Eddie J. Foss

Eddie J. Foss

Mann 1876 - 1954  (78 år)

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  • Navn Eddie J. Foss 
    Fødsel 6 Feb 1876  Spring Grove township Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet 
    Kjønn Mann 
    Død 13 Sep 1954  Spring Grove , West End Cemetery, Bl 57, Lot 2, grave c Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet 
    Person ID I78082  Boe
    Sist endret 16 Sep 2012 

    Far Anders Brynildsen,   f. 24 Apr 1826, Hamre, Hordaland, Norway Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedetd. 10 Sep 1921, Spring Grove , West End Cemetery, Bl 45, Lot 4, grave d Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet (Alder 95 år) 
    Mor Anna Andersdtr.,   f. 6 Mar 1837, Hemri, Aurland, Sogn, Norway Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedetd. 3 Sep 1918, Spring Grove , West End Cemetery, Bl 45, Lot 4, grave c Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet (Alder 81 år) 
    Ekteskap 20 Jun 1855  Log House on Knud Kieland Farm by Rev. U. V. Koren Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet 
    Famile ID F25011  Gruppeskjema  |  Familiediagram

    Ekteskap 24 Jun 1901  Spring Grove Minnesota Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet 
    Famile ID F35660  Gruppeskjema  |  Familiediagram
    Sist endret 9 Jul 2024 

  • Notater 
    • E. J. Foss sold Macaroni wheat to the farmers of this community. He also buys stock, game and grain and deals in several other commodities and besides runs his station at Newhouse.

      June 5, 1913 - E. J. Foss sold Ford touring cars to Herman Schoh and George H. Meyer of Eitzen the fore part of the week.

      January 2, 1919 - Telephone batteries for sale by E. J. Foss

      January 2, 1919 - Notice! If you wish to protect your automobile radiator from freezing in cold weather, call at my salesroom. E. J. Foss

      Jan 1, 1920 - E. J. Foss is having a shed built in the rear of his property on Maple Avenue for the purpose of housing Ford cars which he will get this winter.

      Jan 22, 1920 - E. J. Foss was in La Crosse Thursday of last week completing his plans and specifications for his new garage.

      Jan 29, 1920 - E. J. Foss unloaded a carload of Fords Thursday.

      Feb 5, 1920 - E. J. Foss, C. C. Ike and Oscar Wolden left Monday for Minneapolis to attend the auto show.

      April 22, 1920 - Owing to the scarcity and high price of materials, E. J. Foss has decided to build only the basement of his garage this year. The first floor will be added in a year or two. Bids for the basement work will be in this week. Later: Larson Bros. of Starbuck, Minnesota were awarded the contract Tuesday.

      Dec 13, 1923 - Notice - If your old Ford is hard to start or gives poor light due to shorts, bring it to our garage and have magneto tested free. If we fail to burn off shorts so your car will start easier and give better light,no charge is made. E. J. Foss & Son.

      Mar 12, 1925 - E. J. Foss was a Winona business visitor Tuesday and Wednesday.

      January 6, 1927 - E. J. Foss left Wednesday for Minneapolis to attend a meeting of Ford dealers.

      January 27, 1927 - Special Sale --Two new bob sleighs--anti-tip, at $35.00 each. E. J. Foss and Son

      January 27, 1927 - Radios -- New radios complete with tubes, batteries, serial, etc, ready to install at $15.00 each. E. J. Foss & Son

      January 27, 1927 - Genuine Ford Ribber case, 13 plate, now $12.00. E. J. Foss & Son