Ferdinando Antonio Pascual Juan Nepomuceno Serafín Genaro Benedicto de Borbón, Re delle Due Sicilie

Ferdinando Antonio Pascual Juan Nepomuceno Serafín Genaro Benedicto de Borbón, Re delle Due Sicilie

Mann 1751 - 1825  (73 år)

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  • Navn Ferdinando Antonio Pascual Juan Nepomuceno Serafín Genaro Benedicto de Borbón 
    Suffiks Re delle Due Sicilie 
    Fødsel 12 Jan 1751  Napoli, Due Sicilie Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet 
    Dåp Ca 1759  Naples - aka Ferdinand IV Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet 
    Kjønn Mann 
    Død 4 Jan 1825  Napoli, Due Sicilie Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet 
    Begravelse Basilica di Santa Chiara Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet 
    Person ID I96053  Boe
    Sist endret 16 Sep 2012 

    Far Carlos III 'el Político' de Borbón, rey de España,   f. 20 Jan 1716, Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, España Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedetd. 14 Des 1788, Plaza de Oriente Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet (Alder 72 år) 
    Mor Maria Amalia Christina Franziska Xaveria Flora Walburga von Sachsen, Königin von Spanien,   f. 24 Nov 1724, Dresden, Saxony, Germany Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedetd. 27 Sep 1760, Madrid, España Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet (Alder 35 år) 
    Ekteskap 19 Jun 1738  Dresden, Saxony, Germany Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet 
    Famile ID F30813  Gruppeskjema  |  Familiediagram

  • Notater 
    • {geni:about_me} ====Golden Fleece - Knights: Spanish Branch====
      Name/title: Ferdinando Antonio Pasquale Giovanni Nepomuceno Serafino Gennaro Benedetto Prince of Naples and Sicily, Prince(Infante) of Spain

      *[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferdinand_I_of_the_Two_Sicilies Wikipedia....], [http://www.thepeerage.com/p10578.htm#i105778 The Peerage....], [http://www.geneall.net/I/per_page.php?id=5218 Geneall....],
      *'''King of the Two Sicilies:''' Reign 12 December 1816 X 4 January 1825>'''Predecessor:'''[http://www.geni.com/people/Carlos-III/6000000007279420595 Charles] '''Successor:''' [http://www.geni.com/profile/index/6000000002240794723 Francis I]
    • He was also as Ferdinand IV he was also king of Naples (1759-1806,
      1815-25), and as Ferdinand III, king of Sicily (1806-15). In 1759
      Ferdinand became king of Naples. He ruled for eight years under the
      regency of his father's chief minister Bernardo Tanucci (1698-1783). In
      1768 he married the daughter of Maria Theresa, empress of Austria, and
      replaced Tanucci with John Francis Edward Acton (1736-1811), an
      Englishman. Influenced by his wife and by Acton, Ferdinand allied Naples
      with the coalition opposing France in the French Revolution and the
      Napoleonic Wars. The French captured Naples in 1799 and there set up the
      Parthenopean Republic. Ferdinand found refuge in Palermo, Sicily, until an
      army under Cardinal Fabrizio Ruffo (1744-1827) recovered Naples later that
      year. Ferdinand's return was marked by mass executions of Neapolitans who
      had sided with the French. In 1806 he fled once more to Sicily before the
      advance of Joseph Bonaparte, who had been made king of Naples by his
      brother, Napoleon, and who captured Naples soon thereafter. Ferdinand's
      authority was limited to Sicily from 1806 until 1815; his reign was
      unpopular, and for a time (1812) his son acted for him as regent.
      Ferdinand returned to Naples after Napoleon's overthrow in 1815. The
      following year, against the will of most of his subjects, he reconstituted
      the kingdom of the Two Sicilies along autocratic lines with the aid of
      Austria. He was succeeded by his son, Francis I.
    • "OF NAPLES"