Sophie Luise Württemberg, Markgräfin zu Brandenburg-Bayreuth

Sophie Luise Württemberg, Markgräfin zu Brandenburg-Bayreuth

Kvinne 1642 - 1702  (60 år)

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Generasjon: 1

  1. 1.  Sophie Luise Württemberg, Markgräfin zu Brandenburg-BayreuthSophie Luise Württemberg, Markgräfin zu Brandenburg-Bayreuth ble født 19 Feb 1642 , Stuttgart, Württemberg, Deutschland(HRR); døde 3 Okt 1702, Bayreuth, Brandenburg-Bayreuth, Deutschland(HRR); ble begravet 8 Des 1702, Bayreuth, Brandenburg-Baureuth, Deuschland(HRR).


    {geni:about_me} '''Links'''
    *[ The Peerage]
    *[ Geneall]

    Sophie giftet seg med Christian Ernst von Brandenburg-Bayreuth, Markgraf 8 Feb 1671, Stuttgart, Württemberg, Deutschland(HRR). Christian ble født 6 Aug 1644 , Bayreuth, Brandenburg-Bayreuth, Deutschland(HRR); døde 20 Mai 1712, Erlangen, Brandenburg-Bayreuth, Deutschland(HRR). [Gruppeskjema] [Familiediagram]

    1. 2. Christiane Eberhardine Eberhardine  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 19 Des 1671 , Bayreuth, Oberfranken, Bayern, Germany; døde 4 Sep 1727, Pretzsch (Elbe); ble begravet , Queen Consort.
    2. 3. Eleonore Magdalene von Brandenburg-Bayreuth  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 24 Jan 1673; døde 13 Des 1711.

Generasjon: 2

  1. 2.  Christiane Eberhardine EberhardineChristiane Eberhardine Eberhardine Etterslektstre til dette punkt (1.Sophie1) ble født 19 Des 1671 , Bayreuth, Oberfranken, Bayern, Germany; døde 4 Sep 1727, Pretzsch (Elbe); ble begravet , Queen Consort.


    {geni:occupation} Electress of Saxony from 1694 to 1727 (her death) and titular, Queen of the PolishXLithuanian Commonwealth from 1697 to 1727


    Christiane giftet seg med Friedrich August I Xthe StrongX von Sachsen, Elektor 20 Jan 1693, Bayreuth, Oberfranken, Bayern, Germany. Friedrich (sønn av Johann Georg III von Sachsen, Kurfürst og Anna Sophie Oldenburg, Kurfürstin zu Sachsen) ble født 12 Mai 1670 , Dresden, Sachsen, Germany; ble døpt , Wettin - House from Saxony; døde 1 Feb 1733, Warszawa, Mazowieckie, Poland; ble begravet cirka 1733. [Gruppeskjema] [Familiediagram]

    1. 4. Friedrich August II von Sachsen, Kurfürst zu Sachsen, Król Polski  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 17 Okt 1696 , Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland(HRR); døde 5 Okt 1763, Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland(HRR).
    2. 5. Maria Amalia  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 24 Nov 1724 , Dresden, Saxony, Germany; døde 27 Sep 1760, Madrid, Spain.

  2. 3.  Eleonore Magdalene von Brandenburg-BayreuthEleonore Magdalene von Brandenburg-Bayreuth Etterslektstre til dette punkt (1.Sophie1) ble født 24 Jan 1673; døde 13 Des 1711.

Generasjon: 3

  1. 4.  Friedrich August II von Sachsen, Kurfürst zu Sachsen, Król PolskiFriedrich August II von Sachsen, Kurfürst zu Sachsen, Król Polski Etterslektstre til dette punkt (2.Christiane2, 1.Sophie1) ble født 17 Okt 1696 , Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland(HRR); døde 5 Okt 1763, Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland(HRR).


    {geni:occupation} King of Poland, XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX XXXXXX


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    August III. (Polen)

    aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie

    Wechseln zu: Navigation, Suche

    August III., gemalt von Pietro Antonio Rotari, 1755

    Bildnis des Kurprinzen August im Harnisch aus dem Jahre 1715, gemalt von Nicolas de Largillière

    Ludwig XIV. von Frankreich empfängt den späteren König von Polen und Kurfürsten von Sachsen, August III. im Schloss Fontainebleau 1714

    August III. von Polen und Sachsen in polnischer Tracht

    August III. von Polen zu Pferde (Stich nach Johann Elias Ridinger)

    Friedrich August von Sachsen als Kurprinz im Harnisch und mit einem Mohr, gemalt von Hyacinthe Rigaud, 1715, Öl auf Leinwand, 250 × 173 cm, Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Dresden

    Friedrich August von Sachsen

    Friedrich August II. (* 17. Oktober 1696 in Dresden; X 5. Oktober 1763 ebenda) war seit 1733 Kurfürst von Sachsen und als August III. auch König von Polen und Großherzog von Litauen. Er führte nach dem Tod seines Vaters, August I. als zweiter wettinischer Herrscher, die Personalunion Sachsen-Polen fort. Der in Polen auch als August der Sachse (August Sas) bekannte Regent gehörte zu den größten Kunstmäzenen seiner Zeit, stürzte jedoch durch die Fortführungder väterlichen Außenpolitik den Kurstaat Sachsen in die Katastrophe des Siebenjährigen Kriegs.



    * 1 Leben

    * 2 Baumaßnahmen in Sachsen

    * 3 Baumaßnahmen in Warschau

    * 4 Nachkommen

    * 5 Trivia

    * 6 Literatur

    * 7 Weblinks

    Leben [Bearbeiten]

    Gewöhnlich wird vom Sohn Augusts des Starken und der Christiane Eberhardine von Brandenburg-Bayreuth behauptet, dass er sich wenig um Politik gekümmert hätte. Solche Probleme hätten ihn überfordert. Betont wird, dass er gern Jagden veranstaltete, häufig in die Oper ging, sich um seine umfangreichen Kunstsammlungen kümmerte sowie großen Familiensinn bewies. Auch wenn dies nicht in Zweifel gezogen werden soll, zeigt die neuere polnische Forschung, dass August III. ein sehr fleißiger polnischer König gewesen ist (siehe die Veröffentlichungen von Jacek Staszewski).

    Der Kurfürst wurde mit Unterstützung Österreichs und Russlands und den üblichen Bestechungen gegen den Kandidaten Schwedens und Frankreichs, StanisXaw LeszczyXski, zum König von Polen gewählt, was den Polnischen Thronfolgekrieg auslöste. August III. wurde am 17. Januar 1734 gekrönt und behauptete die Krone im Frieden von Wien 1738. Seine Durchsetzung fand also im Rahmen eines deutlichen Souveränitätsverlusts Polen-Litauens statt, das einst einer der mächtigsten Staaten gewesen war.

    Die Spielräume für seine Regierung in Polen-Litauen waren angesichts des Streits zwischen den Magnatengruppen der Czartoryski und Potocki im Sejm äußerst eng. Die Magnatenparteiungen genossen ihrerseits ausländische Unterstützung, so dass Polen-Litauen zum Spielball rivalisierender Nachbarmächte wurde. Fast alle Reichstage blieben ergebnislos (vergleiche Liberum Veto). Ein Beispiel waren die Reichstage von 1744 und 1746, in denen die Krone und der Großkanzler vorsichtig definierte Reformen im Wirtschafts- und Militärsektor auf den Weg bringen wollten. Sie waren jedoch außerstande, die verfeindeten Magnatenparteien überhaupt an einen Tisch zu bringen. Letztlich scheiterten sie im Sejm, unter ausländischer Einmischung. Ohne ordnungsgemäß abgehaltene Sejms mussten die Minister auch keine Rechenschaft ablegen, was die Korruption förderte.

    Angesichts dieser Sachlage hofften sich der König und sein Premierminister Brühl in Polen mit dem XMinisterialsystemX sachsentreuer Magnaten (die in Schlüsselpositionen gesetzt wurden) über Wasser zu halten und beide Länder politisch verbinden zu können. Sie erlangten im Siebenjährigen Krieg sogar die Zustimmung ihrer drei Verbündeten für eine erneute Thronkandidatur Sachsens, aber die Erfolge waren nur scheinbar und nicht von Dauer.

    Ein bescheidener Wirtschaftsaufschwung war in Polen weiterhin bemerkbar, später beeinträchtigt durch die Auswirkungen des Siebenjährigen Krieges (preußische Münzfälschung, Kontributionen, Requisitionen und teilweise Plünderungen durch russische Truppen).

    In Sachsen führte Heinrich von Brühl nach dem Sturz Graf Sulkowskis von 1738 bis 1756 die alleinige Regierung, 1746 wurde er formell Premierminister. Er war ein erfolgreicher Diplomat und festigte die Verwaltung, wurde aber wegenfalscher Finanzpolitik im Landtag 1749 scharf angegriffen. Trotz rücksichtsloser finanzieller Maßnahmen Brühls steuerte Sachsen in eine Staatskrise. Der Zwangsumtausch von Vermögenswerten in staatliche Schuldverschreibungen erschütterte die Wirtschaft, die ohnehin zu kleine Armee musste abgerüstet und ein bedeutender Anteil der Steuern verpfändet werden. Dazu kam der Druck von außen, denn der sächsische Export wurde durch die preußische (Zoll-)Politik jener Zeit stark behindert.

    Aber erst der Siebenjährige Krieg brachte für Sachsen 1756 den Absturz. Die zu kleine sächsische Armee kapitulierte unter Graf Rutowski kampflos am Lilienstein, August III. und sein Hof zogen nach Warschau um, wo sie bis zum Endedes Krieges in relativer politischer Ohnmacht verblieben. Sachsen, nun behelfsweise von den Preußen und von einigen Kabinettsministern verwaltet, wurde zum Kriegsschauplatz und litt unter den hohen Kontributionen beider Seiten. Es bezahlte zweifellos einen großen Teil der preußischen Kriegskosten (XSachsen ist wie ein Mehlsack, egal wie oft man draufschlägt, es kommt immer noch etwas heraus.X Zitat: Friedrich II. v. Preußen zugeschrieben). Dresden selbst wechselte die Besatzung und wurde von Friedrich II. 1760 belagert, was umfangreiche Zerstörungen zur Folge hatte.

    Als der Siebenjährige Krieg im Hubertusburger Frieden 1763 zu Ende ging, war das bis dahin recht wohlhabende Sachsen ruiniert, was der Hof nur ungern zur Kenntnis nahm. Auf die Vergabe der polnischen Krone hatte Sachsen zudem keinerlei Einfluss: Polen-Litauen war mehr denn je unter die Vorherrschaft Russlands geraten; den Nachfolger August III., StanisXaw August Poniatowski, bestimmte die Zarin Katharina II. Dauerhafteren Nachruhm bescherte jedoch dem Kurfürst-König seine eingangs erwähnte Liebe zur Kunst.

