Marie Louise Bourbon-Orléans

Marie Louise Bourbon-Orléans

Kvinne 1662 - 1689  (26 år)

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  • Navn Marie Louise Bourbon-Orléans 
    Fødsel 26 Apr 1662  Palais Royal, Paris, France Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet 
    Kjønn Kvinne 
    Død 12 Feb 1689  Royal Alcázar, Madrid, Spain Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet 
    Begravelse Spain Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet 
    Person ID I96756  Boe
    Sist endret 16 Sep 2012 

    Far Philippe I de Bourbon, duc d'Orléans,   f. 21 Sep 1640, Paris, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Île-de-France, France Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedetd. 9 Jun 1701, château de Saint-Cloud Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet (Alder 60 år) 
    Mor Henrietta Anne Stuart, Duchess of Orléans,   f. 16 Jun 1644, Bedford House, Exeter, England Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedetd. 30 Jun 1670, Château de Saint Cloud, France Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet (Alder 26 år) 
    Ekteskap Ca 1661 
    Famile ID F31015  Gruppeskjema  |  Familiediagram

  • Notater 
    • {geni:occupation} Queen Consort of Spain

      {geni:about_me} * [] ; [] ;

      Maria Luisa of Orléans

      From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Marie Louise of Orléans (26 April 1662, Palais Royal, Paris, France - 12 February 1689, Royal Alcazar, Madrid, Spain) Queen Consort of Spain from 1679 to 1689 as the first wife of King Charles II of Spain.

      Early Life

      Marie Louise was the eldest daughter of Philippe de France, Duc d'Orléans, the younger brother of King Louis XIV, and his first wife, Princess Henrietta Anne of England. As a granddaughter of the king, she was a Petite-Fille de France. She was descended from both the French and English royal families: her paternal grandparents were Louis XIII of France and Anne of Austria and her maternal grandparents were Charles I of England and Henrietta Maria of France. She was also a niece of King Louis XIV of France, King Charles II of England, King James II of England and Mary, Princess Royal and Princess of Orange.


      Marie Louise had a happy childhood in France, lived mostly in her father's residences, the Palais Royal in Paris and Château de Saint-Cloud, outside the capital. Marie Louise spent a great deal of her time with her paternal grandmother, Anne of Austria, who doted on her and left the bulk of her fortune to her when she died in 1666. She was also her fathers favourite child.

      Marie Louise also visited often with her maternal grandmother, Henrietta Maria of France, at her residence in Colombes, where she met her cousin, the future Queen Anne I of Great Britain, who spent a lot time in France during herchildhood. For a time Anne stayed with her cousins at thier homes.

      In 1670, when Marie Louise was eight years old, her mother died. The following year, 1671, her father married Elizabeth Charlotte, Princess Palatine, who became like a mother to Marie Louise and her younger sister, Anne Marie d'Orléans, who became later the Queen of Savoy and Sardinia. During the rest of her life, Marie Louise would maintain an affectionate correspondence with her stepmother.


      As she was the most senior unmarried lady at the French court, it was assumed by many that she would marry her cousin, Louis de France, the Dauphin of France. A famous scene ocurred when the sixteen year old girl was told that she was to be the Queen of Spain. Her uncle, Louis XIV, told her:

      I could not have done more for my own daughter


      To which Mademoiselle d'Orléans said:

      Yes sire, but you could have done more for your niece.


      Her cousin, the Dauphin, later married a distand cousin, Maria Anna Christine Victoria of Bavaria.

      Before Marie Louise departed from France for Spain, she went to the convent of Val-de-Grâce where the heart of her mother was housed. It would be the last time she was in Paris. She would never return to the country of her birth.

      [edit]Queen of Spain

      On 19 November 1679, Marie Louise married King Charles II of Spain, in Quintanapalla, near Burgos, Spain. This was the start of a very lonely existence at the Spanish court. Renowned for her beauty and charm, her new husband fellmadly in love with her, a passion that remained with him until the end of his life. [3]The rigid etiquette of the Spanish court and her unsuccessful attempts to become pregnant, however, caused her to suffer from depression.

      In early 1688 a witness wrote that, when Charles and Marie Louise went to church to pray for children, they did so with:

      with such faith that even the stones would move in order to join them and ask God for the issue they desire.


      One day after horseback riding, the Queen felt a severe pain in the abdomen causing her to lie down the rest of the evening. Tradgically, the queen died the following night, 12 February 1689. According to a witness, on her deathbed Marie Louise said farewell to her husband:

      Your Majesty might have other wives, but no one will ever love you as I do.

      When Marie Louise died, Charles was completely heartbroken. At the time, there were rumors saying that she had been poisoned at the behest of the dowager queen, Mariana of Austria, her mother-in-law, because Marie Louise had not given birth to any children. In fact, Mariana and Marie Louise were close and the dowager queen was also devastated at the Queen's death. It seems likely that the real cause of Marie Louise's death was appendicitis. She died at age twenty six, the same age as her mother, Princess Henrietta Anne of England, when she died.


