Kaj Frandsen Lykke

Kaj Frandsen Lykke

Mann Ca 1625 - 1699  (74 år)

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Generasjon: 1

  1. 1.  Kaj Frandsen LykkeKaj Frandsen Lykke ble født cirka 1625; døde 8 Jul 1699, Bramminge; ble begravet , Bramminge Kirke.


    {geni:occupation} Oberst

    {geni:about_me} Andetsteds oplyses at han er død i Bramming Sogn

    From the Copenhagen Post:
    Romance, gossip and a mock execution that fooled the Queen - January 07, 1999 - Volume 2, Issue 01

    By Cathy Conlon

    King Frederik III of Denmark's Queen, Sofie Amalie was not among Denmark's most popular, in fact she is remembered more for her bizarre mood swings and frequent execution decrees against those she considered her enemies, than forher virtues as Queen of Denmark. The unpopular Queen is reported to have installed fear into the heart of many a courtier, and woe was he or she who dared to ignite Sofie Amalie's wrath. In fact some stories tell of a vindictive Queen who was just a little too fond of proclaiming "Off with his head!"
    Sofie Amalie's notorious hatred for those who displeased her is probably best seen in the bizarre tale of the executed doll. The story, which is still recounted today in both royal and public circles, has not lost any of its strangeness in the 338 years since the events occurred.
    Our story begins in 1661 during the reign of King Frederik III and Queen Sofie Amalie, with Kaj Lykke, who was a nobleman and a landowner known in court circles. Although he was one of the wealthier members of the landed gentry Lykke was reportedly more interested in matters of the heart than he was in matters of the state. Tongues wagged all over court and over tea in the parlours of Denmark's aristocrats recounting the romantic escapades of the amorous Lykke. Many were baffled by Lykke's obvious success with the ladies. After all he was not an attractive man - in fact it was said that he bore a remarkable resemblance to a portly sheared sheep! Nevertheless this Danish Casanova had the ability to make ladies of all ages and classes go weak at the knees with his romantic overtures.
    Sofie Abelsdatter, a humble and lowly servant girl was no exception. Sofie was one of a host of young girls who fell prey to Lykke's charms. Employed as a parlour maid on one of Lykke's estates their affair began in the spring of1656 - an affair that would inadvertently lead to the end of Lykke's charmed existence, as he knew it.
    Word of Lykke's scandalous liaison with a servant girl spread quickly. Sofie was greatly distressed and saddened that her love for Lykke had resulted in her becoming fodder for vicious tongues. And how those tongues wagged. "To think that a man of his noble standing would allow himself to be associated with such a lowly creature." Whispered the courtiers. Even the farm labourers and townsfolk once so amiable began to shun Sofie. "We don't want the likes of you around these parts." They hissed.
    In an effort to comfort the melancholy Sofie, Lykke wrote many a love letter urging his lover to disregard such scorn saying; "My dear, pay no heed, you should hear what they are saying here at court about our very own Queen Sofie Amalie. They say that she lies with her lackeys."
    The scandal however, was too much for the young and inexperienced Sofie. Knowing that she could never hope to marry her Lord and Master, poor Sofie broke off the liaison and reverted to her life as a mere servant girl. Happiness did eventually come to Sofie, who married Lykke's groom Peder Børting a little over a year later.
    Time passed. Sofie and Peder were content and Lykke continued to melt the hearts of serfs and gentry alike. However, in 1660 a conflict over money arose between Lykke and the Børtings. Filled with anger Sofie seized the opportunity to use the long forgotten love letters as a dangerous weapon against her former sweetheart. Within days the letter with the treacherous remark about Queen Sofie Amalie lay in the hands of the Royal Prosecutor.
    Once the wrathful Queen learned of the letter there was little if no hope at all for the Danish gigolo. Outraged by the apparent insult the Queen decreed that Lykke's right hand be hacked off in front of her palace in Copenhagen.Thereafter he was to be beheaded with his disembodied head placed on a stake outside the palace as a warning to anyone who would dare dishonour the Queen.
    Aware that the letter could very well be interpreted as treason and fearing for his life, Lykke had quickly gathered his assets and escaped to foreign shores. Any search for the convicted nobleman would indeed be fruitless. Terrified that failure to produce Lykke might end in their own deaths, the Queen's prosecutor, guards and executioner decide to mock up an execution, using an effigy of Lykke having failed to track down the real man. After all, the Queen would be viewing the proceedings from a safe distance at one of the palace windows. She would never know.
    Thereafter followed what must be one of the most bizarre executions in history. A doll made to resemble Kaj Lykke was brought before the guillotine. In a very public display the executioner hacked off the limp hand of 'Lykke' while the soldiers on guard moved the doll around in an effort to simulate Lykke writhing in agony. The doll was then dragged 'kicking and struggling' to the block where, without delay, his head was chopped off.
    Bizarre though is may sound, the plan worked. For weeks afterwards, the woodenhead of the doll was posted high on a stake overlooking the hustle and bustle of 17th century Copenhagen life. And the story goes that Queen Sofie Amalie went to her grave in 1685 believing that Kaj Lykke had met a just end. For his part Lykke returned to Denmark after the Queen's death and word has it that he used the story of his own 'execution' to charm women until his death some 14 years later.