    Baumaßnahmen in Sachsen [Bearbeiten]

    * Schloss Hubertusburg

    * Katholische Hofkirche, Dresden

    * Spitzhaus in Radebeul 1749 nach Plänen von Matthäus Daniel Pöppelmann

    Baumaßnahmen in Warschau [Bearbeiten]

    * Sächsisches Palais (zerstört 1944)

    * Brühlsches Palais (zerstört 1944)

    Nachkommen [Bearbeiten]

    Am 20. August 1719 heiratete er in Wien

    * Maria Josefa Benedikta Antonia Theresia Xaveria Philippine (1699X1757), Erzherzogin von Österreich. Sie hatten gemeinsam folgende fünfzehn Kinder, von denen elf das Kindesalter überlebten:

    o Friedrich August Franz Xaver (* 18. November 1720 in Dresden; X 22. Januar 1721 ebd.), Königlicher Prinz von Polen und Kurprinz von Sachsen

    o Joseph August Wilhelm Friedrich Franz Xaver Johann Nepomuk (* 24. Oktober 1721 in Pillnitz; X 14. März 1728 in Dresden), Königlicher Prinz von Polen und Kurprinz von Sachsen

    o Friedrich Christian Leopold Johann Georg Franz Xaver (1722X1763), Königlicher Prinz von Polen und Kurfürst von Sachsen

    o totgeborene Tochter (*/X 23. Juni 1723 in Dresden)

    o Maria Amalia Christina Franziska Xaveria Flora Walburga (1724X1760), Königliche Prinzessin von Polen und Prinzessin von Sachsen X Karl, Herzog von Parma und Piacenza, König von Spanien, Neapel und Sizilien

    o Maria Margareta Franziska Xaveria (* 13. September 1727 in Dresden; X 1. Februar 1734 ebd.), Königliche Prinzessin von Polen und Prinzessin von Sachsen

    o Maria Anna Sophie Sabina Angela Franziska Xaveria (1728X1797), Königliche Prinzessin von Polen und Prinzessin von Sachsen X Maximilian III. Joseph, Kurfürst von Bayern

    o Franz Xaver Albert August Ludwig Benno (1730X1806), Königlicher Prinz von Polen und Prinz von Sachsen, Graf von der Lausitz, Administrator von Sachsen

    o Maria Josepha Karolina Eleonore Franziska Xaveria (1731X1767), Königliche Prinzessin von Polen und Prinzessin von Sachsen X Ludwig Ferdinand, Dauphin von Frankreich

    o Karl Christian Joseph Ignaz Eugen Franz Xaver (1733X1796), Königlicher Prinz von Polen und Prinz von Sachsen, Herzog von Kurland und Semgallen

    o Maria Christina Anna Theresia Salomea Eulalia Franziska Xaveria (1735X1782), Königliche Prinzessin von Polen und Prinzessin von Sachsen, Sternkreuzordensdame und Fürstäbtissin in Remiremont

    o Maria Elisabeth Apollonia Kasimira Franziska Xaveria (* 9. Februar 1736 in Warschau; X 24. Dezember 1818 in Dresden), Prinzessin von Polen und Sachsen, Sternkreuzordensdame

    o Albert Kasimir August Ignaz Pius Franz Xaver (1738X1822), Königlicher Prinz von Polen, Prinz von Sachsen, Herzog von Teschen und Generalstatthalter der Österreichischen Niederlande

    o Clemens Wenceslaus August Hubertus Franz Xaver (1739X1812), Königlicher Prinz von Polen und Prinz von Sachsen, Domherr zu Köln, Propst von St. Johann und Ellwangen, Fürstbischof von Freising, Regensburg und Augsburg, Kurfürst und Erzbischof von Trier

    o Maria Kunigunde Dorothea Hedwig Franziska Xaveria Florentina (1740X1826), Königliche Prinzessin von Polen und Prinzessin von Sachsen, Sternkreuzordensdame, Kanonisse zu Münsterbilsen, Fürstäbtissin von Thorn und Essen

    Trivia [Bearbeiten]

    In der Filmreihe Sachsens Glanz und Preußens Gloria wurde er vom Schauspieler Rolf Hoppe verkörpert.

    Literatur [Bearbeiten]

    * Jacek Staszewski: August III. Kurfürst von Sachsen und König von Polen. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1996, ISBN 3-05-002600-6

    * Thomas Niklas: Friedrich August II (1733-1763) und Friedrich Christian (1763). In: Frank-Lothar Kroll (Hrsg.): Die Herrscher Sachsens Markgrafen, Kurfürsten, Könige 1089 - 1918. C. H. Beck, München 2005, ISBN 3-406-52206-8,S. 192X222.

    * Ariane James-Sarazin, « Hyacinthe Rigaud (1659-1743), portraitiste et conseiller artistique des princes Électeurs de Saxe et rois de Pologne, Auguste II et Auguste III », dans catalogue de lXexposition Dresde ou le rêve desprinces, la Galerie de peintures au XVIIIe siècle, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Dijon, Paris, RMN, 2001, p. 136-142.

    * Heinrich Theodor Flathe: Friedrich August II.. In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Band 7. Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1877, S. 784X786.

    Weblinks [Bearbeiten]


    Commons Commons: August III. (Polen) X Sammlung von Bildern und/oder Videos und Audiodateien

    * Literatur von und über August III. (Polen) im Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek (Datensatz zu August III. (Polen) X PICA-Datensatz X Apper-Personensuche)

    * Biographie über August III. (Polen)


    Friedrich August I.

    Kurfürst von Sachsen

    1733X1763 Nachfolger

    Friedrich Christian


    August II. und Stanislaus I. (als Gegenkönig)

    König von Polen und

    Großherzog von Litauen

    1733/36X1763 Nachfolger

    Stanislaus II.

    Normdaten: PND: 118505092 X weitere Informationen | LCCN: n85330554 | VIAF: 35247491

    Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 24. Mai 2010 um 10:50 Uhr geändert.


    Augustus III of Poland

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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    Augustus III

    (Frederick Augustus II)

    King of Poland; Elector of Saxony

    King of Poland

    Reign 1734 X 5 October 1763

    Predecessor StanisXaw LeszczyXski

    Successor StanisXaw August Poniatowski

    Elector of Saxony

    Predecessor Frederick Augustus I

    Successor Frederick Christian

    Spouse Maria Josepha of Austria



    Frederick Christian, Elector of Saxony

    Maria Amalia, Queen of Spain

    Maria Anna Sophia, Electress of Bavaria

    Prince Franz Xavier

    Maria Josepha, Dauphine of France

    Carl, Duke of Courland

    Maria Christina, Princess-Abbess of Remiremont

    Albert, Duke of Teschen

    Clemens Wenceslaus, Archbishop of Trier

    Princess Maria Kunigunde, Princess-Abbess of Thorn and Essen

    House House of Wettin

    Father Augustus II the Strong

    Mother Christiane Eberhardine of Brandenburg-Bayreuth

    Born 17 October 1696

    Dresden, Saxony, Germany

    Died 5 October 1763

    Dresden, Saxony, Germany

    Burial Dresden, family vault at Katholische Hofkirche


    Coat of arms of PolishXLithuanian Commonwealth during the reign of House of Wettin

    Augustus III, known as the Saxon Polish: August III Sas; German: August III. von Polen; also Prince-elector Friedrich August II (Dresden, 17 October 1696 X 5 October 1763 in Dresden) was the Elector of Saxony in 1733-1763, as Frederick Augustus II (German: Kurfürst Friedrich August II.), King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania in 1734-1763.



    * 1 Biography

    * 2 Marriage and children

    * 3 Royal titles

    * 4 Ancestry

    * 5 Construction work at castles

    * 6 See also

    * 7 References

    [edit] Biography

    Augustus was the only legitimate son of Augustus II the Strong, Imperial Prince-Elector of Saxony and monarch of the PolishXLithuanian Commonwealth, by his wife, Christiane Eberhardine of Brandenburg-Bayreuth. He was groomed to succeed his father as King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania, and thus in 1721, converted to Catholicism.

    After his father's death, he inherited Saxony and was elected King of Poland, with the support of Russian and Austrian military forces in the War of the Polish Succession (1733-1738). As King, Augustus III was uninterested in theaffairs of his Polish-Lithuanian dominion, focusing on interests like hunting, opera and collecting paintings (see Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister). During his 30-year reign, he spent less than a total of three years in Poland, wherethe struggle between the House of Czartoryski and the Potocki paralysed the Sejm (Liberum Veto), fostering internal political anarchy and further weakening the PolishXLithuanian Commonwealth. Augustus III delegated most of his powers and responsibilities to Heinrich von Brühl, who became quasi-dictator of Poland.

    The thirty years of Augustus III's reign saw the Seven Years' War (1754 and 1756X1763) among them.

    His eldest surviving son, Frederick Christian, eventually succeeded his father as Elector of Saxony, but not as King of Poland. It was StanisXaw August Poniatowski, who was elected King of the PolishXLithuanian Commonwealth, after a coup d'état by the House of Czartoryski, supported by Russian troops on 7 September 1764.

    [edit] Marriage and children

    In Dresden on 20 August 1719, Augustus married the Archduchess, Maria Josepha of Austria, daughter of Joseph I, the Holy Roman Emperor. They had fifteen children:

    * Frederick Augustus Franz Xavier (b. Dresden, 18 November 1720 - d. Dresden, 22 January 1721).

    * Joseph Augustus Wilhelm Frederick Franz Xavier Johann Nepomuk (b. Pillnitz, 24 October 1721 - d. Dresden, 14 March 1728).

    * Frederick Christian Leopold Johann Georg Franz Xavier (b. Dresden, 5 September 1722 - d. Dresden, 17 December 1763), successor to his father as Elector of Saxony.

    * Stillborn daughter (Dresden, 23 June 1723).

    * Maria Amalia Christina Franziska Xaveria Flora Walburga (b. Dresden, 24 November 1724 - d. Buen Retiro, 27 September 1760); married on 19 June 1738 to Charles VII, King of Naples, later King Charles III of Spain.

    * Maria Margaretha Franziska Xaveria (b. Dresden, 13 September 1727 - d. Dresden, 1 February 1734).

    * Maria Anna Sophie Sabina Angela Franziska Xaveria (b. Dresden, 29 August 1728 - d. Munich, 17 February 1797); married on 9 August 1747 to Maximilian III Joseph, Elector of Bavaria.

    * Franz Xavier Albert August Ludwig Benno (b. Dresden, 25 August 1730 - d. Dresden, 21 June 1806), Regent of Saxony (1763-1768).

    * Maria Josepha Karolina Eleonore Franziska Xaveria (b. Dresden, 4 November 1731 - d. Versailles, 13 March 1767); married on 9 February 1747 to Louis, Dauphin of France (1729X1765), son of Louis XV of France (she was the mother of Kings Louis XVI, Louis XVIII and Charles X) of France.