      Shortly after the Queen's death, the Spanish ministers began to look for a second wife for the King. The main candidates were the Italian princess Anne Marie Louise of Tuscany and the German princess Maria Anna of Neuburg. Upon showing the portraits of the women to Charles, the King observed:

      The lady from Tuscany is pretty and the lady from Neuburg seems not to be ugly either.

      But then Charles turned towards a portrait of the deceased Marie Louise and sighing, said:

      This lady was really beautiful.


      Marie Louise de Bourbon-Orléans

      aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie

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      Marie Louise von Orléans, Königin von Spanien (unbekannter Künstler)

      Königin Marie Louise de Bourbon-Orléans Wappen.

      Prinzessin Marie Louise von Orléans (José García Hidalgo, 1679)

      Marie Louise, Prinzessin von Orléans (spanisch: María Luisa de Orléans) (* 27. März 1662 im Palais Royal (Paris); X 12. Februar 1689 in Madrid) war ein Mitglied der französischen Königsfamilie aus dem Haus Bourbon-Orléans. Durch Heirat wurde sie Königin von Spanien.

      Leben [Bearbeiten]

      Marie Louise war die älteste Tochter aus der ersten Ehe von Herzog Philipp I. von Orléans mit Henrietta von England. Sie wurde am 31. August 1679 per procurationem mit dem geistig beschränkten spanischen König Karl II. verheiratet und war daher bis zu ihrem Tode spanische Königin. Ihrem Mann begegnete sie erstmals am 19. November 1679, da sie jedoch kein Spanisch und er kein Französisch sprach, waren beide Eheleute bei ihrer ersten Begegnung auf einen Dolmetscher angewiesen.

      Die Ehe verlief trotz der schwierigen Verhältnisse verhältnismäßig gut. Marie Louise wird eine beinahe mütterliche Zärtlichkeit zu dem ihr geistig weit unterlegenem Karl nachgesagt. Ob die Ehe jemals vollzogen wurde, gilt als fraglich. Heute wird unterstellt, dass Karl II. an Neurasthenie litt. Auf das Hofleben blieb Marie Louise ohne größeren Einfluss. Die Macht wurde von ihrer Schwiegermutter Maria Anna von Österreich (1634X1696) und deren Minister ausgeübt. Marie Louise war außerdem völlig unpolitisch. Sie litt allerdings darunter, dass man die Ursache für die Kinderlosigkeit bei ihr suchte, und täuschte mehrfach eine Schwangerschaft vor. Maria Louise verstarb am 12. Februar 1689. Es wurde immer wieder vermutet, dass sie einem Giftanschlag zum Opfer fiel. Die Historiker sind sich jedoch sicher, dass die Todesursache eine Vergiftung durch Salmonellen nach dem Genuss von Austern war.

      Vorfahren [Bearbeiten]

      Ahnentafel Marie Louise de Bourbon-Orléans


      Antoine de Bourbon, duc de Vendôme



      Johanna III. von Navarra


      Francesco I. deX Medici



      Johanna von Österreich


      Philipp II. von Spanien



      Anna von Österreich


      Karl II. von Österreich



      Maria Anna von Bayern


      Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley



      Maria Stuart


      Friedrich II. von Dänemark und Norwegen



      Sophie von Mecklenburg


      Antoine de Bourbon, duc de Vendôme



      Johanna III. von Navarra


      Francesco I. deX Medici



      Johanna von Österreich



      Heinrich IV. von Frankreich



      Maria deX Medici


      Philipp III. von Spanien



      Margarete von Österreich


      Jakob I. von England



      Anna von Dänemark und Norwegen


      Heinrich IV. von Frankreich



      Maria deX Medici



      Ludwig XIII. von Frankreich (1601X1643)


      Anna von Österreich (1601-1666)

      Karl I. von England (1600X1649)


      Henrietta Maria von Frankreich (1609X1669)


      Philippe I. de Bourbon, duc dXOrléans (1640X1701)


      Henrietta Anne Stuart (1644X1670)

      Marie Louise de Bourbon-Orléans

      Literatur [Bearbeiten]

      * Helga Thoma: Ungeliebte Königin. Ehetragödien an Europas Fürstenhöfen. 1. Auflage. Ueberreuter, Wien 2000, ISBN 3-8000-3783-1 (als Taschenbuch: Serie Piper 3526, München / Zürich 2003, ISBN 3-492-23526-3).


      Maria Anna von Österreich

      Königin von Spanien

      1679X1689 Nachfolgerin

      Maria Anna von der Pfalz

      Commons Commons: Marie Louise d'Orléans X Sammlung von Bildern, Videos und Audiodateien

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