    King Frederik III of Denmark's Queen, Sofie Amalie was not among Denmark's most popular, in fact she is remembered more for her bizarre mood swings and frequent execution decrees against those she considered her enemies, than forher virtues as Queen of Denmark. The unpopular Queen is reported to have installed fear into the heart of many a courtier, and woe was he or she who dared to ignite Sofie Amalie's wrath. In fact some stories tell of a vindictive Queen who was just a little too fond of proclaiming "Off with his head!"

    Sofie Amalie's notorious hatred for those who displeased her is probably best seen in the bizarre tale of the executed doll. The story, which is still recounted today in both royal and public circles, has not lost any of its strangeness in the 338 years since the events occurred.

    Our story begins in 1661 during the reign of King Frederik III and Queen Sofie Amalie, with Kaj Lykke, who was a nobleman and a landowner known in court circles. Although he was one of the wealthier members of the landed gentry Lykke was reportedly more interested in matters of the heart than he was in matters of the state. Tongues wagged all over court and over tea in the parlours of Denmark's aristocrats recounting the romantic escapades of the amorousLykke. Many were baffled by Lykke's obvious success with the ladies. After all he was not an attractive man - in fact it was said that he bore a remarkable resemblance to a portly sheared sheep! Nevertheless this Danish Casanova had the ability to make ladies of all ages and classes go weak at the knees with his romantic overtures.
    Sofie Abelsdatter, a humble and lowly servant girl was no exception. Sofie was one of a host of young girls who fell prey to Lykke's charms. Employed as a parlour maid on one of Lykke's estates their affair began in the spring of 1656 - an affair that would inadvertently lead to the end of Lykke's charmed existence, as he knew it.
    Word of Lykke's scandalous liaison with a servant girl spread quickly. Sofie was greatly distressed and saddened that her love for Lykke had resulted in her becoming fodder for vicious tongues. And how those tongues wagged. "To think that a man of his noble standing would allow himself to be associated with such a lowly creature." Whispered the courtiers. Even the farm labourers and townsfolk once so amiable began to shun Sofie. "We don't want the likes of you around these parts." They hissed.
    In an effort to comfort the melancholy Sofie, Lykke wrote many a love letter urging his lover to disregard such scorn saying; "My dear, pay no heed, you should hear what they are saying here at court about our very own Queen Sofie Amalie. They say that she lies with her lackeys."
    The scandal however, was too much for the young and inexperienced Sofie. Knowing that she could never hope to marry her Lord and Master, poor Sofie broke off the liaison and reverted to her life as a mere servant girl. Happinessdid eventually come to Sofie, who married Lykke's groom Peder B°rting a little over a year later.
    Time passed. Sofie and Peder were content and Lykke continued to melt the hearts of serfs and gentry alike. However, in 1660 a conflict over money arose between Lykke and the B°rtings. Filled with anger Sofie seized the opportunity to use the long forgotten love letters as a dangerous weapon against her former sweetheart. Within days the letter with the treacherous remark about Queen Sofie Amalie lay in the hands of the Royal Prosecutor.
    Once the wrathful Queen learned of the letter there was little if no hope at all for the Danish gigolo. Outraged by the apparent insult the Queen decreed that Lykke's right hand be hacked off in front of her palace in Copenhagen. Thereafter he was to be beheaded with his disembodied head placed on a stake outside the palace as a warning to anyone who would dare dishonour the Queen.
    Aware that the letter could very well be interpreted as treason and fearing for his life, Lykke had quickly gathered his assets and escaped to foreign shores. Any search for the convicted nobleman would indeed be fruitless. Terrified that failure to produce Lykke might end in their own deaths, the Queen's prosecutor, guards and executioner decide to mock up an execution, using an effigy of Lykke having failed to track down the real man. After all, the Queen would be viewing the proceedings from a safe distance at one of the palace windows. She would never know.
    Thereafter followed what must be one of the most bizarre executions in history. A doll made to resemble Kaj Lykke was brought before the guillotine. In a very public display the executioner hacked off the limp hand of 'Lykke' while the soldiers on guard moved the doll around in an effort to simulate Lykke writhing in agony. The doll was then dragged 'kicking and struggling' to the block where, without delay, his head was chopped off.
    Bizarre though is may sound, the plan worked. For weeks afterwards, the woodenhead of the doll was posted high on a stake overlooking the hustle and bustle of 17th century Copenhagen life. And the story goes that Queen Sofie Amalie went to her grave in 1685 believing that Kaj Lykke had met a just end. For his part Lykke returned to Denmark after the Queen's death and word has it that he used the story of his own 'execution' to charm women until his deathsome 14 years later.