    * Karl Christian Joseph Ignaz Eugen Franz Xavier (b. Dresden, 13 July 1733 - d. Dresden, 16 June 1796), Duke of Courland and Zemgale (1758-1763).

    * Maria Christina Anna Teresia Salomea Eulalia Franziska Xaveria (b. Warsaw, 12 February 1735 - d. Brumath, 19 November 1782), Princess-Abbess of Remiremont. [1]

    * Maria Elisabeth Apollonia Casimira Francisca Xaveria (b. Warsaw, 9 February 1736 - d. Dresden, 24 December 1818). [2]

    * Albert Kasimir August Ignaz Pius Franz Xavier (b. Moritzburg, near Dresden, 11 July 1738 - d. Vienna, 10 February 1822), Duke of Teschen and Governor of the Austrian Netherlands (1781-1793).

    * Clemens Wenceslaus August Hubertus Franz Xavier (b. Schloss Hubertusburg, Wermsdorf, 28 September 1739 - d. Marktoberdorf, Allgäu, 27 July 1812), Archbishop of Trier.

    * Maria Kunigunde Dorothea Hedwig Franziska Xaveria Florentina (b. Warsaw, 10 November 1740 - d. Dresden, 8 April 1826), Princess-Abbess of Thorn and Essen; nearly married Louis Philippe II, Duke of Orléans; Philippe Égalité.

    [edit] Royal titles

    * Royal titles in Latin: Augustus tertius, Dei gratia rex Poloniae, magnus dux Lithuaniæ, Russiæ, Prussiæ, Masoviæ, Samogitiæ, Kijoviæ, Volhiniæ, Podoliæ, Podlachiæ, Livoniæ, Smolensciæ, Severiæ, Czerniechoviæque, nec non hæreditarius dux Saxoniæ et princeps elector. [3]

    * English translation: August III, by the grace of God, King of Poland, Grand Duke of Lithuania, Ruthenia (i.e. Galicia), Prussia, Masovia, Samogitia, Kiev, Volhynia, Podolia, Podlachia, Livonia, Smolensk, Severia, Chernihiv,and also hereditary Duke of Saxony and Prince-elector.

    Construction work at castles

    * Hubertusburg

    * Katholische Hofkirche, Dresden

    * Saxon Palace, Warsaw (destroyed 1944)

    * Brühl Palace, Warsaw (destroyed 1944)

    [edit] See also

    * History of Poland (1569X1795)

    * Mass in B Minor

    This page was last modified on 3 July 2010 at 11:28.


    Augustus III of Poland

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Augustus III (Augustus III the Saxon or the Corpulent; German: August III. von Polen; Polish: August III Sas, August III Gruby; b. Dresden, 17 October 1696 - d. Dresden, 5 October 1763) was the Elector of Saxony in 1733-1763 (as Frederick Augustus II (German: Kurfürst Friedrich August II.) and also King of Poland in 1734-1763.

    Royal titles

    Royal titles in Latin: Augustus III, Dei Gratia rex Poloniae, magnus dux Lithuaniae, Russie, Prussiae, Masoviae, Samogitiae, Kijoviae, Volhyniae, Podoliae, Podlachiae, Livoniae, Smolensciae, Severiae, Czerniechoviae, nec non haereditarius dux Saxoniae princeps et elector etc.

    English translation: August III, by the grace of God, King of Poland, Grand Duke of Lithuania, Ruthenia (i.e. Galicia), Prussia, Masovia, Samogitia, Kyiv, Volhynia, Podolia, Podlachia, Livonia, Smolensk, Severia, Chernihiv, and also hereditary Duke of Saxony, prince and Elector, etc.


    Augustus was the only legitimate son of Augustus II the Strong, Imperial Prince-Elector of Saxony and King of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, by his wife, Christiane Eberhardine of Brandenburg-Bayreuth. He was groomed to succeed his father as King of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and thus in 1721 converted to Catholicism.

    After his father's death, he inherited Saxony and was elected King of Poland with the support of Russian and Austrian military forces in the War of the Polish Succession (1733-1738).

    As King, August III was uninterested in the affairs of his Polish-Lithuanian dominion, focussing on interests like hunting, opera, and collecting paintings (see Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister). During his 30-year reign, he spent less than a total of three years in Poland, where the struggle between the Czartoryski and the Potocki paralysed the Sejm (Liberum Veto), fostering internal political anarchy and further weakening the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. August delegated most of his powers and responsibilities to Heinrich, Count von Brühl, who became quasi-dictator of Poland.

    The thirty years of August III's reign saw the Seven Years' War (1754 and 1756X1763), and neighboring Prussia, Austria, and Russia refined their plans to partition the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth among them.

    His eldest surviving son, Frederick Christian, eventually succeeded his father as Elector of Saxony, but not as King of Poland. It was StanisXaw August Poniatowski who was elected King of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth after a coup d'état by the Czartoryski Familia X supported by Russian troops X on September 7, 1764.

    [edit]Marriage and children

    In Dresden on 20 August 1719, Augustus married with the Archduchess Maria Josepha of Austria, daughter of Holy Roman Emperor Joseph I. They had fifteen children:

    Frederick Augustus Franz Xavier (b. Dresden, 18 November 1720 - d. Dresden, 22 January 1721).

    Joseph Augustus Wilhelm Frederick Franz Xavier Johann Nepomuk (b. Pillnitz, 24 October 1721 - d. Dresden, 14 March 1728).

    Frederick Christian Leopold Johann Georg Franz Xaver (b. Dresden, 5 September 1722 - d. Dresden, 17 December 1763), succesor of his father as Elector of Saxony.

    Stillborn daughter (Dresden, 23 June 1723).

    Maria Amalia Christina Franziska Xaveria Flora Walburga (b. Dresden, 24 November 1724 - d. Buen Retiro, 27 September 1760); married on 19 June 1738 to Charles VII, King of Naples, later King Charles III of Spain.

    Maria Margaretha Franziska Xaveria (b. Dresden, 13 September 1727 - d. Dresden, 1 February 1734).

    Maria Anna Sophie Sabina Angela Franziska Xaveria (b. Dresden, 29 August 1728 - d. Munich, 17 February 1797); married on 9 August 1747 to Maximilian III, Elector of Bavaria.

    Franz Xavier Albert August Ludwig Benno (b. Dresden, 25 August 1730 - d. Dresden, 21 June 1806), Regent of Saxony (1763-1768).

    Maria Josepha Karolina Eleonore Franziska Xaveria (b. Dresden, 4 November 1731 - d. Versailles, 13 March 1767); married on 9 February 1747 to the Dauphin Louis, son of King Louis XV of France (she was the mother of King Louis XVIof France).

    Karl Christian Joseph Ignaz Eugen Franz Xaver (b. Dresden, 13 July 1733 - d. Dresden, 16 June 1796), Duke of Courland and Semigallia (1758-1763).

    Maria Christina Anna Teresia Salomea Eulalia Franziska Xaveria (b. Warsaw, 12 February 1735 - d. Brumath, 19 November 1782), Princess-Abbess of Remiremont. [1]

    Maria Elisabeth Apollonia Casimira Francisca Xaveria (b. Warsaw, 9 February 1736 - d. Dresden, 24 December 1818). [2]

    Albert Kasimir Augustus Ignaz Pius Franz Xavier (b. Moritzburg, near Dresden, 11 July 1738 - d. Vienna, 10 February 1822), Duke of Teschen and Governor of the Austrian Netherlands (1781-1793).

    Clemens Wenceslaus August Hubertum Franz Xavier (b. Schloss Hubertusburg, Wermsdorf, 28 September 1739 - d. Marktoberdorf, Allgäu, 27 July 1812), Archbishop-Elector of Trier.

    Maria Kunigunde Dorothea Hedwig Franziska Xaveria Florentina (b. Warsaw, 10 November 1740 - d. Dresden, 8 April 1826), Princess-Abbess of Thorn and Essen.

    Friedrich giftet seg med Maria Josepha of Austria, Queen consort of Poland 20 Aug 1719, Vienna, Austria. Maria ble født 8 Des 1699 , Vienna, Austria; døde 17 Nov 1757, Dresden, Germany; ble begravet , Catholic Court Church, Dresden, Germany. [Gruppeskjema] [Familiediagram]

    1. 6. Duke Friedrich of Sachsen  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 18 Nov 1720 , Dresden, Sachsen; døde 22 Jan 1721, Dresden, Sachsen.
    2. 7. Duke Joseph of Sachsen  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 24 Okt 1721 , Pillnitz, Sachsen; døde 14 Mar 1728, Dresden, Sachsen.
    3. 8. Friedrich Christian von Sachsen, Kurfüst  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 5 Sep 1722 , Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland (HRR); ble døpt , Dresden; døde 17 Des 1763, Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland(HRR); ble begravet , Katholische Hofkirche.
    4. 9. Maria Amalia Christina Franziska Xaveria Flora Walburga von Sachsen, Königin von Spanien  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 24 Nov 1724 , Dresden, Saxony, Germany; døde 27 Sep 1760, Madrid, España; ble begravet 27 Sep 1760, El Escorial.
    5. 10. Princess Maria of Sachsen  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 13 Sep 1727 , Dresden, Sachsen; døde 1 Feb 1734, Dresden, Sachsen.
    6. 11. Anna Sophie Sabina Angela Franziska Xaveria Wettin  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 29 Aug 1728 , Dresden, Saxony, Germany; døde 17 Feb 1797, Munich, Bavaria.
    7. 12. Franz Xavier Wettin  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 25 Aug 1730 , Dresden, Saxony, Germany; døde 21 Jun 1806, Dresden, Saxony, Germany.
    8. 13. Maria Josepha Karolina Eleonore Franziska Xaveria von Sachsen  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 4 Nov 1731 , Dresden, Dresden, Saxony, Germany; døde 13 Mar 1767, Versailles, Yvelines, Île-de-France, France; ble begravet cirka 1767, Basilique de Saint Denis.
    9. 14. Karl Christian Wettin  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 13 Jul 1733 , Dresden, Saxony, Germany; døde 16 Jun 1796, Dresden, Saxony, Germany; ble begravet , Dresden, Sachsen, Tyskland.
    10. 15. Princess Maria of Wettin  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 12 Feb 1735 , Warsaw, Poland; døde 19 Nov 1782, Brumath.
    11. 16. Albert Kasimir August Ignaz Pius Franz Xaver von Sachsen, Herzog zu Sachsen-Teschen  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 11 Jul 1738 , Schloss Moritzburg; ble døpt , Saxe-Teschen - aka Albrecht Kasimir; døde 10 Feb 1822, Wien, Österreich; ble begravet , Imperialcrypt von Stephansdom.
    12. 17. Clemens Wenceslaus Wettin  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 28 Sep 1739 , Hubertsburg; døde 27 Jul 1812, Oberndorf.
    13. 18. Maria Kunigunde Wettin  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 10 Nov 1740 , Warsaw, Poland; døde 8 Apr 1826, Dresden, Sachsen.

