654 after his father-in-law, who owned the farm, moved to Imsland. Johannes is also mentioned in a document of 1667 in which his brother paid him 11 dalar because he had received too little of the inheritance after their father.
vi. Lisbet TOLLEIVSDATTER Norheim(706) (715)(705) was born about 1600 in Norheim farm #49, Etne, Hordaland, Norway. She died after 1645 in Ekrheim farm #71, Etne, Hordaland, Norway.
- han ivertok garden kring 1603 etter faren. Yngve Nedrebø: 'Tollef
Bjørnsen Noreim var gift med en datter av Niels Bug ge da han i 1606
undertegnet gavebrevet. Tollef hadde bar n tilsynelatende født i to
puljer, fra Sakkarias, født ca . 1595 til Anna, født mellom 1605 og 1610,
og saX barn fød t fra ca. 1620 til ca. 1630. Kan disse to gruppene ha hat
t samme mor? Hun ville i saX fall faX barn over en periode p aX mer enn 30
aXr. Det er kanskje teoretisk mulig, men overmaX te lite sannsynlig. En
langt mer rimelig gjetning er at Tol lef B. var gift to ganger, og at det
bare er de eldste barn a som var barnebarn av Niels Bugge. Hva het saX
denne datteren av Niels Bugge som ble gift med T ollef Noreim? Vi ser at
de eldste barna til Tollef Noreim a lle synes aX ha døtre med navn
Lisbet/Elisabeth. Dette bevis er selvsagt intet, men skulle aXpne for en
mulighet.' Per Ivar Rotvoll: 'Etter det eg har kome fram til, hadde
Tolleif Bjørnson Nor heim fem born i første ekteskapet, med ei dotter av
Nils Bu gge. Alle desse fem borna fekk kvar si dotter med namnet Li sbet.
Som Nedrebø skriv, skulle dette vera ein god indikasj on paX at dottera
til Nils Bugge heitte Lisbet. Andre kona, som vart mor til fleirtalet av
Tolleif Norhei m sine ungar, var truleg dotter til Jon Helgeland paX
Sandei d. I alle høve arva Tolleif jordegods i Helgeland, og ein a v dei
eldste sønene (kanskje den eldste?) fraX andre ekteska pet heitte Jon. Det
interessante her er at ein son til Tolleif, Bjørn, var t busett paX
Helgeland. Bjørn døydde barnlaus. I Ryfylke tin gbok gaXr det fram at
arvingane hansi april 1698 selde jorde gods i Steinsland paX Sandeid, gods
som Bjørn Tolleifson had de aXtt. Kjøpar var Tolleif Johanesson Bog i
Jelsa, eldste b rorson til Bjørn Tolleifson. Som seljarar paX skøytet staXr
e i rekkje personar. Det synest som om kvar av desse represen terer eitt
av borna til Tolleif Norheim. Seljarane er vidar e oppførde etter
fallande arverett, dvs. at Bjørn Tolleifso n Helgeland sine heilsysken
sine arvingar er nemnde først , deretter borna av halvsyskena. Basert paX
dette skal Tolle if Norheim ha hatt tolv ungar som levde opp, fem med
Bugge- dottera og sju med andre kona. Fyrste kona: 1)Sakarias, gm. Anna
Jonsdtr Tøtland i Hjelmeland 2) Lisbet gm. Odd Jonson Nedre Hauge i
Hjelmeland 3) Madela gm. Erik Halvardson Frette, Etne 4) Anna gm. Tjerand
Torson Høyland, Etne 5) Anna d.y. gm. Tørres Sjurson Ve, Etne Andre kona:
6) Bjørn gm. Karen Larsdtr, busett Helgeland paX Sandeid 7) Lisbet d.y.,
gm. Haldor Erikson Ekrheim, Etne 8) NN (dotter) gm. Bernt Nilsson
Frønsdal, Ølen 9) Johannes gm. Ingeborg Bjørnsdtr, b. Erøy i Erfjord 10)
Nils gm. Marita Johannesdtr, b. Milja i SkaXnevik 11) Jon gm. Marta
Helgesadtr, b. Skjold i Etne 12) NN (Kari ?) gm. Hans Alvaldson Nervik,
Etne '
- overtok garden på Norheim i Etne kring 1603 etter faren.