    Familie/Ektefelle/partner: Anne Cathrine Ulfeldt. Anne (datter av Corfitz Jacobsen Ulfeldt og Leonora Christina Oldenburg, Grevinde af Slesvig-Holsten) ble født cirka 1639; døde cirka 1707. [Gruppeskjema] [Familiediagram]

    1. 2. Martha Lauritsdatter Friis  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født cirka 1655; døde 25 Mai 1730, Flødstrup sogn, Vindinge herred, Svendborg amt.

    Kaj giftet seg med cirka 1660. [Gruppeskjema] [Familiediagram]

Generasjon: 2

  1. 2.  Martha Lauritsdatter FriisMartha Lauritsdatter Friis Etterslektstre til dette punkt (1.Kaj1) ble født cirka 1655; døde 25 Mai 1730, Flødstrup sogn, Vindinge herred, Svendborg amt.


    {geni:about_me} Hun er angiveligt >maaske datter af< Kai Lykke og Anne Cathrine Ulfeldt, og det maa indrømmes at fødselsaaret understøtter paastanden , men det gør navngivningen bestemt ikke.

    Ejvind Christensen: XKai Lykke was well-known as a libertine, and it was told that he could get every virgin (Jomfru) he could wish.
    A "Jomfru" was not allways a virgin. Noble ladies was called "Jomfru" even if they were married several times and had a lot of children.
    Then I looked in some of my books too, and I looked on the internet. I find only very small informations about that marriage, and even not in Bramming, where Kai Lykke was living on his older days, there are any information aboutthat daughter.X