  2. 5.  Maria AmaliaMaria Amalia Etterslektstre til dette punkt (2.Christiane2, 1.Sophie1) ble født 24 Nov 1724 , Dresden, Saxony, Germany; døde 27 Sep 1760, Madrid, Spain.


    {geni:occupation} Queen consort of Naples and Sicily, Queen consort of Spain

    Familie/Ektefelle/partner: Carlos. Carlos ble født 20 Jan 1716; døde 14 Des 1788. [Gruppeskjema] [Familiediagram]

    1. 19. Maria Louisa Hapsburg  Etterslektstre til dette punkt

Generasjon: 4

  1. 6.  Duke Friedrich of SachsenDuke Friedrich of Sachsen Etterslektstre til dette punkt (4.Friedrich3, 2.Christiane2, 1.Sophie1) ble født 18 Nov 1720 , Dresden, Sachsen; døde 22 Jan 1721, Dresden, Sachsen.

  2. 7.  Duke Joseph of SachsenDuke Joseph of Sachsen Etterslektstre til dette punkt (4.Friedrich3, 2.Christiane2, 1.Sophie1) ble født 24 Okt 1721 , Pillnitz, Sachsen; døde 14 Mar 1728, Dresden, Sachsen.

  3. 8.  Friedrich Christian von Sachsen, KurfüstFriedrich Christian von Sachsen, Kurfüst Etterslektstre til dette punkt (4.Friedrich3, 2.Christiane2, 1.Sophie1) ble født 5 Sep 1722 , Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland (HRR); ble døpt , Dresden; døde 17 Des 1763, Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland(HRR); ble begravet , Katholische Hofkirche.



    Friedrich giftet seg med Maria Antonia Walpurgis Symphorosa Wittelsbach, Kurfürstin zu Sachsen 20 Jun 1747, Dresden, Saxony, Germany. Maria ble født 18 Jul 1724 , Schloss Nymphenburg; døde 23 Apr 1780, Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland(HRR); ble begravet , Katholische Hofkirche. [Gruppeskjema] [Familiediagram]

    1. 20. Unnamed son von Sachsen, Prinz  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 9 Jun 1748 , Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland(HRR); ble døpt , Dresden; døde 9 Jun 1748, Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland(HRR).
    2. 21. Friedrich August III I Joseph Maria Anton Johann Nepomuk Aloys Xavier von Sachsen, Kurfürst und König zu Sachsen, Król P  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 23 Des 1750 , Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland(HRR); ble døpt , Germany - House of Hohenzollern; døde 5 Mai 1827, Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland(HRR); ble begravet , Katholische Hofkirche.
    3. 22. Karl Maximilian Maria Anton Johann Nepomuk Aloys Franz Xavier Januar von Sachsen, Prinz  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 24 Sep 1752 , Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland(HRR); døde 8 Sep 1781, Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland(HRR).
    4. 23. Joseph von Sachsen, Prinz  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 26 Jan 1754 , Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland (HRR); døde 25 Mar 1763, Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland(HRR).
    5. 24. Anton Clemens Theodor Maria Joseph Johann Evangelista Johann Nepomuk Franz Xaver Aloys von Sachsen, König von Sachsen  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 27 Des 1755 , Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland(HRR); ble døpt , Germany = House of Hohenzollern; døde 6 Jun 1836, Pillnitz, Sachsen, Deutschland(DB); ble begravet , Katholische Hofkirche.
    6. 25. Marie Amalie Anna Josephina Antonia Justina Augusta Xaveria Aloysia Johanna von Pfalz-Zweibrücken, Herzogin von Pfalz-Zweibrücken  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 26 Sep 1757 , , Sachsen; døde 2 Apr 1831, Neuburg on the Donau, Bayern, Deutschland(DB).
    7. 26. Maximilian Maria Joseph Anton Johann Baptist Johann Evangelista Ignaz Augustin Xavier A. Kronprinz, Kronprinz  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 13 Apr 1759 , Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland (HRR); døde 3 Jan 1838, Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland(HRR); ble begravet , Katholischen Hofkirche.
    8. 27. Theresia Maria Josepha Magdalena Anna Antonia Walburga Ignatia Xaveria Augustina Aloysia F. Wettin  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 27 Feb 1761 , Munich, Bavaria, Germany; døde 26 Nov 1820, Dresden, Saxony, Germany.

  4. 9.  Maria Amalia Christina Franziska Xaveria Flora Walburga von Sachsen, Königin von SpanienMaria Amalia Christina Franziska Xaveria Flora Walburga von Sachsen, Königin von Spanien Etterslektstre til dette punkt (4.Friedrich3, 2.Christiane2, 1.Sophie1) ble født 24 Nov 1724 , Dresden, Saxony, Germany; døde 27 Sep 1760, Madrid, España; ble begravet 27 Sep 1760, El Escorial.


    {geni:occupation} Queen of Spain 1759-1760, Princess of Saxony, Queen Consort of Spain; Queen Consort of Naples, Sicily and of Jerusalem, etc. Infanta Consort of Spain, Duchess Consort of Parma, Piacenza and of Castro, Reyna

    {geni:about_me} '''Links:'''

    '''The Peerage:'''






    Maria giftet seg med Carlos III 'el Político' de Borbón, rey de España 19 Jun 1738, Dresden, Saxony, Germany. Carlos ble født 20 Jan 1716 , Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, España; ble døpt , Spain - aka Don Carlos de Borbon; døde 14 Des 1788, Plaza de Oriente; ble begravet , El Escorial, Comunidad de Madrid, España. [Gruppeskjema] [Familiediagram]

    1. 28. Maria Isabel Antonietta de Padua Francisca Januaria Francisca de Paula Juana Nepomucena J. Spain  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 6 Sep 1740 , Portici, Campania, Italy; døde 2 Nov 1742, Naples, Campania, Italy; ble begravet , St. Clara.
    2. 29. Infanta Maria Josefa Antonietta of Spain  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 20 Jan 1742 , Palace of Portici; døde 1 Apr 1742, Napoli, Campania, Italia.
    3. 30. Infanta Maria Isabel Ana of Spain  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 30 Apr 1743 , Piazza Plebiscito, 1; døde 5 Mar 1749, Piazza Plebiscito, 1.
    4. 31. Maria Josefa Carmela Bourbon  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 6 Jul 1744 , Gaeta, Lazio, Italia; døde 8 Des 1801, Plaza de Oriente; ble begravet , El Escorial, Comunidad de Madrid, España.
    5. 32. Maria Luísa of Spain, Holy Roman Empress  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 24 Nov 1745 , The Reggia di Portici, Campania, Italy; døde 15 Mai 1792, Imperial Palace of the Hofburg, Vienna, Austria; ble begravet , Vienna, Austria.
    6. 33. Felipe Antonio Gennaro Pasquale Francesco de Paula de Borbón  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 13 Jun 1747 , Palace of Portici, Portici, Kingdom of Naples; døde 19 Sep 1777, Palace of Portici, Portici, Kingdom of Naples.
    7. 34. Carlos IV Antonio Pascual Francisco Javier Juan Nepomuceno Jose Januario Serafin Diego de de España, rey de España  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 12 Nov 1748 , Portici, Naples, Italy; ble døpt , Spain - aka Carlos IV; døde 19 Jan 1819, Roma, Lazio, Italia; ble begravet , El Escorial, Madrid, Spain.
    8. 35. Princess Maria Teresa of Antonieta Francisca Javier Francisca de Paula Serafina Naples and Sicily  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 2 Des 1749 , Palace of Portici; døde 2 Mai 1750, Palace of Portici.
    9. 36. Ferdinando Antonio Pascual Juan Nepomuceno Serafín Genaro Benedicto de Borbón, Re delle Due Sicilie  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 12 Jan 1751 , Napoli, Due Sicilie; ble døpt cirka 1759 , Naples - aka Ferdinand IV; døde 4 Jan 1825, Napoli, Due Sicilie; ble begravet , Basilica di Santa Chiara.
    10. 37. Gabriel Antonio Francisco de Borbón y Sajonia  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 12 Mai 1752 , Portici, Naples, Italy; døde 23 Nov 1788, Carretera de Robledo; ble begravet , El Escorial, Comunidad de Madrid, España.
    11. 38. Maria Ana de España  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 3 Jul 1754 , Palace of Portici; døde 11 Mai 1755, Portici, Naples, Italy.
    12. 39. Antonio Pascual de Borbón  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 31 Des 1755 , Caserta, Campania, Italy; døde 20 Apr 1817, Escorial, Madrid, Spain.
    13. 40. Francisco Javier Antonio Pascual Bernardo Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Aniello Julian Sajonia  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 15 Feb 1757 , Portici, Naples, Campania, Italy; døde 10 Apr 1771, Palacio Real de Aranjuez.

  5. 10.  Princess Maria of SachsenPrincess Maria of Sachsen Etterslektstre til dette punkt (4.Friedrich3, 2.Christiane2, 1.Sophie1) ble født 13 Sep 1727 , Dresden, Sachsen; døde 1 Feb 1734, Dresden, Sachsen.

  6. 11.  Anna Sophie Sabina Angela Franziska Xaveria WettinAnna Sophie Sabina Angela Franziska Xaveria Wettin Etterslektstre til dette punkt (4.Friedrich3, 2.Christiane2, 1.Sophie1) ble født 29 Aug 1728 , Dresden, Saxony, Germany; døde 17 Feb 1797, Munich, Bavaria.


    {geni:occupation} Electress Consort of Bavaria

    Anna giftet seg med Maximilian Joseph Karl Johann Leopold Ferdinand Nepomuk Alexander von Wittelsbach, Herzog cirka 1747. Maximilian ble født 28 Mar 1727 , München, Bayern, Deutschland(HRR); døde 30 Des 1777, München, Bayern, Deutschland(HRR); ble begravet , Theatinerkirche. [Gruppeskjema] [Familiediagram]

  7. 12.  Franz Xavier WettinFranz Xavier Wettin Etterslektstre til dette punkt (4.Friedrich3, 2.Christiane2, 1.Sophie1) ble født 25 Aug 1730 , Dresden, Saxony, Germany; døde 21 Jun 1806, Dresden, Saxony, Germany.



    Franz Xavier of Saxony (b. Dresden, 25 August 1730 - d. Dresden, 21 June 1806), was a German prince and member of the House of Wettin.

    He was the fourth but second surviving son of Augustus III, King of Poland and Elector of Saxony, and Maria Josepha of Austria.

    In the Second Battle of Lutterberg (1762-07-23), the Franco-Saxon contingent under General the Comte de Lusace (Prince Francis Xavier of Saxony) were defeated by Prince Ferdinand.


    Regent of Saxony

    His older brother, the Elector Frederick Christian, died on 17 December 1763 after a reign of only 74 days. Franz Xavier took over the regency of the Electorate together with his sister-in-law, the Dowager Electress Maria Antoniaof Bavaria, on behalf of his infant nephew, the new Elector Frederick Augustus III. As co-regent, Franz Xavier continued the rationalistic reforms of his brother.

    In October 1765, Franz Xavier performed in the name of the young Elector a formal renunciation of the Polish Crown in favor of Stanislaus Poniatowski, as was required by the treaty signed between Prussia and Russia on 11 April 1764. This was done against the wishes of the boy's mother, the Dowager Electress Maria Antonia. During the regency, Franz Xavier attempted to introduce a plan of army reform based upon the Prussian model of Frederick the Great. This brought him into conflict with the estates of the country, who violently refused to implement his proposal because of the high expense associated with his reorganization plan.

    According to the regulations imposed by the Golden Bull of 1356, the regency of an underage Elector ended when he reached his eighteenth birthday. As a result, in 1768, the Elector Frederick Augustus III was formally proclaimed an adult, and Franz Xavier ended his functions as the regent of the Electorate of Saxony.

    Secret Marriage, Exile and Return to Saxony

    In Dresden on 9 March 1765 Franz Xavier married morganatically an Italian lady-in-waiting to his sister-in-law, the Dowager Electress, the contessa Maria Chiara Spinucci. The union was keep secret until 1777 when it was formally announced and legitimized.

    In 1769, Franz Xavier moved his family to France, the home of his younger sister, the Dauphine Marie-Josèphe, who had died two years earlier. He lived in France for almost twenty years under the assumed title of Count of Lusatia (fr: Comte de Lusace, de: Gräf von der Lausitz). In 1774, his nephew, Louis XVI, became the king of the country. Franz Xavier and his family chose to flee France at the beginning of the French Revolution. They moved to Rome. Afterthe death of his wife in 1792, he remained in Rome for some years. Eventually, though, he returned to Saxony and settled into Schloss Zabeltitz. Franz Xavier lived there until his death, aged seventy-five.


    Franz giftet seg med Chiara Maria Spinucci 9 Mar 1765, Dresden, Saxony, Germany. Chiara ble født 30 Aug 1741 , Fermo; døde 23 Nov 1792, Fermo. [Gruppeskjema] [Familiediagram]

    1. 41. Ludwig of Sachsen-Lausitz, Prince  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 27 Mar 1766 , Dresden, Sachsen; døde 22 Aug 1782, Pont-sur-Seine.
    2. 42. Klara von Sachsen-Lausitz, Prinzessin  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 27 Mar 1766 , Dresden, Sachsen; døde 18 Nov 1766, Dresden, Sachsen.
    3. 43. Joseph of Sachsen-Lausitz, Prince  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 23 Aug 1767 , Dresden, Sachsen; døde 26 Jun 1802, Teplice.
    4. 44. Princess Elisabeth of Sachsen-Lausitz  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 22 Okt 1768 , Dresden, Sachsen; døde 3 Mai 1849, Dresden, Sachsen.
    5. 45. Maria Sachsen-Lausitz  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 20 Okt 1770 , Siena; døde 24 Des 1845, Rome, Italy.
    6. 46. Beatrix Sachsen-Lausitz  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 1 Feb 1772 , Chaumot; døde 6 Feb 1806, Dresden.
    7. 47. Kunigunde of Sachsen-Lausitz, Princess  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 18 Mar 1774 , Chaumot; døde 18 Okt 1828, Rome, Italy.
    8. 48. Maria of Sachsen-Lausitz, Princess  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 30 Des 1775 , Pont-sur-Seine; døde 20 Aug 1837, Rome, Italy.
    9. 49. Princess Cäcilie of Sachsen-Lausitz  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 17 Des 1779 , Pont-sur-Seine, France; døde 24 Jun 1781, Pont-sur-Seine, France.

  8. 13.  Maria Josepha Karolina Eleonore Franziska Xaveria von SachsenMaria Josepha Karolina Eleonore Franziska Xaveria von Sachsen Etterslektstre til dette punkt (4.Friedrich3, 2.Christiane2, 1.Sophie1) ble født 4 Nov 1731 , Dresden, Dresden, Saxony, Germany; døde 13 Mar 1767, Versailles, Yvelines, Île-de-France, France; ble begravet cirka 1767, Basilique de Saint Denis.


    {geni:occupation} Dauphin of France, Princess of Saxony, Dauphine of France

    {geni:about_me} Marie-Josèphe de Saxe (Maria Josepha Carolina Eleonore Françoise Xavière von Sachsen, 1731 - 1767), fille d'Auguste III de Saxe et de Marie-Josèphe d'Autriche. Elle épousa en 1747 le Dauphin Louis-Ferdinand de France, fils de Louis XV, jeune et inconsolable veuf de l'infante d'Espagne Marie-Thérèse Raphaëlle de Bourbon dont il avait eu une fille, Marie-Thérèse en 1746.

    Marie-Josèphe de SaxeSommaire
    1 Une famille déchirée
    2 La mère des derniers rois de France
    3 La triste Pépa
    4 Victime de l'Amour

    Une famille déchirée
    Elle arriva, à quinze ans, dans une Cour dominée par Mme de Pompadour, favorite du roi et artisan de son mariage que lui a suggéré le populaire héros de Fontenoy, le maréchal de Saxe, oncle "par la main gauche" de Marie-Josèphe.

    La nouvelle dauphine, surnommée Pépa, sut se concilier à la fois la Pompadour et son beau-père Louis XV, mais dut aussi compter avec la haine de son mari et de ses belle-sXurs pour la favorite.

    Elle trouvait une belle-famille déchirée par les haines et les tensions : le roi et son épouse ne vivaient plus ensemble depuis dix ans. La pieuse reine Marie LeszczyXska vieillissait, recluse au milieu de vieux amis vieillissantmais elle n'oubliait pas que son père Stanislas Leszczynski avait été le concurrent malheureux au trône de Pologne face au grand père puis au père de Marie-Josèphe.

    Ses filles, "Mesdames", célibataires, ne cessaient de blâmer la vie de leur père.

    Le Dauphin, veuf de dix-sept ans, souffrant des souffrances de sa mère et "divinisé" par ses sXurs, ne savait dissimuler sa désapprobation et ne s'entendait pas non plus avec son père.

    C'est dans ce contexte difficile que la Dauphine parvint à se faire aimer de tous, tant elle était intelligente, douce et aimante.

    La mère des derniers rois de France
    Après trois ans de stérilité (et de critiques de la cour), entre 1750 et 1764 elle mit au monde huit enfants :

    Marie-Zéphyrine (1750-1755) dite Madame
    Louis, duc de Bourgogne (1751-1761)
    Louis-Xavier, duc d'Aquitaine (1753-1754)
    Louis-Auguste, duc de Berry puis Dauphin puis Louis XVI (1754-1793)
    Louis-Stanislas, comte de Provence puis Louis XVIII (1755-1824)
    Charles-Philippe, comte d'Artois puis Charles X (1757-1836)
    Marie-Clotilde, princesse de Piémont puis reine de Sardaigne (1759-1802)
    Élisabeth, Fille de France (1764-1794)
    Son fils aîné, le duc de Bourgogne, enfant précoce, la comblait de fierté. Elle débordait pour lui d'amour maternel. De même que le dauphin, son mari, elle ne pouvait s'empêcher de le préférer à ses autres enfants (ce dont le futur Louis XVI souffrit). Sa mort, en 1761 fut pour elle une épreuve que, seule, sa piété lui permit d'accepter.

    Elle eut aussi à conquérir son mari, qui tout à son veuvage, la fuyait.A force de patience et d'attentions, mais aussi avec la complicité de sa belle-sXur, Henriette, elle réussit à former avec son époux un couple très uni.

    Elle contribua ensuite à rapprocher le roi de son fils.

    Louis XV adorait sa belle-fille, en qui il avait grande confiance.

    La triste Pépa
    Les épreuves ne furent pas épargnées à cette princesse que son beau-père surnomma "la triste Pépa": en 1757 son pays natal, la Saxe, est envahie et pillée par les armées de roi Frédéric II de Prusse. La mère de Marie-Josèphe, fille de l'Empereur Joseph Ier, brisée par la douleur, en meurt.En 1764, cédant au parlementaires, Louis XV fit expulser les jésuites au grand dam du couple delphinal.

    Au cours de ces années également, les deuils de la famille royale de France se multiplient:

    1752 : mort de Mme Henriette, sa belle-sXur à 25 ans,
    1755 : mort de sa fille aînée, Marie-Zéphyrine à 5 ans,
    1757 : mort de sa mère et pillage de la Saxe(cf ci-desssus).Louis XV victime d'un attentat, survivra,
    1759 : mort de Mme Elisabeth, duchesse de Parme, sXur jumelle d'Henriette,
    1761 : mort de son fils aîné,
    1763 : mort de son père, le roi Auguste III de Pologne et de sa nièce Isabelle de Parme à 22 ans, sa nièce, élevée à Versailles.Aînée des petits enfants du roi, elle avait épousé le futur Empereur Joseph II,
    1764 : mort de la marquise de Pompadour,
    1765 : mort de son époux le dauphin Louis-Ferdinand à 36 ans de tuberculose et de son beau-frère, Philippe Ier, duc de Parme,
    1766 : mort accidentelle du roi Stanislas Leszczynski, son grand père par alliance.

    Victime de l'Amour
    Marie-Josèphe ne se remit jamais de la mort du dauphin qu'elle avait soigné elle-même jusqu'à la fin. Elle contracta son mal et mourut de tuberculose en 1767, âgée de 36 ans, laissant orphelins ses enfants aux tragiques destins...

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    Princess Maria Josepha of Saxony (1731X1767)
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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    Maria Josepha of Saxony
    Dauphine of France
    Portrait by Jean-Martial Frédou, 1760
    Spouse Louis-Ferdinand, Dauphin of France
    Louis XVI of France
    Louis XVIII of France
    Charles X of France
    Clothilde, Queen of Sardinia
    Madame Élisabeth
    Full name
    German: Maria Josepha Carolina Eleonore Franziska Xaveria
    French: Marie Josèphe Caroline Eléonore Françoise Xavière
    Father Augustus III of Poland
    Mother Maria Josepha of Austria
    Born 4 November 1731(1731-11-04)
    Dresden Castle, Dresden, Saxony, modern-day Germany
    Died 13 March 1767 (aged 35)
    Palace of Versailles, Versailles, France

    Maria Josepha of Saxony (French: Marie Josèphe de Saxe; 4 November 1731 X 13 March 1767) was a Duchess of Saxony and the Dauphine of France. She became Dauphine at the age of fifteen through her marriage to Louis Ferdinand de France, the son and heir of Louis XV.

    Marie Josèphe was the mother of three kings of France, including the doomed Louis XVI, who died under the guillotine during the French Revolution. Her youngest daughter, Madame Élisabeth, also was beheaded during the Revolution.