    Tom Askerøi: "I am a descendant of Martha Lauritsdatter Friis.
    I haven't found her parents, but I can assure you that she's NOT an illegitimate child of Caj Lykke.
    That's a constuction from Hans H. Kjølsen in the book "Den fynske slægt Hastrup" on his taking a family tradition that her daughter-daughter (I think it was) was related to Corfitz Ulefeldt.
    In eagerness of finding "fine" anchestors he has believed that that meant she was a descendant of Corfitz Ulefeldt. I am absolutely sure she isn't. Why? Simply because you wouldn't say that she's "related to Corfitz Ulefeld" - you'd say she came from the royal family!!
    So forget Caj Lykke. But I can believe that there's something to the family tradition - she could very well be related to Corfitz Ulefeld.
    My guess is that, being a Friis - and there are plenty Friis families - both honorable and (sorry my lack of english words here) "normal" families. But as this was not something to flag - it has to be a noble family that "fell out" of the noble system due to "foolish" (and probably very much so) behaviour, but which was married into the Ulefelt family.
    And there actually is such a family. And better stil - a family where Laurits are the most common male first name! The Friis' to Vadskærgaard. Which, according to Dansk Adels Aarbog (Danish Nobility Yearbook) 1942 ended with someLaurits' being executed for murder etc. And married into to Ulefeld family! Unfortunately I haven't (yet) found the link between Martha and these "unfortunate" Friis'. But I believe THAT'S where we must be looking for Martha's ancestor's..."

    Vestens prµstesamling, RA HXndskr.saml. 14.N.7. Under Schurmann

    Familie/Ektefelle/partner: Henrik Predbjørnsen Schurmann. Henrik ble født 24 Apr 1645 , Langsted; døde cirka 1695, Haagerup. [Gruppeskjema] [Familiediagram]

    1. 3. Corfits Henriksen Schurmann  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 16 Apr 1678; døde 26 Apr 1728.
    2. 4. Birgitte Schurmann  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født cirka 1679; døde cirka 1742.
    3. 5. Ida Schurmann  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født cirka 1680.
    4. 6. Laurids (Laurits) Henrichsen Schurmann  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 10 Des 1682; døde 24 Des 1745.
    5. 7. Frederik Henriksen Schurmann  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født 17 Okt 1688; døde cirka 1741, Aarhus, Danmark; ble begravet 17 Mai 1741.

    Familie/Ektefelle/partner: Anders Rasmussen Switzer. Anders døde 20 Nov 1686. [Gruppeskjema] [Familiediagram]

Generasjon: 3

  1. 3.  Corfits Henriksen SchurmannCorfits Henriksen Schurmann Etterslektstre til dette punkt (2.Martha2, 1.Kaj1) ble født 16 Apr 1678; døde 26 Apr 1728.


    {geni:occupation} præst & provst

    {geni:about_me} Student 1696 Odense, 1701 rektor i Faaborg, 1705 residerende kappelan i København Sct Nicolai, 1718 præst & provst i København Holmens

    Provst i K°benhavn, Holmens kirke Student 1696 Odense,1701 rektor i FXborg, 1705 residerende kappelan i K°benhavn Sct Nicolai, 1718 prµst & provst i K°benhavn Holmens.(Kilde : Vestens prµstesamling, RA HXndskr.saml. 14.N.7)

  2. 4.  Birgitte SchurmannBirgitte Schurmann Etterslektstre til dette punkt (2.Martha2, 1.Kaj1) ble født cirka 1679; døde cirka 1742.


    Vestens prµstesamling, RA HXndskr.saml. 14.N.7. Under faderen Wiberg: Almindelig dansk Prµste historie. 1867-73

  3. 5.  Ida SchurmannIda Schurmann Etterslektstre til dette punkt (2.Martha2, 1.Kaj1) ble født cirka 1680.

  4. 6.  Laurids (Laurits) Henrichsen SchurmannLaurids (Laurits) Henrichsen Schurmann Etterslektstre til dette punkt (2.Martha2, 1.Kaj1) ble født 10 Des 1682; døde 24 Des 1745.


    {geni:occupation} Præst i Frørup. Konsistorialassessor

  5. 7.  Frederik Henriksen SchurmannFrederik Henriksen Schurmann Etterslektstre til dette punkt (2.Martha2, 1.Kaj1) ble født 17 Okt 1688; døde cirka 1741, Aarhus, Danmark; ble begravet 17 Mai 1741.


    {geni:occupation} Provst i Besser og Onsbjerg paa Samsø

    {geni:about_me} Student 1708 Nykøbing (? Nyborg?)
    1712 Cand theol.
    1713 præst i Brahetrolleborg og Krarup,
    1738 præst i Besser-Onsbjerg,
    1739 provst.
    1 datter.