    * 1 Family
    * 2 Marriage negotiations
    * 3 Marie-Josèphe de Saxe
    * 4 Widowhood
    * 5 Issue
    * 6 Ancestry
    * 7 See also
    * 8 Titles, styles, honours and arms
    o 8.1 Titles and styles
    * 9 References
    * 10 Titles

    [edit] Family

    Maria Josepha Carolina Eleonore Franziska Xaveria was born on 4 November, 1731 in Dresden Castle to Frederick Augustus II, Prince-Elector of Saxony and King of Poland, and Maria Josepha of Austria, the daughter of Joseph I, Holy Roman Emperor. As a daughter of the Electoral Prince, she was a Duchess in Saxony. Her mother was a first cousin of Maria Theresa of Austria, who in turn was the mother of Marie Antoinette, Maria Josepha's future daughter-in-law.

    Maria Josepha was the eighth of fifteen children and the fourth daughter. Her oldest sister Maria Amalia Christina married the future Charles III of Spain in 1738 and had a large family. Her second sister, Maria Margaretha, died in infancy; Maria Anna Sophia became the Electress of Bavaria in 1747. Her eldest surviving brother Frederick Christian became the Elector of Saxony in 1763 and reigned for only 74 days.

    Her younger sisters Maria Christina of Saxony and Maria Kunigunde of Saxony were Princess-abbesses of prestigious religious institutions.
    [edit] Marriage negotiations

    As noted, her oldest sister Maria Amalia had married a Spanish prince, Infante Carlos, in 1738. He was a member of the House of Bourbon. The Dauphin of France had been married to the Infanta Maria Teresa Rafaela of Spain since February 1745. The couple had been very happy together and deeply in love. The Infanta, known as Marie-Thérèse-Raphaëlle in France, died on 22 July 1746 after giving birth to a daughter, the couple's only child, Princess Marie-Thérèse of France. Ferdinand VI of Spain, half-brother of the deceased Marie-Thérèse-Raphaëlle, had offered the Dauphine another Bourbon princess, Infanta Maria Antonietta. Instead, Louis XV and his all-powerful mistress Madame de Pompadour wanted to open up diplomatic channels.

    The marriage between Maria Josepha and the Dauphin of France had first been suggested by Maria Josepha's uncle Maurice de Saxe, an illegitimate son of Maria Josepha's grandfather Augustus II. Louis XV and his mistress, were convinced that the marriage would be advantageous to French foreign affairs. France and Saxony had been on opposing sides in the recent War of the Austrian Succession and thus the marriage between the Saxon princess and the Dauphin of France would form a new alliance between the two nations.

    There was one problem with the suggested bride: Maria Josepha's grandfather Augustus II had dethroned StanisXaw LeszczyXski (then the Duke of Lorraine). StanisXaw was the father of the then Queen of France Maria LeszczyXska. The marriage was said to have humiliated the simple-living Queen, even though the Queen and Dauphine would later get on well.

    Other proposals came from Savoy in the form of Princess Eleonora of Savoy or her sister Princess Maria Luisa of Savoy.[1] Both were refused.

    Despite the disapproval of the Queen, the two were married on 9 February 1747, Maria Josepha of Saxony married Louis Ferdinand de France, Dauphin of France and Fils de France. Her marriage to a Fils de France ("Son of France") allowed Maria Josepha the style of Royal Highness, the right to travel and lodge wherever the king did, as well as the coveted right of dining with him in an armchair in his presence. However in practice, the Dauphine was addressed as Madame la Dauphine, the more traditional French style prevailing at Versailles till the Revolution.
    [edit] Marie-Josèphe de Saxe

    In France the Saxon princess was known as Marie-Josèphe de Saxe.
    Portrait by Jean Marc Nattier, 1751
    Allegory of Maria Josepha and her daughter Marie Zéphyrine, by Charles-Joseph Natoire, c.1751.

    Prior to the marriage, tradition demanded that the bride wear a bracelet which had a picture of her father on it; the Queen seeing the Dauphine asked to see the bracelet. The witty Marie-Josèphe then revealing the bracelet to theQueen showed a portrait of the Queen's father. The Dauphine said that the portrait represented the fact that the Duke of Lorraine was Marie-Josèphe's grandfather by marriage. The Queen and the court were strongly impressed by thetact of this girl of 15 years. The Dauphine was also very close to her father-in-law Louis XV.

    At the time of the marriage, the Dauphin was still grieving for his Spanish wife. This grief was very public on the part of the Dauphin but Marie-Josèphe was praised greatly for her conquering the heart of the Dauphin "bit by bit". Despite Marie-Josèphe being the patient wife, the Dauphin's grief worsened in April 1748 when his only child with the Infanta died at the age of two.

    The Dauphin was deeply affected by the death of Marie-Thérèse, known as Madame Royale, as she was his only link to her deceased mother. Marie-Josèphe, her stepmother, later commissioned a painting (now lost)[2] of the infant to be left over her cradle.

    The new Dauphine was very grateful to Madame de Pompadour for helping arrange her marriage, and always maintained a good relationship with the royal mistress. Although it was an arranged marriage, Marie-Josèphe fell in love with the Dauphin.

    Like her husband, Marie-Josèphe was very devout. Together with Queen Maria LeszczyXska, she formed a counterbalance to the libertine behaviour of her father-in-law and his court. The couple were not fond of the various entertainments held at Versailles every week, preferring to stay in their apartments which can still be seen on the ground floor of Versailles overlooking the Orangerie.

    The couple's first child was a daughter, born in 1750 on the feast day of Saint Zephyrinus and named Marie Zéphyrine. The birth of the Princess, known as Madame Royale, was greeted with much joy by her parents even though Louis XV naturally had been disappointed the child was not a male. This princess died in 1755 without being mourned; in France, a princess had to live at least five years to be formally mourned.[3] Their second child, Louis Joseph Xavierde France, a son born on 15 September 1751, was given the title of duc de Bourgogne, a title traditionally given to the eldest son of the Dauphin of France. Bourgogne was the apple of his parents' eye. His talents appeared early and inspired hope for the future in the hearts of the entire court. He was adored by his older sister Marie Zéphyrine and he adored her too.

    Unfortunately, the royal couple concentrated so much time and energy on this eldest son that their other children suffered from neglect. He died on 22 March 1761 at the age of nine at Versailles after having fallen from a toy horse. He started limping and a tumour began to grow on his hip. This was operated on, but he never recovered the use of his legs. He was buried at the Basilica of St Denis.

    The couple's second son, Xavier de France, duc d'Aquitaine, born in 1753, died a year later. As a result, their third son, Louis Auguste de France, duc de Berry, born on 23 August 1754, became second in line to the French throne after his father. A strong and healthy boy, although very shy, he excelled in his studies and had a strong taste for Latin, history, geography, and astronomy, and became fluent in Italian and English. Louis Auguste would later become King of France being orphaned at the age of 12.

    Thanks to Marie-Josèphe's close relationship with the King and Dauphin, the relationship between father and son soon repaired itself. The Dauphin was at the center of the Dévots, a group of religious-minded men who hoped to gain power when he succeeded to the throne. They were against the way of Louis XV who openly had affairs at court in blatant view of the Queen. Naturally they were not popular with Louis XV.

    Her father-in-law named his loving daughter-in-law la triste Pepe; in 1754 Frederick II of Prussia invaded her native Saxony and that started the Seven Years' War in which France later joined. Saxony was pillaged by Frederick. Then in 1757 her mother died aged 58 in Dresden. Her father would die in 1763.

    Politically reserved, she exerted herself only once, in 1762, in vain, for the preservation of the Society of Jesus in France. The Society had been dissolved by the King on the initiative of the duc de Choiseul and Madame de Pompadour.
    [edit] Widowhood

    The death of her husband, on 20 December, 1765, dealt Marie-Josèphe a devastating blow from which she never recovered, sinking into a deep depression for the rest of her life. Her sisters by marriage, Mesdames Adélaïde, Victoire,and Sophie mourned intensely. The Queen grieved greatly.

    To save her the torment of remaining with bittersweet memories of her dead husband, Louis XV allowed her to move at Versailles from the apartments she had shared with her deceased spouse into the apartments of the late Madame de Pompadour, who had died in 1764. There, he visited her more than he had in the past and discussed with her the possible wedding of her son, the new dauphin. Marie-Josèphe was not pleased with the idea of her eldest son marrying Archduchess Maria Antonia of Austria, the future Marie Antoinette. Their mothers were first cousins, and Marie Antoinette's mother had seized the inheritance of the Habsburg Empire from Marie-Josèphe's mother.

    Soon, her health declined. She died on 13 March 1767 of tuberculosis, and was buried in the royal crypt in Saint-Denis. The marriage of her son Louis Auguste with Maria Antonia was celebrated three years later.
    [edit] Issue
    Name Portrait Lifespan Notes
    Marie Zéphyrine de France
    Madame Royale Marie Zéphirine de France par Nattier.jpg 26 August 1750 -
    1 September 1755 (aged 5) Born at Versailles, she was known as Madame Royale at court; died at Versailles aged 5
    Louis Joseph Xavier de France
    Duke of Burgundy Louis Joseph Xavier of France, Duke of Burgundy.jpg 13 September 1751-
    22 March 1761 (aged 9) Heir of the Dauphin, he died at Versailles aged 9 much to the distress of his family;
    Xavier Marie Joseph de France
    Duke of Aquitaine Grand Royal Coat of Arms of France.svg 8 September 1753 X
    22 February 1754 (aged 0) Born at the Palace of Versailles dying there aged 5 months;
    Louis Auguste de France
    King of France
    Duke of Berry Ludvig XVI av Frankrike porträtterad av AF Callet.jpg 23 August 1754 X
    21 January 1793 (aged 38) Born at Versailles, was later husband of Marie Antoinette and King of France; had issue;
    Louis Stanislas Xavier de France
    King of France
    Count of Provence JoungLouisXVIII.jpg 17 November 1755 X
    16 September 1824 (aged 68) Born at Versailles, he married Princess Marie Josephine Louise of Savoy and had no issue; later King of France;
    Charles Philippe de France
    King of France
    Count of Artois Charles X Roi de France et de Navarre.jpg 9 October 1757 X
    6 November 1836 (aged 79) Born at Versailles, he married Princess Maria Theresa of Savoy and had issue; was later King of France;
    Marie Adélaïde Clotilde Xavière de France
    Queen of Sardinia Madameclotilde.jpg 23 September 1759 X
    7 March 1802 (aged 42) Born at Versailles, she married the future Charles Emmanuel IV of Sardinia and had no issue;
    Élisabeth Philippine Marie Hélène de France
    Madame Élisabeth Madame-elisabeth-2.jpg 3 May 1764 X
    10 May 1794 (aged 30) Born at Versailles, she never married and was executed in the French Revolution aged 30;

    Maria Josepha also had a stillborn son in 1748 and again in 1749. A stillborn daughter in 1752; Stillborn son in 1756. She also miscarried a son in 1762

    See also

    * Nicolay

    [edit] Titles, styles, honours and arms
    [edit] Titles and styles

    * 4 November, 1731 - September, 1733 Her Highness Duchess Maria Josepha of Saxony
    * 9 February 1747 X 20 December 1765 Her Royal Highness the Dauphine of France (Madame la Dauphine [de France])
    * 20 December 1765 X 13 March 1767 Her Royal Highness the Dowager Dauphine of France

    Maria Josepha's father held the title of king of Poland. However, children of Polish kings were explicitly forbidden the use of the title of prince or princess of Poland.
    [edit] References
    Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Marie-Josèphe of Saxony

    1. ^ niece of the Queen of Spain of the same name
    3. ^ Spawfourth. Tony, Versailles, New York, 2008, p.200-1

    This page was last modified on 20 July 2010 at 06:54.
    Marie-Josèphe of Saxony
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Princess Maria Josepha Carolina of Saxony, Dauphine of France, (4 November 1731 X 13 March 1767), was the daughter of Frederick Augustus II, Prince-elector of Saxony and king of Poland, and Maria Josepha of Austria, (1699-1757), the daughter of Joseph I, Holy Roman Emperor. She was the mother of three Kings of France, including the doomed Louis XVI, who died under the guillotine during the French Revolution. Her youngest daughter, Madame Élisabeth, also was beheaded during the Revolution.
    On February 9, 1747, Marie-Josèphe married Louis, Dauphin of France, son and heir of Louis XV. For the French prince it was his second marriage. His first wife, Maria Teresa of Spain, had died on July 22, 1746, after giving birthto a daughter, the couple's only child. The marriage came about on the suggestion of Maurice de Saxe, an uncle of the future bride. Louis XV and his mistress, Madame de Pompadour, were convinced that the marriage would be advantageous to French foreign affairs.
    The new Dauphine was very grateful to Madame de Pompadour for helping to arrange her marriage. She was always kind to her afterwards and had a good relationship with the royal mistress. Although an arranged marriage, Marie-Josèphe fell in love with the Dauphin. To a great extent, she was politically reserved and exerted herself in that arena only once, in 1762, in vain, for the preservation of the Society of Jesus in France. The Society had been dissolvedby the King on the iniative of the Duc de Choiseul and Madame de Pompadour. Like her husband, Marie-Josèphe was very devout. Together with Queen Maria LeszczyXska, she formed a counterbalance to the immoral behavior of her father-in-law and his court.

    The couple's first child was a daughter named Marie Zéphyrine who was born in 1750 and died in 1755. Their second child was a son who was born on September 15th, 1751, and received the name Louis Joseph Xavier. He was given the title of Duke of Burgundy|Duc de Bourgogne because Louis XV's father had previously held the same title. The duc became the apple of his parents' eye. His talents appeared early and inspired hope for the future in the hearts of theentire court.
    Unfortunately, though, the royal couple concentrated so much time and energy on this eldest son that their other children suffered from neglect. The Duc de Bourgogne died on March 22, 1761, of tuberculosis. Since the couple's second son, the Duc de Aquitaine, who had been born in 1753, had died one year later, their third son, Louis Auguste, Duc de Berry (future Louis XVI), born on August 23, 1754, became second in line to the French throne after his father.

    The death of her husband on the December 20, 1765, dealt Marie-Josèphe a devastating blow from which she never recovered, sinking into a deep depression for the rest of her life. To save her the torment of remaining with bittersweet memories of her dead husband, Louis XV allowed her to move her apartments at Versailles from those she had shared with her deceased spouse into the apartments of the late Madame de Pompadour, who had died in 1764. There, he visited her more than he had in the past and discussed with her the possible wedding of her son, the new dauphin. Marie-Josèphe was not taken with the idea of her eldest son marrying Archduchess Maria Antonia of Austria. Soon, her health quickly declined. She suffered from the same illness as her late husband, lung tuberculosis. She died on March 13, 1767, and was buried in the royal crypt in Saint-Denis. The marriage of her son with the Austrian archduchess, who became Marie Antoinette, was carried out three years later on May 16, 1770.
    [edit]Marriages and children

    Marie-Josèphe married Louis, Dauphin of France, and they had eight children:
    Marie-Zéphyrine (26 August 1750X1 September 1755).
    Louis, Duc de Bourgogne (13 September 1751X22 March 1761).
    Xavier, Duc de Guyenne (8 September 1753X22 February 1754).
    Louis-Auguste, Duc de Berry, the future king Louis XVI (23 August 1754 X 21 January 1793) (guillotined).
    Louis-Stanislas, Comte de Provence, the future king Louis XVIII (17 November 1755 X 16 September 1824).
    Charles-Philippe, Comte d'Artois, the future king Charles X (9 October 1757 X 6 November 1836).
    Marie-Clotilde (23 September 1759 X 7 March 1802), married King Charles Emmanuel IV of Sardinia, Prince of Piedmont.
    Élisabeth-Philippine (3 May 1764 X 10 May 1794), known as Madame Élisabeth (guillotined).

    Maria giftet seg med Louis Ferdinand de Bourbon 9 Feb 1747, Versailles, France. Louis ble født 4 Sep 1729 , Château de Versailles; ble døpt , Bourbon - house of France; døde 20 Des 1765, Château de Fontainebleau; ble begravet cirka 1765, Louis was buried in the Cathedral of Saint-Étienne in Sens. His '''heart''' was buried at Basiliqu. [Gruppeskjema] [Familiediagram]

    1. 50. Stillborn Son de France  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født cirka 1748 , Versailles, Ile-de-France, France; døde cirka 1749, Versailles, Ile-de-France, France; ble begravet cirka 1749.
    2. 51. Marie Zéphyrine de France  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 26 Aug 1750 , Versailles, Seine-Et-Oise, France; døde 2 Sep 1755, Versailles, Seine-Et-Oise, France; ble begravet cirka 1755, Basilique Saint Denis, Saint-Denis, Seine-Saint-Denis, Île-de-France, France .
    3. 52. Louis Joseph Xavier de Bourbon, duc de Bourgogne  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 13 Sep 1751 , Palace of Versailles, Versailles, France; døde 22 Mar 1761, Palace of Versailles, Versailles, France; ble begravet cirka 1761, Basilique Saint Denis, Saint-Denis, Seine-Saint-Denis, Île-de-France, France.
    4. 53. Stillborn Daughter de France  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født cirka 1752 , Versailles, Ile-de-France, France; døde cirka 1752, Versailles, Ile-de-France, France; ble begravet cirka 1752.
    5. 54. Xavier Marie Joseph de Bourbon  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 8 Sep 1753 , Versailles, Seine-Et-Oise, France; døde 22 Feb 1754, Versailles, Seine-Et-Oise, France; ble begravet 27 Feb 1754, Basilique Saint Denis, Saint-Denis, Seine-Saint-Denis, Île-de-France, France.
    6. 55. Louis XVI Auguste de Bourbon, roi de France  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 23 Aug 1754 , Château de Versailles; ble døpt cirka 1754 , France - aka Louis Augustus; døde 21 Jan 1793, Paris, France; ble begravet 21 Jan 1815, Basilique Saint-Denis.
    7. 56. Louis XVIII Stanislas Xavier de Bourbon, roi de France et Navarre  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 17 Nov 1755 , Versailles, France; ble døpt cirka 1755 , Provence - Louis Stanislas Xavier Comte de Provence; døde 16 Sep 1824, Paris, Île-de-France, France; ble begravet cirka 1824, Basilica of St Denis, France.
    8. 57. Stillborn Son de France  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født cirka 1756 , Versailles, Ile-de-France, France; døde cirka 1756, Versailles, Ile-de-France, France; ble begravet cirka 1756.
    9. 58. Charles X Philippe de Bourbon, roi de France et Navarre  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 9 Okt 1757 , Château de Versailles; ble døpt cirka 1757 , France - House of Bourbon - Count of Artois; døde 6 Nov 1836, Gorizia, Österreich; ble begravet 6 Nov 1836, Monastery of Nova Gorica.
    10. 59. Marie Adelaïde Clotilde Savière Clotilde de France, Queen of Sardinia  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 23 Sep 1759 , Versailles, Seine-Et-Oise, France; døde 7 Mar 1802, Naples, Campania, Italy; ble begravet cirka 1802, Vicolo Santa Caterina.
    11. 60. Fils de France  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født cirka 1762 , Versailles, Ile-de-France, France; døde cirka 1762, Versailles, Ile-de-France, France; ble begravet cirka 1762.
    12. 61. Elisabeth Philippine Marie Helene de Bourbon  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 3 Mai 1764 , Versailles, Seine-Et-Oise, France; døde 10 Mai 1794, Guillotined at Paris, Seine, France; ble begravet cirka 1794, Catacombs.

  9. 14.  Karl Christian WettinKarl Christian Wettin Etterslektstre til dette punkt (4.Friedrich3, 2.Christiane2, 1.Sophie1) ble født 13 Jul 1733 , Dresden, Saxony, Germany; døde 16 Jun 1796, Dresden, Saxony, Germany; ble begravet , Dresden, Sachsen, Tyskland.


    {geni:occupation} Hertig i Kurland 1758-63



    Charles of Saxony, Duke of Courland

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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    Carl Christian Joseph

    Duke of Courland and Semigallia

    Reign 1758X1763

    Predecessor Louis Ernest of Brunswick-Lüneburg

    Successor Ernst Johann von Biron

    Spouse Franciscka of Corvin-Krasinska


    Maria Christina, Princess of Carignan

    Full name

    German: Karl Christian Joseph Ignaz Eugen Franz Xaver

    House House of Wettin

    Father Frederick Augustus II, Elector of Saxony

    Mother Maria Josepha of Austria

    Born 13 July 1733(1733-07-13)


    Died 16 June 1796 (aged 62)


    Burial Marienstern Monastery, Mühlberg.

    Prince Karl Christian Joseph of Saxony (13 July 1733 X 16 June 1796) was a German prince from the House of Wettin and Duke of Courland.

    Born in Dresden, he was the fifth but third surviving son of Augustus III, King of Poland and Elector of Saxony, and Maria Josepha of Austria.



    * 1 Life

    o 1.1 Causes of his election as Duke of Courland

    o 1.2 Duke of Courland and Semigallia

    o 1.3 Renunciation of the Duchy and later life

    * 2 Secret Marriage and Issue

    * 3 Ancestry

    [edit] Life

    [edit] Causes of his election as Duke of Courland

    The Duke of Courland and guardian of the Russian Tsar Ivan VI, Ernst Johann von Biron X because of his extravagances and autocratic government, was hated by the Russian aristocracy X was removed from the regency upon the agreement of the Tsar's mother Anna Leopoldovna in 1740 and arrested. The attempts of Anna Leopoldovna in making herself a popular regent failed and her Prime Minister Burkhard Christoph von Munnich Xwho had organized the conspiracy against BironX was dismissed because of political and personal differences between both. Afterwards, a plot surrounding the Grand Duchess Elisabeth Petrovna against the regent was a complete success: in 1741 Anna Leopoldovna, her son Ivan and the rest of their family were exiled to Riga.

    Now, certainly, the Tsarina Elisabeth gave her pardon to Biron; however, because of fear that he could again return to great power such as he had obtained during his old reign, she refused to restore to him his old dignities and the Duchy of Courland. To occupy the new headship of the Duchy, the local knighthood Xunder pressure from Saxony and PolandX chose the favorite son of the Polish king Prince Karl Christian in 1758 as their new Duke. The young prince had previously travelled to St. Petersburg from which came the agreement of Tsarina Elisabeth, confirming these plans from their part.

    [edit] Duke of Courland and Semigallia

    Most of Evangelic Courland aristocracy had big doubts about Karl Xlargely because they feared a Roman Catholic Duke would drive back his influence in favor of the Polish-Roman Catholic StateX and tried to limit KarlXs means by a contract formulated electoral surrender. Before these negotiations could come to their conclusion, his father appointed him as Duke on 10 November 1758 and formally invested him on 8 January 1759 with the Duchy of Courland and Semigallia. Thereupon Karl who had signed now only a very much generally regarded assurance to religious questions and aristocratic privileges traveled to Courland and, on 29 March 1759, he solemnly entered the capital of his duchy, Mitau. After the Courland Diet (Landtag) and the States had met, they lost their hope of wringing a statement from Karl, nevertheless, they still favored him. Appropriately many aristocrats refused to homage the dukeXs appointmenton 3 November 1759 and instead waged protest in Warsaw and St. Petersburg.

    The Schloss Mitau looks over the Lielupe, build by Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli.

    The Duke was fond of life and lived in a remarkably splendid household on the Schloss Mitau. He amused the aristocracy with parties and courtly hunts with which he was able to increase his supporters. Also he took over the guidance of the Freemason's medal blossoming, at that time in Poland, and protected himself so with a lot of aristocrats whom knights of an order were in agreement. He left domestic politics, however, in the hands of his Country Controller (Landhofmeister) Otto Christoph von der Howen.

    [edit] Renunciation of the Duchy and later life

    When in July 1762 the Tsarina Catherine the Great Xwho had been unapproving of Duke Karl on the basis of his lacking interest in the mental education of his subjectsX took the Russian throne after a coup d'état. She allowed the now entirely rehabilitated Biron to return from his exile and exercised a substantial diplomatic pressure on Saxony with the purpose of restoring him to his old office as Duke. Finally, a sickly Augustus III Xnot only for his declined health but also by the consequences of the Seven Years' WarX accepted the fate of his son and denied his support to him. Without any support, Karl had to renounce the Duchy in 1763 and he then returned to Saxony.

    His hopes to win back the Duchy of Courland scattered after the quick death of his father and the loss of the Polish Crown for the Saxon Electors. Thereupon Karl lived in Dresden; however, dedicated himself farther to the hunt inthe Annaburger Heath.

    Karl died in Dresden at age sixty-two. He was buried in the Marienstern Monastery (Kloster Marienstern) of Mühlberg.

    [edit] Secret Marriage and Issue

    In Warsaw on 21 March 1760 Karl secretly married Franziska von Corvin-Krasinska, daughter of Count Stanislaus von Corvin-Krasinski. Because Franziska did not belong to a ruling dynasty or immediate noble family, the marriage was morganatic. In response to the persistence of Karl and the Saxon court, in June 1775 she received from Emperor Joseph II the title of Princess. The couple had only one daughter:

    1. Maria Christina Albertina Carolina (born Dresden, 7 December 1770 - died Paris, 24 November 1851), married firstly on 24 October 1797 to Carlo Emanuele of Savoy, Prince of Carignan, and after his death she was married on 1 February 1816 to Jules Maximilien Thibaut, Prince de Montléart.

    Through his daughter's first marriage, Karl is an ancestor of the later Kings of Italy.

    This page was last modified on 26 April 2010 at 12:10.

    Karl giftet seg med Franciszka Corvin-Krasinska 25 Mar 1760, Warsaw, Poland. Franciszka ble født 9 Mar 1742 , Maleszow, Schlesien, Prussia; døde 30 Apr 1796, Dresden, Sachsen, Tyskland. [Gruppeskjema] [Familiediagram]

    1. 62. Maria Christina Albertina von Sachsen  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 7 Des 1770 , Dresden, Sachsen, Tyskland; døde 24 Nov 1851, Paris, Seine, France; ble begravet cirka 1850.

  10. 15.  Princess Maria of WettinPrincess Maria of Wettin Etterslektstre til dette punkt (4.Friedrich3, 2.Christiane2, 1.Sophie1) ble født 12 Feb 1735 , Warsaw, Poland; døde 19 Nov 1782, Brumath.


    {geni:occupation} Abbess of Remiremont

  11. 16.  Albert Kasimir August Ignaz Pius Franz Xaver von Sachsen, Herzog zu Sachsen-TeschenAlbert Kasimir August Ignaz Pius Franz Xaver von Sachsen, Herzog zu Sachsen-Teschen Etterslektstre til dette punkt (4.Friedrich3, 2.Christiane2, 1.Sophie1) ble født 11 Jul 1738 , Schloss Moritzburg; ble døpt , Saxe-Teschen - aka Albrecht Kasimir; døde 10 Feb 1822, Wien, Österreich; ble begravet , Imperialcrypt von Stephansdom.


    {geni:about_me} *Albrecht Casimir August Herzog von Sachsen-Teschen
    *Joint Viceroy of Hungary.
    *Herzog von Sachsen-Teschen in 1766.
    *Joint Stadtholder of the Netherlands between 1781 and 1793

    *[ The Peerage]
    *[ Geneall]
    *'''Duke of Teschen Reign 1766-1822 with [ Maria Christina]
    '''Predecessor:''' [ Joseph II]
    '''Successor:''' [ Karl Ludwig]
    *'''Wikipedia:''' [,_Duke_of_Teschen English ]
    [ Deutsch]
    * Prince Albert Casimir August of Saxony, Duke of Teschen (11 July 1738, Moritzburg near Dresden X 10 February 1822, Vienna) was a German prince from the House of Wettin who married into the Habsburg imperial family. He noted as an art collector and founded the Albertina in Vienna, the largest and finest collection of old master prints and drawings in the world.
    * He was a younger son of king Augustus III of Poland (who was also Elector of Saxony) and Maria Josepha of Austria, a first cousin of empress Maria Theresa, being the eldest daughter of late Emperor Joseph I. Prince Albert of Saxony, Duke of Teschen, was also one of the godparents to his namesake Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.
    * Young Albert was specifically chosen by Archduchess Maria Christina of Austria to be her husband. This was a special favour granted by her mother, the great empress Maria Theresa of Austria because marriages of imperial children were usually used for diplomatic purposes. Still, the betrothal and wedding had to wait until the death of her father Emperor Francis I and the wedding decorations were black because it occurred during the official mourning period after his death. From his father-in-law's estate, Albert received the territory of Teschen in Austrian Silesia and was accordingly given the title of Duke of Teschen. Since he became a member of the Habsburg-Lorraine family, the title Archduke was also given to him.
    * The Silesian Duchy of Teschen had been inherited by Emperor Francis through his father's Gonzaga ancestry, as compensation for the lost Duchy of Montferrat, taken from them in favor of the dukes of Savoy. Archduchess Maria Christina the daughter of Francis of Lorraine received the duchy among her dowry. Prince Albert of Saxony thus became the Duke of Teschen, the only non-Habsburg to become such after the title passed into Habsburg control. Their marriage remained childless except a daughter dead as baby, and upon the death of the widowed Albert in 1822, Teschen was granted to their adopted son, Archduke Charles of Austria, who became Duke of Teschen and started the Habsburg-Lorraine branch of Dukes of Teschen.
    * Albert was governor of Hungary from 1765 to 1780, with his seat at [ '''Bratislava Castle'''] and his summer residence in [ '''Halbturn Castle'''] at Neusiedl. He was then made governor of the Austrian Netherlands, with his seat at Brussels where he built Laeken palace (the present-day home of the Belgian royal family) as his seat. Therehe assembled the beginnings of his vast art collection which he took with him when the couple had to flee from Brussels to Vienna in 1793 due to the French Revolution and following his military defeat by invasion forces at the Battle of Jemappes.
    * In Vienna a palace adjoining the Hofburg originally designed by Emanuel Teles Silva-Tarouca was enlarged for them by architect Louis Montoyer. That palace is today called the Albertina, after Albert, and houses the collection he started. Only two-thirds of his collection survives, because one of the cargo ships bringing it from Brussels sank en route. After his return to Vienna, he used as an advisor Adam von Bartsch , the Curator of the Imperial printscollection and the greatest prints scholar of his age.
    * After the early death of his wife in 1798 of typhus, he lived only for his art collection, which he bequeathed to his (wife's) nephew and adopted son Archduke Charles of Austria.
    * Next door to his palace, in the Augustinerkirche Albert had a famous memorial to his wife carved by Antonio Canova. The couple are buried in tombs 111 and 112 in the Tuscan Vault of the Imperial Crypt in Vienna, with their hearts in urns 40 and 28 in the nearby Herzgruft and their viscera in urns 75 and 63 of the Ducal Crypt in Vienna's cathedral.

    Albert giftet seg med Maria Christina Johanna Josepha Antonia Habsburg-Lorraine, Herzogin von Sachsen-Teschen cirka 1765. Maria ble født 13 Mai 1742 , Wien, Österreich; døde 24 Jun 1798, Wien, Österreich; ble begravet cirka 1798. [Gruppeskjema] [Familiediagram]

    1. 63. Marie Theresia von Wettin, prinzessin  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 16 Mai 1767; døde 17 Mai 1767.
    2. 64. Christina Wettin  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 16 Mai 1767; døde 17 Mai 1767.

  12. 17.  Clemens Wenceslaus WettinClemens Wenceslaus Wettin Etterslektstre til dette punkt (4.Friedrich3, 2.Christiane2, 1.Sophie1) ble født 28 Sep 1739 , Hubertsburg; døde 27 Jul 1812, Oberndorf.


    {geni:occupation} Archbishop of Trier

  13. 18.  Maria Kunigunde WettinMaria Kunigunde Wettin Etterslektstre til dette punkt (4.Friedrich3, 2.Christiane2, 1.Sophie1) ble født 10 Nov 1740 , Warsaw, Poland; døde 8 Apr 1826, Dresden, Sachsen.


    {geni:occupation} Abbess of Thorn and Essen

  14. 19.  Maria Louisa HapsburgMaria Louisa Hapsburg Etterslektstre til dette punkt (5.Maria3, 2.Christiane2, 1.Sophie1)


    {geni:occupation} Holy Roman Empress

    Familie/Ektefelle/partner: Peter Leopold Hapsburg, II. [Gruppeskjema] [Familiediagram]

    1. 65. Johan Hapsburg  Etterslektstre til dette punkt